SOTD: Saturday 8 July - Friday 14 July 2023.

Saturday 8th July

Culticura Medicated (Vintage) Shaving Stick & SOC Butterscotch Pure Bristle 24mm
Merkur 37C (pre-2015) & Lord Platinum Class (3)
Novaya Zarya Russian Forest Cologne (as Aftershave)

Man! How great to have the pre-2015 37C back in the fold! Cheers @Danielsan87

Not that there's owt wrong with the current 37C which is a very refined slant and really perfectly engineered. Today's model is phenomenally smooth and very efficient. This older model is highly efficient and restores that slightly more dangerous feel, all in all delivering a phenomenal shave. Folks who hanker after the feel of the older model can get the Razorock German Slant, but in all honesty I think that variant achieves the effect by being that somewhat less perfectly engineered example.

Smashing shave also with the vintage shaving stick and the classy piggy, finished off with a splash of Novaya Zarya which I'm now eeking out as it's nearing the end of the bottle.

Lovely! Gonna do the same again tomorrow but with the Shark Platinum.
Razorock Gamechanger OC.84 :: Treet Platinum blade (1) :: Omega 10066 boar brush :: Stirling Electric Sheep soap and splash

A good shave today: a smooth, close result, almost no irritation. Much better than last time, and I now think that the last GC shave (with an Astra SP) was more of a user error rather than a wrong blade. But ultimately... it still feels that this razor is too aggressive for me.
Have a good one, chaps!

My Shave today consisted of...
Prep Proraso preshave balm
Brush Yaqi Aqua 24mm brush.
Soap Mitchell's Wool Fat.
Razor Titanium Nodachi SB & Massume Cap.
Blade Feather.
Aftershave Balm Nivea post shave balm.
Aftershave invictus.
There's not too much to say this time as it performed as I suspected.
Even though the Massume cap is milder, it's not enough to change the outcome.
Yes it may take an extra stroke of the razor but it still ends up with the same BS glass finish shave.
This plate works great with either cap.
Have a great evening everyone.
SOTD 08-Jul
Razor: Henkotsu Kamisori

At the very least I'm getting a little more confident with the movement over the face with this in hand, for whatever reason this thing instills a little fear where the straights do not lol
I hear you Marc. Never tried one, I'm confident with all my straights but those kamisori carry a frisson of mystique, if I may put it that way. Sweeney Todd meets Last of the Samurai. Maybe it's the fact that it's ground differently on each side? Or maybe cos they look even more badass than straights. But I totally get where you're coming from.

And you know it's sharp when you inadvertently cut off half the first letter of your name LOL!

SOTD: 08/07/2023

Razor: Shield Avenger
Blade: Kai Captain Mild Blue, 6th use
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Unscented Soap
Soap: Nanny’s Silly Soap Moroccan Sands Croap

It’s a rarity that I use a soap more than once in a week or month given the amount I have but I’m going to be using this for a few days as I only think it’s fair given it’s a competition win. I have to say I’m not going to miss my other soaps from the first use! I found the scent amazing, warming and strong, patchouli is a scent I’m normally wary of but this balances perfectly with the musk, wood and Oud mix. I also think though it may work better in the colder half of the year it works just as well in the summer. I’ve already asked about a balm/splash as I like it that much.
It’s a strong scent is also a warning bell for me as no one likes frag burn but it’s a complete non issue! It lasted on my skin for a good few hours after and I throughly enjoyed getting the occasional waft of it.
It’s a soft croap and I really enjoyed the base, it’s incredibly easy to lather and got an incredibly thick, cushioning lather in record time. I found it slick but not too ‘slippy’, it was incredibly thick, more than just yogurty thick, you could have used a ruler to measure how thick it was. I really enjoyed it but will push it further with water tomorrow as I think it will loosen a little and give an even better glide and be even better with a bit more water.
I for one like the post shave smell and feel. It’s doesn’t leave a greasy slick feel and no dryness just a moisturised ‘normal’ skin. No irritation at all was felt, just like normal skin which is actually a welcome change as at times some soaps feel more like moisturisers.
If this was the original base I can see why it’s been so missed! I’m more than happy with it and am resisting ordering the lime until payday!

Absolutely, that was half the allure. I know I could have tried to get hold of a western grind but thought I may as well try traditional. I know you're supposed to shave with the flat side to the face, but I've not quite figured how to contort myself in that manner in certain areas just yet. Seems to work perfectly well switching it over though.

Lol well spotted, hurt like hell!
Sat 8th July

RR 400/ SE Plissoft noir
Ach Brito Mogno
Asylum Injector
Schick Proline ( 3 )


SOTD: 9th July 2023.

Shaving Recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Asda Sea Salt & Fennel Extract Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face & head.
Pears with Mint Extracts Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Frank Shaving 22mm Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Haslinger Aloe Vera Shaving Soap.
Blade: Personna Comfort Coated. (D2)
Razor: Parker 87R.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse./Alum Rub./Cold Water Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel./Brut Attraction Totale ASL./ Aloe Vera Cooling Gel.

A relaxing Sunday morning shave.

The Haslinger Aloe Vera shaving soap provided a superb lather I have two Haslinger soaps Schafmilch Sheep Milk & Aloe Vera the only difference with the Aloe Vera soap is it doesn't contain lanolin and like the Schafmilch Sheep Milk has a very faint clean fragrance when wet.

If you like a shaving soap with a strong fragrance, then you will be disappointed with Haslinger soaps ,as both soaps have a mild unique fragrance which will put some people off using.

My personal opinion though is both soaps are exactly the same in performance, slickness protection & post shave feel which for me is the most important thing in a shaving soap or cream....As always opinions are very subjective. YMMV.

Each and every shave that I've had with the Parker 87R the results have been excellent today was no exception.

A enjoyable 2 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report. Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Aloe Vera Cooling Gel.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe, and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.

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Razor: Reggie's Titan
Blade: Gillette London Bridge (1)
Brush: Highlander Jade Apple 24mm
Soap: NSS Moroccan Sands

First shave with the Titan. I initially thought the .6mm blade gap may be too mild but the razor feels mildly blade positive in terms of exposure. Reminds me of the Carbon. It took down 48 hours of growth and delivered what I needed in 2 passes. The handle has a nice touch at the bottom - an 'R' for Reggie. Nice bit of machining work. The handle wasn't as slippery as I thought it was going to be. There were a couple of moments where I thought I could feel it moving between my fingers but no additional pressure was required to hold it correctly.

I love my new Highlander brush. This knot is one of the OG Oumos from 2019. I stuck it in a very ugly brush handle. It now sits in a beautiful one and performs better than I remember. Thanks @gile