SOTD: Saturday 8 - Friday 14 October 2022.

Soap – Murphy & McNeill Pisgah ( sample)
Brush – Omega Evo 2.0
Razor – Goodfellas Styletto
Blade – Gillette Platinum ( blue ) (3)
A/S – Blue Stratos
Balm – Lea 3in1

This is the third of three M&M soap samples and they’ve been excellent. The scent on this one isn’t unpleasant but it’s my least preferred of the three.
I’m really liking this razor. Efficient and very comfortable, it’s a joy to use and hits all the right notes.
Used up the last of the Blue Stratos to round off another great shave.

Enjoy your day everyone !
This afternoon's shave comes complete with the theme, 'George and Janice''

George the razor - Yaqi Excalibur
Janice the blade - Kai Titan mild
George the brush - Zenith dark synthetic
Janice the soap - Penhaligon's Bayolea
George the moisturiser - Simple
Janice the scent - C&S No.88
'George and Janice? What the bloody hell next?'

Another great day out for the Excalibur with a second run for the Titan. Shaved to perfection without any collateral and simply a smooth superlative finish. Happy? Indeed I am. And I have stopped shitting in next door's garden.

And who would have guessed Otoboke beaver would have a song called 'George and Janice'


It’s been a while since I’ve used my Stirling soap but they never fail to disappoint, the new Yaqi and 3-D bowl whipped up the thickest lather I’ve ever had from it. Other than changing bowls I’ve not really changed my lather technique, perhaps adding a little more soap than I normally do but not much. Regardless of what changes I’ve made, I’m much happier with this bowl and when I get of my arse the Captain’s Choice will be listed on the BST. The Masamune was a dream as always, I better decide which body organ I need to sell for when the SE is finally unveiled!
Monday 10th October

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Mitchell's Mighty Wool Fat Shaving Bowl & DSC Professional w/Synbad Synthetic 26mm
Ever-Ready 1912 (1919) Brass & GEM by Personna (1)
Pashana Original Aftershave

Probably my favourite kit, and it's not even my birthday! Give me a 1912 to scrape off a lathering with Mitchell's and give me a splash of the Pash for afters and I'm a very happy fellow.

Whenever I settle on shaving with a 1912, for some reason I always gravitate towards the British ones from the 1940s or the early Damaskeene and the other side of my collection never gets a look in. Redressing that, I decided upon a week of 1912s that I rarely pick: the 1919 design which was produced through the 1920s, tonight the brass and tomorrow the nickel plate; then, I'll move onto the 1930 design which clipped the corners of the comb, again brass and then nickel. For the end of the week, I have something special ... but you'll have to wait until then for the reveal. The weekend will be sewn up with a couple of Star brand, one from the 1920s and one from the 1930s.

Great to be back on the 1912s ...