Last go with the Tubster before I send him onto the next in line:

Fatboy n' Feather

Used the Fatboy on 4,4 & 3 and it was the worst of the shaves I've had with it so far. I put this largely down to the Feather blade which I know I don't get on with but as this is a much discussed combination, I thought I'd have a go. Not nearly as close as I'd like and sore with a weeper under my chin however, the near-magical properties of Real Shaving Co.'s excellent post shave balm seem to have pacified the worst of the damage.

All-in-all, I liked the Fatboy but would need more time to get things down, so to speak. Would I buy one? Not sure as they don't come cheap and I'm not convinced it would be able to do any better a job than the razors I have.

Sounds like the Fatboy didn't take you away. Maybe dial it down one setting and try the Feather again and if that doesn't work then the heck with it. Yep, looks like you mighta dodged a monkey here.

It has been a while since I posted here what with moving house etc.
Anyhow, on with the post..

Prep: Luke warm wash with dove soap.
Soap: Shaver heaven Vetiver .
Brush: The Grooming Co synthetic badger.
Razor: 1966 L2 Gillette adjustable #5.
Blade: Kai #1.
Post: Malizia Uomo Vetyver.

Near the beginning of my wet shaving journey, I was given a few KAI blades from a very kind forum member, having read they were sharp enough to shave the hair off a gnats nether regions, they kind of intimidated me for a while. Today however, I decided to use them in my trusty adjustable set on 5. At first pass the blade felt harsh but cleaned quite a bit growth. The second and third passes were a lot smoother resulting in a very close smooth shave with no cuts or irritation. I am really enjoying the shaver heaven soaps, the synthetic seems to like it.
Sorry about the lack of photos but we are still in the unpacking stage.
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