Cambridgeshire, UK
SOTD - Saturday
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: Catie's Bubbles "Barnegat Bay"
Brush: Orchid Isles Curly Koa handle, Shavemac 23mm D01 Silvertip
Razor: Mongoose Satin w/Dr. Bomber handle
Blade: Feather Pro (1)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by Krampert's Bay Rum
I've had this CB-BB sample for months and finally got a chance to use it. Very nice!

Lebelle soaps - Spice bombardier / Omega Pro 49 / Merkur 34C HD / Feather / Extro Pirata
Hot shower
Unknown vintage soap,probably Culmak
Unknown skuttle (probably Culmak)
Erasmic brush
Ronson self sharpening razor
Modified Gillette Rubie

Well,as the soap and skuttle came as I was about to jump in the shower,I decided to use them.If I am honest,at first,it smelled like baby sick,that horrible,sour milk,and vomit smell,that only babies produce,but,It lathered like a good'un,so, I let it steam away in the skuttle, whilst I was in the shower,along with the Erasmic brush...
When It came to the actual shave,the smell had subsided some what,so I went for it!.It made a really nice lather,no problems there,and it went on well too.
This was my first shave with the Ronson,so with a bit of trepidation,I got to work.As big as the head is,it is actually fairly well balanced,and really well thought out too.To clean it thoroughly, you just unscrew the handle,and it all comes apart,for a quick clean,just rinse it under the tap from the roller side,its all hollow,so cleans out really well.It is also really well balanced too!.
The shave was awesome!,2 pass,touch up,BBS,style!.I couldn't believe what a performer this is TBH. No weeper's,no irritation,I didn't even both with my usual cold water splash,or AS,it was that good...
All in all,apart from all the messing around cutting a DE blade to fit,and then getting it to stay in the right position whilst you tighten the screw,this is a really good razor!.And due to the head being hollow,the audible feedback is really something else!,you can hear it cutting loud and clear,until there is nothing left to cut!,right down to the skin!.LOVE IT!.
Weekend Menthol shave:
Arko stick - grated
Virginia Sheng purtech
Bowl lathered & Mentholated
GEM Open Comb Micromatic
GEM S/S #1
Alum Rub
Alcolado Glacial
Neutrogena Comfort Balm

1st use of the OCMM and risked a new blade. I hadn't noticed I had a spot on my cheek but the razor found it no problem. Didn't feel a thing! A dab of styptic sorted it. A 2 pass W & ATG gave a great smooth shave, adequately protected by the Arko and cooled by the Menthol in both the Arko and the Alcolado.
Lovely razor, which needs respect. Pleased I got one.
Sat 7th Nov.
Omega 11126 Boar
OSP Bay Rum Scent
Ever Ready 1924 with S/S Handle
Gem S/S [ 3 ]
Alum Rub/La Toja A/S.

The 1924 is a good shaver , for me its performance is enhanced by the addition of this heavier handle. Again achieved a nice close trouble free shave. Will be interested to assess blade longevity.

Pre - Hot shower
Soap - Razorock classic/Proraso shaving cream for sensitive skin
Brush - Semogue 610
Razor- Muhle r89
Blade - Shark super stainless
Post shave - Lucky tiger menthol vanishing cream

Well, my third attempt at this de shaving malarkey and my goodness, whether its third times the charm or what but that was painless and almost effortless. Testing my newly aquired Semogue brush as found the omega 49 a bit too big. Struggled to get a lather with the Razorock and when i finally did, 2 strokes in and it felt like it was tearing more than slicing so washed it all off and got the Proraso out (luckily only had a sample of the razorock so in the bin it went lol. Won't say its a bad soap but just doesn't work for me. Re-lather with the proraso and i had one of those eureka moments where things felt like they were starting to click into place. Wasn't even convinced i had actually cut through anything after the first pass but a quick rinse of water proved me wrong, this thing just glided across my face, it was awesome. Re-lathered and a second pass across the grain (face isnt tough enough for against the grain). Rinse, cold water and apply some Lucky tiger menthol and i can honestly say i have just had the smoothest shave of my life. No nicks or razorburn, now hurry up and grow so i can have another try to make sure it wasn't a fluke, lol.
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