SOTD Saturday 5th March to Friday 11th March 2016

JMP Medallon Taurino
Dr. Ganix
Horween strop

SOTD 6/3/16

Hot towel, Phoenix & Beau Citra Royale, Body Shop Synthetic, Mongoose B3 Satin, Feather Pro (3), Cold Towel

It's true, I've found shaving nirvana with Phoenix & Beau and a Mongoose. A simple shave is a sublime shave. Hot towel prep, the incredible protection glide and post shave finish from Phoenix & Beau and the efficiency of the Mongoose and Feather. A man needs no more. Gentlemen, I urge you to try this combination.

Sunday AM 2016-03-06

Georgetown Pottery G5 scuttle
Shavemac Americana 2-Band Silvertip (24mm/50mm)
Natural Blendings White Ginger shaving cream
Feather AS-D2/Triad Satin Aristocrat
Wilkinson Falcon (2)
Acqua di Genova 1853 aftershave
Sunday 6 March 2016


Mastro Livi Grifetto in Mother of Pearl Scales

One more impeccable shave with my new Mastro Livi Grifetto. I absolutely love this one having elegant and stunning mother of pearl scales, it is a joy to see and to shave with. The day Mastro Livi made this Grifetto for me, he allowed me filming the making process and I am very glad to treasure this new video in my memories of the straight razors he made for me. As usual, I wanted to share this video with all the fellow wet shavers in order to let you all see, one more time, Mastro Livi at work and showing his art and craftsmanship.​

  • Pre-Shave: RazorGuy Pre-Shave Oil
  • Soap: Palmolive Shaving Cream
  • Brush: Omega Bristle Brush 10275
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Travel Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Grifetto Mother of Pearl, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Alum Block
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum
SOTD 6/3/16

Hot towel, Phoenix & Beau Citra Royale, Body Shop Synthetic, Mongoose B3 Satin, Feather Pro (3), Cold Towel

It's true, I've found shaving nirvana with Phoenix & Beau and a Mongoose. A simple shave is a sublime shave. Hot towel prep, the incredible protection glide and post shave finish from Phoenix & Beau and the efficiency of the Mongoose and Feather. A man needs no more. Gentlemen, I urge you to try this combination.

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I'm deffo up for trying the P&B soap; as for the 'goose, meh, nothing special in my eyes, yeah nice shave but nothing I can't get with a Schick E, or PAL Injectomatic.... Nice and all that though :)
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