SOTD Saturday 5th March to Friday 11th March 2016

Kanayama Cordovan 50000 || Hoshi Tombo 6000 || BSB-2
I Coloniali || Fine - "Snake Bite"

Sun 6th March
Omega 11126
Vitos Red soap
Schick J3 golden 500
Schick - Chinese [ 1 ]
Myrsol Antesol A/S

Though an acknowledged mild razor , the use of a " chick " blade allows it to provide not only a smooth shave , but an efficient one too. With very little need for extra polishing passes , I got a really close finish and even dispensed with my usual Alum rub.


Prep: Quick wash
Bowl: Dark Oak from ES (and elsewhere)
Brush: Omega Hi-Brush synthetic
Cream: TOBS Natural
Razor: Braveheart head on an R89 handle
Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock SharpEdge yellow
Post: Cold water splash

Super-easy BBS two pass. Did an ATG just for fun(?) but there was nothing left to cut :) Didn't really need the whole of the second pass either. Braveheart head is plenty aggressive, which is nice, but those yellows don't really suit it cuz they're not really smooth enough. Not tried the TOBS before, also a brand new brush, so a bit of experimentation to get a good lather as the brush was soaking everything up (despite being soaked beforehand) and the TOBS needed more water than I was expecting (but again that could be the brush drinking it all). Not tried a brush with such a large knot and loft before, so places got lathered that I didn't even know I had places :D Overall, a fabulous experience and end-result. Never knew that shaving could be so enjoyable :)
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