SOTD Saturday 5th March to Friday 11th March 2016


Three Pass Shaving Routine...:cool:

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Bunny V 2 Injector
NOS Personna Twin Blade x 2
Mason Pearson Pure Badger
Monsavon Bol Tallow Soap
Thayer's Witch Hazel

I had Yet Another Most "Exquisite Shave "with My Bunny V 2 Injector Twin Blade Combo Today..Three Dolphin Smooth BBS Jobs in 3 days in a row without a Hint of any Irritation..I used the MILD Comb Today..I have 10 shaves on one of these NOS Personna Twins in my Schick Adjustable & its still goin strong..To me a Razor is like a Firearm ..You Fire the Weapon until it becomes an Extension of Yourself ..Its not the Weapon or the Razor that has to be Mastered ..Like All Good Gung Fu..One has to Master Thyself..;)

Good Karma..:p

Prep - Woods Of Windsor Cedar Woods soap / Pre-lather / 3 min steam
Razor - Gillette Fatboy @ 9
Blade - Perma Sharp Super (#1)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Soap Commander Love True Rose
After - Frozen towel / Brut Original A/S
Result - Dolphin Smooth

Really didn't think this would go well at all today. Been quite ill since the weekend, so six days growth and I'm probably not even 50% yet - had to get it off my face though, hate having stubble now.
Shaky start which left me with a weeper at the side of my lip but I'd expected more. First time with Soap Commander but it's got what I'm looking for as well as a heavenly scent, more akin to wild roses. I'm immediately taken to a favourite summer fishing spot.
Well pleased with the result. Now I think I'll go back to bed.
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