SOTD Saturday 5th March to Friday 11th March 2016

Pre: Face wash/hot towel
Soap: Arko stick (remoulded)
Brush: PantaRei synth
Razor: Parker 99R
Blade: Sputnik
Post: Witch Hazel/Fine American Blend

First time using Arko. So much silky lather and not put off by the scent like some people are!
Managed to nick myself once more with the Parker; it happens nearly every time. Quite heavy and quite aggressive.
Still adore this brush!!!
Kanayama Cordovan 50000 || Hoshi Tombo 8000 || Simpson Duke 3
Phoenix & Beau - "Solaris" || Fine - "L'Orange Noir"

Was yesterday's shave but I forgot to post it...
Well..Its not right that's for sure..That said the blade looks seated in the stops..Someones obviously tampered with it at some point..Probably to get a blade out..The neck looks bent as well..You can sometimes get away with a slightly loose head..As long as you feel it is shaving well..

Saturday 5
Heno de Pravia Pre-wash
Virginia Sheng Purtech
Phoenix and Beau - Citra Royale soap
Ever Ready Natural Angle
GEM Stainless Coated #1
Alum - Duru Lemon Cologne - Neutrogena Comfort Balm

I love citrus soaps so the Citra Royale soap was an obvious choice as my 1st Phoenix and Beau soap. The scent is sublime with a cross section of citrus scents, predominately lime. The cedar wood comes through when the citrus top notes start to fade. The soap is so easy to lather and has 1st rate performance with amazing slickness. It would make a great summer soap.
The Duru cologne complimented the shave perfectly.

Three Pass Shaving Routine...

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Gold Dollar 208
Hans Baier Silver Tip Badger
RazoRock Chicago Tallow Soap
Thayers Original Witch Hazel

I got this Shave Ready Gold Dollar 208 a couple of weeks ago..I had my First Shave with it Today..I ended up with a Mixed BBS/DFS Result..Its the first time that I have used a Stainless Steel Blade Straight..It sure feels different to my Swedish Made Carbon Steel straights..The blade in the Gold Dollar is very rigid compared to my Carbon Steel Straights & I found it far more Forgiving..I like it a Lot..More than I can say for this Crappy & Cruddy RazoRock so called Tallow Soap.. Its a Pure Numpties Soap..

Soap: Tabac stick
Brush: Simpsons Special
Razor: Muhle R41, templ8 handle
Blade: Gillette Rubie (1)
Post: Alum, witch hazel
A/S: Jovan Musk
Balm: Dove
Scent: C&S No 88
SOTD - Saturday afternoon
Pre: Hot towels & Village Barber oil
Soap: Bufflehead "Inglenook"
Brush: Geoff Anderson Shavemac 26mm 2-band
Razor 1: J.A. Henckels "415" (Father's razor)
Razor 2: Wolfman WR1-OC w/WRH2 handle
Blade: PolSilver SI (1)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel followed by Antica Barbieria Colla (ABC) "Tabacco Verde" balm
Very relaxing shave this afternoon. Dear-old-dad's razor scraped the stubble off in a very efficient manner.
Finished up with the Wolfman for a silky smooth BBS.
Saturday AM 2016-03-05

Moss Anniversary Slate scuttle
Rooney 1/1 Finest (22mm/46mm)
Mitchell's Wool Fat shaving soap
Delta Echo 'Stealth' Feather AS-D2/Triad Highland Green Aristocrat
Wilkinson Falcon (1)
Love My Skin Almond aftershave
5th March 2016

Bulldog Face Wash
RazoRock P.160 Professional
Macy Associates No.4 w/Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Face Lathered
Landaw & Wilkinson II (11)
One Pass - WTG

Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Witch Hazel Toner
Brut Musk Aftershave
Nemat Shahi Darbar Attar (Wrists)
Pinaud Eau De Quinine Hair Tonic​