SOTD : Saturday 5th February-Friday 11th February 2022.

Brush: PAA Switchback Oumo Silk HMW
Soap: LEA Classic Cream
Razor: Blackland Sabre L2
Blade: GEM PTFE (8)
Post: LEA Aftershave

It's been a long time since I've used anything softer than a hard soap or croap, so there was a slight mishap on loading. Went on complete autopilot meaning that I probably had enough on there for an all over body shave twice over (not my bag just too be clear). Despite that, with a gentle touch, managed to get a bloomin good lather. The added menthol to the cream was a nice surprise, I'd forgotten it was in there.

The paired Aftershave was also a nice surprise. As with the MWF and Barts the other day I forget that you don't need to spend a fortune to get an excellent shave (I'm skipping over the sabre at this point obviously).

Smooth and refreshed ready for the day ahead.

Hope everyone has a great kick off to the week!


Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap
Soap: Tabac
Brush: 24mm Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo
Razor: Souplex head on pal handle, finished up with Merkur 34C HD
Blade: Supermax Blue Diamond Titanium (1)
Post: Tabac ASL, RSC Balm,

A really strange shave today - or non-shave to be more precise! I received this razor from @Scorpio93 recently, and to be be honest I was concerned about the difference in aggressiveness between the two sides, along with excited to try another British razor. Well the milder side had literally no pickup with a Supermax, and the more exposed side cut - just - but left so much in its wake.
I pulled the Merkur back out to tidy up, and I will put a more aggressive blade through the Souplex to see if there's a salvageable shave with a Feather or similar, or if anyone has advice how to make it sing I'm all ears. Tabac, of course, was lovely.
The shave themed 'Thematically shaved'


There is a theme? - Razorock Hawk V3
What theme? - Schick Proline
Theme theme theme? - Razorock 400
Thematically themed? - Murdock's cream
Get off this page - TOBS Eton

@Paul L is so right (and many others). The Hawk is a true God of a razor. Another sublime finish from this baby and a wonderfully smooth shave amazingly from a blade on its last legs.

Thank you my friend Mr Schick. You are now confined to the bin but a damn good show, damn good show.

So a nice start to the week and a week of a medical refresher course. Four days of bandages, stitching and learning how to use corners of toilet paper sheets to their best effect. All useful for shaving.

Have a wonderful week ahead you lovely people

You light my fire. And so do these ladies from Otoboke. It can only be one band......

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Sincere Condolences
All the best to you for the future

Very sorry for your loss.

My condolences to you and yours.

My condolences

Sincere Condolences..

Sorry for your loss.

My condolences, @Sicsemty .

My most sincere condolences and thoughts to you.

We had a family loss recently and understand how you must be feeling

Take care and be as well as you can
Thank you all for your support.
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