SOTD: Saturday 5 - Friday 11 November 2022.

SOTD 05-Nov

Brush: Captain Manchurian
Soap: Cerberus
Razor: Blackland Tradere
Blade: 7 O'Clock SP (1)
Post: Cerberus AS

Decided to throw this one back into the mix, it's actually decent for this time of year. A darker almost warm scent for the miserable day outside. Decent two pass for a very smooth finish.

Now time to make pizza's with the little one, wish me luck, I can see flour and semolina coating the kitchen before we've even started!

Hope everyone has a grand day!


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Karve Overlander alu on Karve Bradley alu handle, Semogue OC Mistura, Extro Legno Di Sandalo soap & splash. Cheers all - I.

Big hugs to the lovely folks @Paul L shaving for reaching out and sponsoring this shave.

You are kidding me? - I only posted it yesterday afternoon?

Did you find the soap initially made a frothy proto-lather until properly worked with a few drops of water?
Is the scent to your liking Iain ?
5 November

Wickham 1912 Cashmere
Cadman M55 Tuxedo
ES Claymore Evolution
Feather Professional
Signature Soaps Hibernia splash

A superb shave to start the weekend. A lightly scented lather from the Cashmere soap using the extremely capable Cadman brush. The Claymore did the job in two easy passes, leaving the skin smooth for the excellent Hibernia splash.

SOTD: 05/11/2022

Razor: Executive Shaving Claymore Evolution
Blade: Feather Pro, 0th use
Brush: Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: Proraso Pre-Shave Cream Sensitive Cream
Soap: Stirling Ozark Mountain Puck
Aftershave: Stirling Christmas Eve EDT
Balm: Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

A lovely Saturday shave with a well underused soap and splash. I do love my Claymore it really is an autopilot razor, effortless and smooth. However I’m not sure if I need a little more efficiency, or if I’m being picky, as I’m beginning to think it’s not quite right for me, this or I’m still not over the brilliant Shield’s debut!
Saturday 5th November

Soap • Razorock Santal Royale
Brush • Simpson Trafalgar T3
Razor • Timeless 0.68 SS Scalloped
Blade • Treet Classic (1)
Post • Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla A/S

It's been years since I last used a Treet Blade (carbon type that would oxidise overnight)
These Treet Classic blades were kindly gifted to me by the venerable @Digimonkey . They're a nice blade with a keen, yet smooth edge.

Remember to keep your furry family members inside tonight.

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Saturday 5 November
I love the elegant Art Deco style of the original Schick magazine repeating razors from a hundred years ago. Mine is a Type C1, (termed Simplified Automatic Razor) which was more or less the last evolution of this particular design although it lead to a massive market for Schick and other injection razors during the ensuing years. The mechanism of these razors is relatively complex and was a pretty big leap from lather catchers that preceded it and radically different from the relatively simple Gillette razors of the day.
There is a very tactile feeling to operating the mechanism, loading the blades in the cart and then injecting a blade into the head piece. I’m amazed that there seem to be so many still surviving today that are still delivering a great shave.
Which brings me to the shave, thanks for reminding me!
Bay Rum from Glasgow Soap Co. Vintage brush, synthetic re knot and excellent soft creamy lather with a warm Bay Rum tangy scent.
Blade is Schick, natch: Result perfectly acceptable after two main passes and fair bit of clean up. I still struggle around my jaw line as it’s quite a sharp feature and makes getting a blade along/across without a trip to A&E a bit of a slow performance. This is irrespective of which razor I use. Keeps me on my toes though.

Have a great weekend fellas, hope the rain keeps off if you are celebrating this evening.


Pre - Palmolive Sea Minerals
Brush - Yaqi 20mm
Soap - Cella Bio
Razor - Lord L6
Blade - Supermax Blue Diamond (5)
Post - Witch Hazel
AS - Denim Original

Another very nice shave with the Supermax blade in the Lord L6. It might be one of the cheapest new razors on the market, and it's a touch more efficient than the DE89 head but with the right blade it produces some very enjoyable shaves.

Have a good weekend gents.
Saturday 5th November

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Cussons Imperial Leather (Vintage) Shaving Bowl & Vie-Long American Style w/Haryali Synthetic 22mm
Gillette Milady Old Type (1915) Brass & Rapira Platinum Lux (3)
Cussons Imperial Leather (Vintage) Aftershave

It has been a number of years since I last shaved with the Rapira Platinum Lux, for which I have the simple note "three perfect shaves ... again" and today can add to that with "... and again". Very enjoyable. To me, the blade is much like the Treet Platinum being immediately smooth from the off and while not the sharpest out there, certainly sufficiently sharp ... and all that stays for the three shaves (four with the Treet). Very much my kind of blade and happy to leave it as a 9.5/10 in my notes.

I used it in three quite different razors - the Merkur 37C slant, for which I think it is a perfect match, the Merkur 15C and a proper vintage Gillette Old Type. All very enjoyable.
Why hello new week of SOTD's. And I say hello with the thematic shave, 'A Bonfire special'

Guy Fawkes - Stainless Mongoose
Guy Fauckes - Feather Super Professional
Guy Fuchs - Zenith dark synthetic
Guy Forks - Floris Elite
Guy...and yes, he probably does - Collegen '彼?彼は日本のガールズ・ミュージックについてジャック・シットを知っています。彼はピエロの靴を履いています。'

A potter free shave free of dispelling myths and complete with both vowels and consonants. A real winner. It also contains some Japanese syllabaries as a special treat.

More importantly though a tremendous showing from all the little bits which go together in the name of a shave. Then again they are all tried and trusted little bits so I wouldn't expect lesser. And of course, a rather splendid smooth finish which does naff all to change my gross ugliness, but at least I am a very nicely shaven ugly fucker. Or on this particular evening, an ugly Fawker.

Have safe and pleasant evenings you shavateers and wish you all a happy Bonfire night.

Have some of The Beaver