SOTD : Saturday 30th January to Friday 05nd February 2021.

Shavemac Snowman 2 Band
Gillette Slim Adjustable (4,4,2)
Łódź Polsilver (2)
OSP Sandalwood
Humphrey's witch hazel
Proraso Red a/s lotion.

Faultless. Really close and comfortable. Looking forward to the arrival of my backup order of OSP's fantastic Sandalwood soap and splash this week. Enjoy yours and stay safe.

Didn't take you long to realise a great razor and get your hands on one
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Fine cutlery ye Streamline, Iain.
Monday evening

OSP Fougere
PAA Atomic Rocket 26mm synth
Face lather
Gillette Flat Bed Tech (England, 1948)
Gillette London Bridge (3)
Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Pitralon Classic after shave

Faultless shave tonight. Possibly psychological, but it seems to me that the Gillette hardware seem to complement each other. Blade and razor in perfect harmony.

Monday 1st February

Embarking upon a month of fegan shaving soap in reflection of Veganuary, ironically breaking in a new boar which I'll be using exclusively for a month. I know that is a contradiction, but they do make for best of reflections. I'll also be using just Indian sub-continent blades (so, SuperMax, Vidyut, Lancet, Treet, etc ... but not Indian made Gillettes) and sticking to my Muhle Rocca predominantly, although may also work in the RazoRock German Slant and baseline these blades with my trusty 1950s Gillette Tech.

Onwards ...

French Pink Clay & Charcoal Soap
Wickham's 1912 South Sea Spray
Semogue SOC Butterscotch Boar
Muhle Rocca R95
Vidyut Super Platinum (1)
Pashana Original

Nice shave, that!

I have to confess that it is actually a bit of a mystery shave as I don't know specifically which blade it is as I was kindly sent it by @donnie_arko as a single without tuck.

Is it this one, or this one?

... or even this one, which I have used recently and really enjoyed. It certainly felt like this one, but I have these and the inner sleeves are not the same:

It's Vidyut branded, so I think the first although googling that reveals simply "Platinum" on the blade and not "Super Platinum".

Either way, I enjoyed it! Sharp and smooth, single pass capable to my satisfaction. What's not to like? Let's see how the regrowth feels and whether I fall foul of my usual irritation after platinum blades.


I've found it! It's this one ...

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Prep: Shower, Palmolive Olive Oil Soap,
Soap: MWF
Brush: Omega 49
Razor: Gillette Fat Boy from Pass Around (2 passes - 4 then 5)
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock Green (1)
Post: Alum, Witch Hazel, Nivea Balm

As predicted a two pass 4 into 5 worked well for me, and the MWF soap was lovely as usual. The brush? Maybe I'm going soft but it just feels really rough after the Yaqi and even my TSF kit one. Anyway, nice, smooth evening shave to see me through the day tomorrow
Brush-Razorock 400
Soap-Boellis Panama*
Blade-SS X
Razor-Yates 921m with hybrid plate*
AS-Witch Hazel

*This must be the best wrapped soap in the business with string thrown in for good measure. The strong almond smell gave me horrific memories of eating slabs of Battenberg cake at a great aunts years ago. I had hopes at a future will reading so forced the stuff down to stay in the old girls good books! Nice effective lather but nothing remarkable unless you're an almond lover?

*This arrived a few days ago and armed with the hybrid plate performed very well with the SS X blade. I only shave every four or five days so am more of a mower than a shaver but it coped well. The plate is supposed to be mild but I'd put it a bit fiercer than that. Slender handle might not suit some.
Yes, that particular blade was one I sent you. I find the almost endless variations of the platinum versions of Supermax/Zorrik/Vidyut to be perplexing in trying to distinguish which one is which!

I have a theory ...

SuperMax Super Platinum in the white box with three blue lines (now discontinued) = Vidyut Super Platinum "With new robotised technology ..."
SuperMax Platinum Plus in the white/blue box (also discontinued) = Vidyut Platinum Plus (again) "With new robotised technology ..."

The blade clearly says "Super Platinum" so it'll be that Vidyut (from rajh_global?)

My theory stretches further ...

Those Super Platinum are also under the Zorrik brand "With new sputtered blade technology ..." ... and the old SuperMax Blue Diamond Titanium (yet another discontinued) = SuperMax or Zorrik Titanium "Feel the power of Titanium ..." (also listed as Swedish Steel, as per the old Blue Diamonds).

I'm going to have to run through the rest of the SuperMax family that you sent me and the other tucks that I have while it's all fresh in my mind.

Looking at the SuperMax global brand page, they're down to two blades: the (new) SuperMax Blue Diamond Platinum and the green pack SuperMax Super Stainless. The rest of the branding is for the Indian market - that's the newer style SuperMax, Vidyut & Zorrik, by which I mean brightly coloured packaging with some form of quotation like "Feel the power ..." or "With new whizzy technology ...".

Either way, I enjoyed a first run with the Vidyut Super Platinum and it certainly put me in mind of the (discontinued) SuperMax Super Platinum that I bought a good stash of and within the last couple of weeks tried out and enjoyed a lot.
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