SOTD : Saturday 28st August to Friday 03th September 2021

Brush-Razorock 400
Blade-Gillette Black
Razor-Feather AS-D2*
AS-Barts Balm Test Sample 2**
AAS-Tea Tree (Dilute)

*I don’t use this razor often enough and it always performs well with any blade I put in it.
**I’m working my way through Barts samples but can’t identify the ingredients of this one.

Belated birthday wishes.

I fancied a quickie shower shave after my walk today, and as usual all of these tried and tested goodies, came up trumps. Solid shave, with BBS results. Can’t say fairer than that!

Razor: Rockwell 6S (R4)
Blade: Kai (2)
Soap: LEA Shavestick
Brush: Yaqi Purple Haze
Pre-shave: Shower
Post-shave: LEA Balm
Bowl: Face lather
And for today:

Gillette Aristocrat #22
BiC Chrome Platinum/Rapira Swede
Whipped Dog Butterscotch 30mm 2-band
GFT Coconut Soap (NOS)
Taylor’s Tobacco Leaf AS
Comfrey Ointment

There are two blades listed above for a reason. MATRON! Please take the BiCs away - they are very naughty indeed.

Hmph! More than a tad rough with their sharpness but all’s mostly well after swapping out for a Rappy-Roo.

The healing aftershave and smidgen of comfrey oil which one uses for one’s southernmost, ineffective appendages is, as many of you will know, rich in allantoin, that soothing wonder. I’m not sure it will be able to regenerate my entire top lip but Matron says I must have patience, whatever that is.

All aboard!

PS I’m not allowed out to play tomorrow so I’ll see you all for more shave related tomfoolery on the day of Wednes.
Happy Belated Birthday Greetings to you
Pre = Fitjar Islands Charcoal Bar
Razor = Blackland Dart
Blade = Gillette 7 O’clock Sharpedge ( Yellow )
Brush = Turn N Shave 28mm Boar Shoat Knot
Soap = A&E Solcal Hipster with matching splash
Balm = Australian Bodycare Tea Tree Oil

Decent enough shave today however the Dury’s still out on this razor.
i don’t think iv ever used it and not cut myself.
Don’t get me wrong i know it’s probably my fault however i don’t know if iv got the patience to keep persevering.
It might be up on the BST come November time.
Anyway i’m definitely loving this Brush,
i reckon 2-3 shaves and it will be fully broken in.
Stay Safe boys
Onwards & Upwards
Shaving antics brought to you by the theme 'Insert your theme here...................'

.................. - Stainless Mongoose
.................. - Kai Titan mild
.................. - Yaqi Dandelion
.................. - Abbate y Mantia Matteo
.................. - Abbate y Mantia Krokos splash

In a fit of sheer idleness I have decided that you in this lovely little community can name my theme this evening. Choose whatever you want. 'Chris you're a daft sod', 'Pack this garbage in you boring old bastard' or anything deemed worthy, or not worthy of course.

A few pointers

A great razor and superbly matched blade
A darling little brush and duly named by the Welsh
A soap which does not have the scent of bleach. @Boycie83 you ignorant swine
Brilliant finish
Happy bunnies
And now I have just finished tugging a Helmut it is time for bed
And to end this shave it just has to be those ladies from over in Japan, and, Band Maid it is