SOTD : Saturday 17th April to Friday 23rd April 2021.

Great C, It was this, or Red Dwarf.
Chose this:

The Fat
RazoRock Plissoft 24mm synth
Face lather
Ever Ready 1912 ‘Bathroom Set’
Gem SS PTFE #buggered-if-I-know-but-it’s-still-got-life-in-it
Thayer’s Rose Petal and Aloe Vera
Bart’s Ben Cruachan after shave lotion

Effortless and comfortable today. I think it was Mike @mpf9ret who pointed out that these ERs were made with the current Gem blades in mind; so no blade chatter etc.

I got the Bart’s lotion thinking it was a splash; but, as some of you know, it’s essentially argan and coconut oils; with extract (in this instance, lime). Very good it is, too. Skin feels nourished.

Final shave with the Pass-around Carbon CX Std Plate
Pre: Pears Transparent Original Cold water Face wash
Brush: Semogue Torga C5 Boar
Soap: OSP No. 08
Razor: Carbon CX-316 Std Plate
Blade: Personna Med Prep (4)
Post shave: Cold water rinse, TC's Infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Barts Balm Amber and Moroccan Jasmine Balm & Lotion
Aftershave: OSP No. 08

Another really enjoyable shave today with the pass-around Carbon CX-316L.
Today for its final outing i went back to where i started with the Personna Med Prep and the Std plate, i achieved a better result than the 1st run out at the start of the week from the 3 passes, although again i think this plate needs more attention to detail, i found i was "buffing" during the shave on the heavier areas.
A very slick, nicely scented face lather to start things off then 3 full passes for a comfortable BBS finish.
The post shave rounding off a very enjoyable week.
Would i have one in the stable? Most definitely, however, not just yet, maybe if one came up on BST.
The razor is a fine piece of kit and i believe of the 3 plates i tried all were very usable, whichever is chosen for your beard type i think after getting to know it the shave will be as good as any you could get.
So then, My favourite
In 3rd - The ++ plate, a very usable plate but i found i got no benefit from the wider blade Gap.
In 2nd - The Std Plate, the most blade feel from all 3 although not overly noticeable, i think the smallest blade gap of the 3 just requires a bit more work and attention to detail
And the winner is :-
Well you have already guessed - The + plate, for me the easiest to get results quickly, pleasant to use during the shave giving me plenty of feedback. With a bit of practice and following beard mapping i think i could get my passes down to 1 with some buffing.
What a great week of shaves.

Stay safe and enjoy your day All

Is it the Standard V3 plate?
The A plate livens it up a bit, which I find better when using guarded blades especially