SOTD: Saturday 17 September - Friday 23 September

Hello there peeps. For the first entry for this week my shave is themed, 'La Guillotine and other methods of executing hamsters'

Vive la razor - Rocnel SE-P
Vive la half a blade (and a bit less) - 0.4693326% Dorco Prime
Vive la daft as a brush - Cadman 24mm Tuxedo
Vive la savon de France - MDC Fougere
Vive la peau douce - Collagen
Vive la revolting man - Me
'I only bought a bloody razor from a Mr T Chin and look at me now?'

In search of the elusive Rocnel AC SE I somehow bought this evil creation from @Tony'schin and I think it was sold in the hope that I would shave once, suffer multiple deep lacerations in the process, grow some facial hair and sod off from TSR taking my Japanese girlies with me. I'm still here, still shaving and still indoctrinating you all with the charms of Japanese thrash chicks. Minus a beard.

In 1799 on the 9th November the French revolution came to an end and having no further need to behead fellow countrymen, women and the odd horse apparently, Joseph-Ignace Guillotin found himself no longer receiving royalty payments per head removed and hence skint. In an attempt to make some kind of a financial existence he moved over to engineering razors in the hope further monies might be forthcoming from accidental decapitations. The Rocnel SE-P was born. A razor which results in grown men being involuntarily directed down the road of growing beards and the motto, 'Facial hair or death'. The latter being the non-preferential.

So here I find myself armed with a hamster guillotine and a face full of French lather. They really did put some thought in their executional practices. Nothing better than being well lathered and scented just prior to the drop.

However I am very happy to say I survived the experience and much to the annoyance of the baying crowd I actually came away rather well shaved and feeling quite the opposite with head still intact. In fact bloody well shaved while being minus any blood at the same time. Joseph, you are rubbish. What I will say (as I always do with this shaving tool) it was the usual ridiculous shave which takes the expression 'closely shaven' to a whole new level. Level silly. But hell, it feels good. With a massage of moisturiser and feeling like a piece of wet rubber.

So on that point I shall jolly well sod off leaving you with some Japanese girl thrash merchants. More of those 'Who the bitch?'

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That made me laugh cos it reminded me of when we went to France as kids and my mum was chatting up some French geezer who looked like he'd come straight out of one of those French art house films, complete with Gauloise, and she was trying to get us to speak French to him. My sister said "but I can only say 'the monkey sits under the table'!!!" Art imitates life. (which probably sounds great in French)

Can't remember what I said but it was probably along the lines of "je voudrais des petards et du Pernod s'il vous plaît".

Reminds when I went to return something to a shop when I lived in Le Havre. Instead of saying 'J'ai un problème' I came out with 'Je suis un probleme'. The guy positively shit himself when confronted with a 6ft 3" 16st man straight from the set of 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'
Sun 18 SOTD
Soap Shannon's Soap Silk Pajamas
Brush Spiffo Manchurian
Razor Henkotsu Kamisori
Aftershave TGS Abysso Splash
Wonderful soap for the scent and lather qualities...matched well with the AS and was beautifully whip-up by the soft badger brush...Nice shave with this razor...easy and comfortable in 3passes for a ccs-sas finish...

SOTD: 18th September 2022.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Mandarin & Lemongrass Extract Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Pears with Mint Extracts Transparent Bar Soap.
Brush: Omega 49.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl: Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl.
Lather: Haslinger Aloe Vera Shaving Soap.
Razor: Gillette Guard. (D2)

Cold water face wash with brush squeezing's, Cold Water Face Rinse. / Homemade (~Autumn/Winter mix~) peppermint lavender, eucalyptus, + Tea Tree essential Oils Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel. / Superdrug Forest Fresh ASL. /Aloe Vera Gel.

A relaxing Sunday morning shave.

Everything in my shave set up worked together superbly this morning resulting in an enjoyable 2 pass + pick- ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report. Another great performance from the Gillette Guard.

Finishing to the shave off with a few small dollops of Aloe Vera Gel.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Stay safe and enjoy your Sunday ladies & gentlemen.
Pre - Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush - Simpson Chubby 2 LE Faux Tortoise Synth
Soap - Signature Soap Valentia
Razor - Pal Injectomatic
Blade - Vintage PAL Injector
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Macdui - Rosemary & Sandalwood
A/S - Signature Soap Valentia

A wonderful shave this morning with the NOS PAL Injectomatic AKA "The Schick Buster" fitted with an original Brit. blade.
A great lather today from the Signature soap and the very stiff Simpson, it looks as though this knot has been set lower in the handle giving it a lot of back bone, still works for me though.
2 Passes - WTG then ATG and some XTG pick-ups for an easy BBS finish
A really nice, matching post shave leaving clean, close, comfortable and ready for the day ahead.
Stay safe and enjoy your day all.