SOTD- Saturday 16rd to Friday 22th October

Mogno again!
Shave of the day today sees me eschew my small collection of straight razors for an easy start to the day with my 1963 ball end Tech. Blade is a Nacet (2). The star of the show is the Ach Brito Mogno soap that I tried for the first time yesterday with my Tennis 5/8. Despite looking like any old bar of soap from someone's downstairs lav, this unsung hero from Portugal is a real sleeper. I apply it direct to my face like you would a shave stick, which seems intuitive given the size and shape. After a hot towel and washing with the Pears, I face lathered the Mogno with the lovely big soft synth that is the PAA Phantom Aerolite. The lather is so rich and creamy, tons of cushion and glide. Using a Tech with this is so comfortable I got a dolphin soft result from 3 passes. I'll finish with a few drops of Bio Oil and go forth into the day leaving a fragrant zephyr of Burberry Touch behind me. Sadly, wfh, that means round my living room with nobody to notice!! Have a great day fellas.
Razor = Rex Ambassador ( 2.75 )
Blade = Gillette 7 O’clock Sharpedge ( Yellow )
Brush = Wild West Brush Works 24mm Synthetic
Soap = Declaration Grooming Sunrise On Lasalle
With matching splash
Balm = Barts Balms Ben More
Declaration Grooming Wednesday

Another cracking soap
i know not for everyone but i love the stories that go along with some soaps.
Ultimately the soap needs to do it’s job first & foremost but then i love the story & artwork that goes along with them.
Having said that i also like plain & simple.
First use of the rex for me for around 5 months and it was a pleasure to use,
with advice from on here the sweet spot defo in the 2.75.
The Brush is another from Wild West and a brilliant brush.
Roll On Tomorrow for another Declaration Shave
Stay Safe Lads
Wed 20 SR SOTD
Soap The Goodfellas Smile Abysso
Brush Yaqi 24mm Robin Clear Handle
Razor Ribbon 1000
Aftershaves Stirling Witchhazel MitA + TGS Abysso Splash
Really over-lathered this soap...somehow turns into a double-size whippy! It was creamy, slick and the scent was really nice too...
Another excellent shave with this razor...crispy sounding keen edge...smooth and comfortable too. 3passes for a ccs result. The matching aftershaves were just awesome.

SOTD: 20/10/2021

Razor: Hone 15a
Blade: Gillette Nacet, 1st use
Brush: Yaqi Heavy Metal
Bowl: 3D Printed Bowl
Preshave: PAA Cube Menthol Soap
Soap: Proraso Green Puck
Aftershave: Proraso Green Aftershave
Balm: Proraso Crema Liquida Dopobarba Balm
Additional Care: Osma Laboratoires Alum Block

Classic and simple. The new brush works like a charm a lovely firm backbone, that lathers excellently. Tempted to try PAA’s awesome sauce as I’d love to try a stronger version of this.
Pre - Shower, Cold water face rinse
Brush - Simpson Duke 2 Best
Soap - OSP Spirits
Razor - Gillette Tech travel set
Blade - Personna Platinum Chrome (1)
Post - Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm - Barts Balm Amber and Moroccan Jasmine Balm & Lotion
A/S - CK Be

Very nice, i enjoyed that!
Stay safe and enjoy your day All
May have to put that Yaqi brush in my basket.
3 passes for Close and comfortable shave.

Frankenrazor... well I must say it makes for an interesting shave. I'm not entirely sure whether cap is part of a PAL set or not.

Interesting thing is that just like souplex - one side is slightly more aggressive than the other. From the looks of it top cap is a little bit thinner on one side than the other - I guess that makes for slightly more aggressive (still insanely mild) shave. The other side is so mild that I'm not sure if it even was cutting any hair - did experiment and 2nd pass split the sides 50/50. The milder side did barely anything at all whilst the slightly more efficient one - I could hear it cutting. Strange - but maybe top cap is similar to the ones done by souplex ? Just maybe.

Continuing on with sample exploration - History 101. I must say SBS got really nice lather. Dare I say one of my top 5 favourites? Yes I do think so. At some point I'll need to grab one full set from the offering. Rope swing sounds great!

Finished off with refreshing XXX aftershave... It just refuses to go down completely - still a third is left in there! Austere august, majority of shaves of September... and it's still going strong.

All in all a good shave but not as close as I'd like it to be. DFS is my usual target. Might have another cheeky shave in the evening.