SOTD: Saturday 15th to Friday 21th of 2020

Pre: Sainsbury's Luxury Soap, Bergamot & Nectarine
Brush: Yaqi Silver Wolf Mysterious 24mm
Soap: Arran Lochranza
Razor: Rex Ambassador #2.5
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless (2)
Post shave: Alum Block, cold water splash, EO Infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Arran Lochranza
Aftershave: Arran Lochranza

Very nice 3 pass comfortable shave today.
Gas Engineer has been to check the boiler over, It has needed resetting 3 times this week. Hopefully just the igniter, he will be back later to fit some parts.
Off to Town for our eye tests next.
Then a Dog walk, then a bit chill out.
Enjoy your day All
Thur 20th Feb

Jayaruh Syn. No67
Tabac soap
PAL Injectomatic de luxe
Schick NOS Dutch [ 2 ]
Tabac A/S Lotion

Not often am I disappointed with a Shave, I suspect the the blade may be off. Normally with one of these Dutch blades I get a very smooth and comfortable Shave with a great finish. Today the blade seemed to be pulling and I almost considered abandoning the Shave, but persevered to the end without mishap but a below par finish.


La Toja
MÜHLE Rytmo Mint Black Fibre
Face lather
MÜHLE Rytmo Mint DE
Gillette Wilkinson Sword (1)
Thayer's Lavender and Aloe Vera
Fine American Blend after shave

My first use of the GWS blade. I paired it with the smooth, efficient Rytmo which has the same head as the R89 (I think). It gave a very efficient yet smooth three pass shave with negligible touch-ups. I look forward to using it again in the more assertive fellows in the collection.

The La Toja is a really good performer too. A good 10-15 second ‘crayoning' over the bristles and a nice sudsing with the damp brush easily gave enough lather for the passes; plus enough to squidge for a final check over the face. It continues to impress.

So, a strokingly smooth result. I also smell good, with the relatively long-lasting-for-an-after shave Fine American Blend.

SOTD Thursday 02/20/20

The shave today went well! I'd forgotten how efficient the Barbasol Floating Head was. Thank goodness for muscle memory! The ego dynamics are completely different. The Rex Ambassador is a hefty, short-handled razor, whereas the Barbasol Floating Head has a much longer handle and different weight distribution. My only gripe is that the longer handle makes it a bit more painful to do the back of my head. My Barbasol is an 85-90 yr old girl who knows her business, but will bite if not attended to. I loaded up with a Suneko and had a very relaxed and pleasant shave. Since it was my first outing with the old girl in several months, I decided to not push for the BBS.

My prep consisted of a cold water rinse. I then began my first pass by whipping up a rich, glistening MWF lather with my trusty Omega Pro48 Boar, the end of which had been soaking in warm water while I finished my shower. There's something about a well-broken in boar that is just indescribable! The firm backbone builds that thick paste that is then face and head lathered and feels so good on the skin. The first WTG pass consisted of short careful strokes and reduced the whiskers pretty significantly on both face and dome. My second lather set the stage for a leisurely XTG pass that, as the Rex master of TSD is known to say, “put the baby to bed”. The third ATG pass just consisted of some very careful buffing in the usual problem areas, but I didn't push it, as Madame Barbasol has been known to bite at this point. After rinsing off, I did feel some stinging from the back of the dome that I'd just finished buffing, but a napkin revealed no blood. The shave overall was enjoyable, but ended with some very slight roughness around the Adam's Apple. All in all the shave finished as a DFS. Tomorrow I'll load a Feather to see if it will get me closer to the goal. I feel clean, smooth and refreshed.

RAZOR: Barbasol Floating Head
BLADE: Suneko
PREP: Cold water rinse
BRUSH: Omega Pro48 Boar
SOAP: Mitchell's Wool Fat
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Thayers Lavender WH and finished with Murray and Lanman Florida Water AS/Cologne
Pre - Bloom water from soap
Soap - MWF
Brush - RazorRock Plissoft 24 Barber
Razor - Feather AS-D2
Blade - Gillette Rubie (2)
Post - Homemade Witch Hazel with Tea Tree Oil
AS - Jovan Musk
Balm - L'oreal Soothing Birch Sap

Cracking 2 pass shave + touch ups left me near BBS today. 2nd use for me of the Gillette Rubie and it felt a lot better than yesterdays which left me underwhelmed. Possibly the superb MWF helped, it's still a mystery how some people find it hard to get on with, it must be down to water hardness. Wonderful post shave feel finished off with a slash of Jovan Musk which I find a very good quality product and leaves my face feeling great.

Enjoy your evening folks