SOTD: Saturday 15 - Friday 21 October 2022

I hope you have a great break in the Lake District.

Nice work, Mate - the Loaf would be proud of you!
I am now 'word empty' to scribble too much for yesterday's and this evening's SOTD so you can have an economic version themed 'Bargain bucket two for one offer'

Last night

This evening

BOGOFF - Occams Enoch/Rocnel SE-P
SODOFF - Feather Super Professional/Bits of a Dorco Prime
SENTOFF - Hive-2/Zenith dark synthetic
PISSOFF - Signature Wicstun/Krokos
'Set to annihilate Satanfriendly'

Two great shaves in a row. What more could one ever want?

Two lots of Japanese ladies of course



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A decent start to a crap day.
Yaqi Excalibur with the P-30 (3) still in.
Yaqi Moka Express synth.
Abbate y la Mantia Buttero.

This is a very odd soap, it kind of makes a slip (as in pottery, watery clay) not a lather. But as you can imagine that works too. Had little to remove after yesterday's shave, although somehow needed a good 3 passes. I'm still unconvinced by the P-30 although it was comfortable enough. Creightons balm, no frag.

Then more work pressure, plus getting it in the neck for not having done something that wasn't my job and which I advised against taking on but was overruled by the overpaid yes man. Massive headache and eyestrain that left me physically retching. I actually lost my mind for about 3 hours. Same shit again tomorrow. Not sure how much longer I'll keep going tbh. At least my face felt nice.
Monday 17th October

Ganders Goat Soap w/Hop, Sage & Birch
Wickham's 1912 South Sea Spray Shaving Soap & Razorock 400 Butterscotch w/HJM Professional Boar 25mm
Ever-Ready 1912 Test Pilot (Advertiser for the Corrux blades) & GEM by Personna (1)
4711 Aftershave

Super little razor, that ... it's an advertiser for the Corrux blades. Here! Have a closer look:

Extra credit if you know the album cover.

All a bit blue today ... my shave, not my mood. I'm a happy fellow but here's the story about a little guy that lives in a blue world and all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue, like him, inside and outside; blue his house with a blue little window and a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around ... 'cause he ain't got nobody to listen.

In seriousness, if you're feeling blue and got nobody to listen ... we're here for you.
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Not posted a SOTD for a while.... thought I'd add to it for a change.


Pre: Hot shower
Bowl: Large stoneware.
Soap: Body Shop (you know the one)
Brush: Yaqi monster barber pole
Razor: Gillette Slim Adjustable on 4
Blade: Astra green #2
Post: Cian Aqua aftershave.

All in all a satisfying shave after a busy day.

Sorry to hear about your shit day, you can only do your best, don't let those yes men grind you down!
