SOTD : Saturday 13th February to Friday 19th February 2021

Time by the shower room sink with a theme of 'Rocnel take 2 - The return of the bloodletter'

Take on me - Rocnel SE-P
Take me to your leader - 45% of a Dorco Prime
Take it you're pissed? - Wee whiskey barrel brush
Take off your pants and jacket - Martin De Candre Rose
Take me I'm yours - The Bath House white tea and rose

A second outing for the Rocnel as I must be feeling suicidal. After the previous blood letting experience I am surprised I actually managed to giving it a second thought, or a third, or a fourth, or in fact any thought at all. For this outing I decided to choose some obscure blade from the back of the DE blade box in the hope I never gave them any attention because they were shite or something similar.

The last Dorco blade I tried was an AC type which was garbage from the offset as the locating holes were in the wrong place and wouldn't fit anything in the cupboard. A bad dose of heavy metal heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the bin. And so they did. On this occasion my belief started with the concept they would be less sharp than the previously used Lodz which resulted in a blood bath worthy of the Texas razor blade massacre. Plus I listened to someone's wise words and snapped them in the wrapper and hence saved having half a blade being wedged in the end of my thumb. Still not a great way to prepare and load a blade, but I'll go with it. Fingers intact, blade loaded and ready for the off.

For the lather side I chose a couple of items which have come up in conversation on here recently and so MDC Rose and the whiskey barrel it was to be. Both super products and two which I know provide a more than healthy shaving medium. And they did exactly that. Lather heaven.

Hit it.

Instead of being blasé this time around believing I was a God of shaving I took a more prudent approach and tried to remember everything I took away from the last bad experience. Steeper angle, shorter strokes, stretch skin, greater care and attention and think, this bastard is trying its hardest to rip you open. Not this bloody time it ain't.

WOW! WOW! and effing WOW!
An amazing shaving experience. Definitely a slower approach wins the day. Not the kind of shave which saw me out of the shower room in record time, but certainly one which which had me say, 'Now that is fucking brilliant'. I can't say the ATG and XTG were quite on the menu for this evening as I would have been happy with the one pass, if only to say 'I managed it', but against my better thoughts then why not? However I don't do better thoughts, so fuck it, and three full passes it was. I would be lying if I said it was blood free as it wasn't, but they were very small stealth cuts and nothing Dr Styptic couldn't deal with. Nothing I can't improve on the next time around.

I have always said the Ikon B1 gives a closer shave than any other razor I have come across to date and it does. But, it has just met its match. The Rocnel delivered one superbly close finish and a real 'face stroker' (what an odd term but I do like it). If I have to shave tomorrow night I will be highly surprised. To round it all off a dash of Simple moisturiser and a splash of the Bath House rose and one amazing shave which has me grinning ear to ear instead of being cut from ear to ear.

@Tony'schin you were right. That guy in the video of 'The most dangerous razor in the world' is clown shoes.

I have a funny feeling a few more outings and the Rocnel and me are going to be great friends. And the Dorco? You have sold yourself to me
'And then he bored me shitless about his shave'

If you've managed to read all this crap just to get to the ladies at the end, then well done. If you've just skipped all the way down here I don't blame you. It's those Band Maid girls just showing why they are so damned wonderful

Thu 18th SOTD
Soap Zingari Man Nomad 1st Use!
Brush Yaqi 24mm Purple Mink
Razor GC 0.84-P SB
Blade Gillette Nacet Stainless 1st (interesting inner wrapper)
Post & Aftershaves Ice Water + Thayers + Hyaluronic + Aqua Velva Musk
1st use of a Zingari Man soap, albeit a sample. The initial impression was a very beautiful scent...hmmm...unsure what but just beautiful and relaxing. The lather was very creamy...really wow!!
Shave with razor paired with the blade was super smooth and comfortable!!


one amazing shave which has me grinning ear to ear instead of being cut from ear to ear.

I have a funny feeling a few more outings and the Rocnel and me are going to be great friends. And the Dorco? You have sold yourself to me
So Pleased you gave him another run out Chris, it did take me a couple of shaves to dial it in, but once tuned it always gave that "WOW" shave. There was also that sense of achievement of taming a beast.
Over the moon, you are a match made in Hades, so to speak.

SOTD : 18th February

Shaving recipe for today.
Prep: Warm shower:/Asda Tingly Mint & Tea Tree Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face.
Cien ~ PURE Fragrance Free Sensitive Bar Soap + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.
Brush: Yaqi ~ 24mm Sagrada Familia Synthetic.
Face Lather.
Lather : LEA Shave Stick.
Blade: Wilkinson Sword Classic. (4)
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic.

Cold Water Face Rinse./Homemade (~Winter mix~) Lavender + Tea Tree Oil Witch Hazel Mixture./ Floid ~ Mentolado Vigoroso ASL./The Real Shaving Co. ~ PSSB.


I'm starting to really appreciate the wonders of the humble shave stick. The Lea shave stick that i have infrequently added to my soap rotation i intend to use it more regularly after the slick protective lather it created in my shave today, leaving a wonderful post shave feel.

Another enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups close comfortable shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a small dollop of The Real Shaving Co. ~ PSSB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.

Keep safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.