SOTD: Saturday 11 May - Friday 17 May 2024.

How are you getting on with the Argan oil as it's been a couple of weeks and should be established in the skin by now?
I’m getting on great with it.I haven’t been shaving my head much the last week as I was getting a new bathroom fitted and was relegated to a couple of kitchen sink shaves but I’ve been mixing the oil with moisturiser and my scalp is certainly less dry now than it was.Thanks for the recommendation
SOTD: 12/05/2024

Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather ProGuard - 15, 3rd use
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3
Bowl: Kikier Ceramic Bowl
Preshave: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements The Cube 2.0 Scentless Soap
Soap: Taylor Of Old Bond Street Jermyn Street Collection Cream
Aftershave: Myrsol Don Miguel 1919 Aftershave
Additional Care: Osma Alum
Additional Care: Cold Water
Fragrance: Givenchy Xeryus Rouge EdT

Have a nice Sunday evening!
Haven't used any Super Thin for a long time, and not sure if I've ever used these Platinums. Got a close shave quickly. Could have been better against the grain but still very good and easy to achieve.

Love the cooling and smell of the Socialite in today's hot weather!

Rating: 4 / 5

Razor: Wilkinson Sword Sticky
Blade: Gillette Super Thin Platinum
Brush: Phoenix Artisan Accoutrements Amber Aerolite Stygian Synthetic
Lather: Zingari Socialite
Aftershave: Epsilon Mediterranean Blue
Pre - Dove Original Beauty Cream Bar
Brush - Vintage Culmak Plus - Mühle 23mm Classic Silvertip
Soap - La Toja stick
Razor - Rex Ambassador
Blade - Personna Med Prep
Post - Cold water Rinse
Balm - Barts Balm Ben Macdui - Rosemary & Sandalwood
A/S - Aramis Tuscany EDT

Bloody wind blew my Blade away and the Soap holder from the bottom of my soap stick. Retrieved both 1 floor down, All's well that ends well on a Spanish eve.

Late Post, hope you had a good'un
WiFi dodgy now on own phone network. Hallelujah!