SOTD : Saturday 10rd April to Friday 16th April 2021.

Indeed and many thanks your compliments which are gratefully received.

In fact what I practice at work is a higher level of Harrygammi taken from of an old Indian cult called 'Tuggee'. The acient art of metal crumpling.

SOTD 11th April
Brush - Yaqi Sagrada Familia
Soap - Ach Brito Mogno
Razor - Rockwell 6c R3
Blade - Super Shave X #1
Post - L'Oréal Hydra Sensitive Birch Sap

Lovely 2 pass shave. First time using soap - was excellent, easy to create slick, plentiful lather.
Blade with razor was smooth but close enough for work. Nice shave all round
Identical shave yesterday but with Star Model 100 as the driver - equally as close and smooth. Liking the soap!
Stay safe people, and enjoy your shaves
Pre: Shower
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
Soap: Signature Soap Eboracum
Razor: R94 Mühle Rocca V4 Stainless
Blade: Wizamet SI (3)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Proraso Green
Aftershave: Proraso Green

It has been a masterclass in restraint today, just as i was about to shave the postie delivered my Tradere after its little holiday, i have been so looking forward to getting him home again and thought,
"Right then, get him tooled up and wet!"
Then i realised i need to keep going with the R94 as i need to get some shaves under my belt with it so carried on with my planned shave.
And glad i was too, another smooth as butter 3 pass shave for another comfortable BBS finish, this razor and blade combo is really suited to my technique, skin and beard type, definitely a keeper.
The Signature soaps Eboracum whipping up a great lather on the face and enough in the brush for the 3 passes from very little loading.
Initially i was not too fussed with the Peppermint fragrance finding it a bit too sweet, saying that i also get the Cedarwood which balances that sweetness, i now really like it and it will be staying in the Den along with the other 7 variants of @BrianH 's wonderful offerings.
A cooling post shave from the Proraso Green leaving me BBS, comfortable and "chillin' out".
Stay safe and enjoy your day All
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Okie what can I say tried the baume be hard soap for the first time today and was greeted with exactly what I’d been warned about a very frothy but slick lather bloomed the puck 4 times and left the lather really dry but the feather struggled to get through it so added a little water and again got a dissipating but slick lather with very little protection much like the new version of Williams but more I have left the puck blooming in the dish for the rest of the day just a little experiment really, will see if anything makes a difference, so far no better than expected but one thing I will say is it’s so slick it’s very difficult to wash off again
Soap-Martin de Candre Original*
Razor-Tradere Original OC*
AS-Thayers Rose

*First outing with this soap and very pleased with it. I’m not of the “Wedding Cake” school of lathering so it should last a long while.

Also a first for the Tradere my neighbour gave me. Nice combination with the Nacet blade but I like more aggressive combinations.
That’s kind of you Tony. I wonder if we’ll ever be able to convert Chris @Satanfriendly to the aniseed-blend nuances of Britannia! Take care and stay safe
Today's Shave

1948 Gillette Aristocrat
Gillette Blue Blade
ESC Big Jock Synthetic
Proraso preshave white
Proraso Shaving Soap white
Proraso Aftershave Balm white

On the 3rd March I lost my dad, and today was his cremation, so I needed that perfect shave today, and that honor went to the Aristocrat calling for nothing but the very best for my dad, and it delivered that perfect shave. I can only hope I did him proud.


January 16th 1944 - 3rd March 2021

Kindest Regards John
My condolences must be a very difficult day for you I’m sure you did him proud
That brush looks stunning - love the handle

Sorry for your loss John.

Hope you are doing as well as can be my friend.
My deepest condolences John