Gillette Fusion ProGlide
Proraso Red (foam, can)

Was going to use the Rocket HD but who am I kidding? Can't say enough good things about this combo.

Very, very, very nearly shaved off the handlebar moustache too. It is longer than it has ever been and is becoming a real pain in the arse when drinking and eating. Had the scissors poised, just about to take hold and snip when the Group Captain came into the bathroom and shouted "Nooooooooooo!".

That's me told then.
Sunday, 1.vii.2012

Predopo Vitos
Semogue iberian black boar prototype
Klar Kabinett
GEM Micromatic Flying Wing
GEM Stainless
Thayer's Witch Hazel Lavender
Swiss Pitralon

Prep: hot shower
Brush: Simpson P8
Razor: C V Heljestrand M K no 15
Soap: Cade
AS: TOBS Victorian Lime
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Unfocused shave but no cuts and clean enough :D


... and my coffee:
Sunday Evening

Red personna
Vulfix Bodger
Proraso Soap
Black Pepper and Ginseng Balm

Added a dab of T and H Spanish Leather Cologne to go up against the Italian Proraso
in honour of the Euro 2012 Final
Sunday afternoon with 5(yes 5) days growth , very unlike me but I have been a bit off colour this week and knew I had Martins enchantress to play with and had heard it performed well against heavy growth ,

Facial scrub
Cold water facial wash
Semogue 2000 Boar
TFS Ciotole Barbe Blu
NOS Gillette Blue Extra (6 taken out my Slim)
Merkur Slant , courtesy of Dodgey (many thanks)
Warm water rinse
Thayers Witch Hazel
Cold water rinse
Sunburyboys Bay Rum (this has really grown on me)
Creed Santal

First pass and boy oh boy did she slice through that stubble , not a nick or cut in sight ,
Second pass was pretty much the same and to be honest with you I could have quite happily stopped there and had a adequate shave but in search of a BBS I went for a
Third pass , it went well and I got my BBS , only problem on my final touch up on my top lip I got too complacent and thats when she got me , a little vertical cut right in the middle of the upper lip , not bad , but it would have been a perfect shave but for that .
Tonights shave

Proraso Pre/Post (Original formula)
Feather Artist SS - Pro blade (5)
the Body Shop Maca Root Shave cream
Neep #1214 Aztec - Leopard Skin Jasper
Nivea replenishing balm
Witch hazel


After using my left had exclusively my last shave I used both hands tonight and it worked a little better, using my left before allowed me to get a little more confident with the right hand side of my face - We're getting there :)

Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue SOC Boar
Long Comb New/Weber Bulldog
Feather (3)
TOBS Shaving Shop AS

Awful! Don't know what was up, I think the lather wasn't up to scratch. I should have binned that lot and started a fresh batch. Feather blade might have been on its way out. Whatever it was it resulted in an awful shave. I actually nearly yelped when I splashed on my AS.

Here's hoping for better things in on Monday morning.

Aristocrat 58
Gillette Super Platinum (3)
Culmak Junior
Mama Bears Lime Soap
Witch hazel
Institut Karite AS balm

After the twin disappointments of being vastly outbid for an Eclipse Red Ring and being mauled by the R41 yesterday (message to Martin - after you fall off the horse, get straight back in the saddle) it was good to end the weekend with an excellent shave.

This razor gets good reviews and rightly so, it's excellent.

And the little Culmak is pretty darn tooting as well. Quite surprised as it's a real budget bristle brush (Executive Shaving have a minter for a tenner) but it thrashed the hell out of the Mama Bears and produced a really good, comfortable lather.

I don't think it's been used before, so it should be superb when it's bloomed properly.

A good way to end a Sunday (and my disappointment with the Eclipse has been somewhat assuaged by picking up what I know will be another excellent razor from Steve).
Tall_Paul said:
(message to Martin - after you fall off the horse, get straight back in the saddle) it was good to end the weekend with an excellent shave.

Ride em cowboy.
Today was the limit of a blade. I used a USA personna for the 6th time. Well, 5 is the limit. It shaved fine but left a few spots so I have to touch up a bit.
Jagger razor, personna, kent brush to lather up GFT cream, finished with an alum stone. They are inexpensive enough so why push it.
Shower / Merkur Futur / Gillette 7 o'clock Blue / SWK XL Scuttle / Simpson The Colonel BB / P 160 Tipo Morbido / Floid Suave

Edwin Jagger DE86
Personna, Red Pack
Edwin Jagger Best Badger Brush
D R Harris Almond Soap
Geo F Trumper Spanish Leather EDT
Kent BK8
Dr Harris Windsor
Weber DLC - Astra SP
Profs universal ASB

Some irritation ATG don't think my skin likes the Astras too much, that combined with rushing! It's not a race it's not a race......
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