Sanguine all metal shavette
Sharp Saloon blade (2nd)
TFS Bergamotto Neroli hard soap
Omega 40652 imitation badger
Thayers Rose petal
ARKO sport a/s cream

Good shave.

dodgy said:
NotTheStig said:
Klar Kabinett soap Wilkinson Sword vintage English New Chromium Edge "Light Brigade" courtesy of the same
Took a but of work to get this Klar Kabinett to lather. I would swirl it up, apply to face and get a thin but consistent layer on the face. I would add in more water and lather again gradually.

Light Brigade blade - one side of my face using the Fatboy on 7,5,3; the other with the Progress on 2.5 and 1. I got a close shave but not as easily as I was expecting. A little irritation and quite a bit of buffing to get a really close shave. I think I will try thus blade again tomorrow with a familiar soap or cream.

What's the scoop, NTS,

The soap was tough to figure out eh? Can't imagine what the problem coulda been.....did you load your brush for 20 seconds or so? You bowl lather with it or face lather, and what container did you use to stick that piece of soap to?

I thought it was easy to whip up, in part because it's softer than most other soaps. Give it a few more times to tweak things and see what happens. Lots of times with a new soap/cream it takes me that long to get things the way I like em.

Mighta affected the way that blade performed.......who knows. It's been my experience to have a less than normal close shave if there's too much cushion. Doesn't let the blade get enough bite.

I bowl lathered in a ceramic bowl which I float in hot water for a few minutes beforehand. 20 seconds lathering for each pass as a minimum. The soap was in a clingfilm bag. The lather wasn't bad but it wasn't rich and creamy and not much cushioning. I'm pretty sure it was down to me - I'm very inconsistent with soap lathering which is why I tend to use creams or the very soft Cella.
The blade was good actually, it's just my face is still a little sore some 6 hours later. I will have another try with the KK after i've tried the WS with a more familiar cream.

Thanks for the enabling.

PS - could the aqueous cream have affected the lather? I use it as a cheap substitute to pre-shave moisturiser
merkur 38
treet durasharp silver edge
shavemac #25 silvertip
truefitt and hill lavender shave cream
mr taylors gentlemans AS

a no nonsense, irritation free shave. the blade tugged a little, maybe i think due to 3 days growth, but still managed a close shave. im quite liking the merkur barber pole, normally use the 34 but the extra length seems to suit my hands.
Muhle R41
Gillette Super Platinum (2)
Semogue OC 2 band
Nanny's Citrus Zinger - scuttle lathered
Witch hazel
Bulldog balm

Another rough shave with plenty of claret. I've had some good shaves with this so am a bit miffed I've naused up so badly twice.

I think the issue for me is I've been placing the razor at a 90 degree angle on my skin then rocking it down until the blade touches. For some reason this just isn't working for me.

I did the last bit of the shave by putting the razor with the handle level with my face then lifting the handle until the blade engages. This was much better so I'll try this next time after my skin has recovered!
Saturday morning:

Brush: Penhaligons nickel
Soap: L'Ocitane Cade
Razor: Jagger 87
Blade: 7 O'Clock yellow (1)
Cologne: Crabtree and Evelyn WI Limes

Fabulous shave.
Voltstick said:
Norfolkdick said:
Saturdays Shave

Prep: Shower
Brush: Vulfix 404 Mixed
Soap: Boots stick milled
Razor: Merkur 43 C
Blade: Gillette Sharp Edge (Yellow packet)
Aftershave: Nivea Sensitive Balm

This razor is one of the bargain priced ones discussed on this forum, purchased from E-bay for £13.99, the only problem with it is that it weighs a ton, well actually 152grams with a blade according to my digital kitchen scales. It is hard work to shave with because of the very heavy weight, it is like holding a cold chisel! Having said that it gave me a superb shave. I know, I'm a sucker for a bargain even if that bargain is something I did not really want and certainly do not need!


Dick, may I ask where you obtained that glass dish and lid?

The glass dishes are the containers that Gü puddings/desserts come in, they are sold in all the supermarkets in packs of two and are delicious, especially if like me you are supposed to be trying to shed a bit of weight! They have peel off foil lids so you have to find something that fits. I have used the lids off Coffee Mate tubs.

Saturday AM

Gillette A3 1955 Superspeed
Shark SS (1)
Simpson's "Major" (Best)
Palmolive Cream

Nivea ASB
Tabac AS

Three pass, face lather.

Beyond excellent.

Sticking with the same tackle day after day does pay dividends....

Tall_Paul said:
Muhle R41
Gillette Super Platinum (2)
Semogue OC 2 band
Nanny's Citrus Zinger - scuttle lathered
Witch hazel
Bulldog balm

Another rough shave with plenty of claret. I've had some good shaves with this so am a bit miffed I've naused up so badly twice.

I think the issue for me is I've been placing the razor at a 90 degree angle on my skin then rocking it down until the blade touches. For some reason this just isn't working for me.

I did the last bit of the shave by putting the razor with the handle level with my face then lifting the handle until the blade engages. This was much better so I'll try this next time after my skin has recovered!

The R 41 is an interesting razor. The two things that I think helped me with it was that I had been using the 'old' R41 so I as use to the handle and the size , and I was into a lot of SE so I had the muscle memory for the 'angle that I found the new R41 liked to be used at.
It is very blade specific I used Personna Reds and Astra's.
**I also found that I had to have it moving when I touched the skin or it would leave a little 'kiss'. I would start at the sideburns and for a while it was easy to figure where they left off because of the red line or the scar!!
Tall_Paul said:
Muhle R41

Another rough shave with plenty of claret. I've had some good shaves with this so am a bit miffed I've naused up so badly twice.

Hey there, you British Buckaroo,

Y'all gotta jump back in the saddle and ride that thing till it's been gentled. I'm thinking longer and sharper spurs might help.

Yeehaaaa, good buddy,

Prep: Groomed face scrub
Cream: D R Harris almond
Brush: E J synthetic bristle
Razor: E J Chatsworth Barley crome
Blade: Boots/Personna
Post: Body Shop maca root.

I generally prefer not to open anything new until I've finished using up what I'm currently on. But nearly there with it, then in the next week or so I'll probably have a big changeover when things start running out.
Good morning friends! :)

PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
BRUSH: 24 mm Shavemac D01 Extra Silver Tip 2 Band Version
SOAP/CREAM: Acqua Di Parma Collezione Shaving Cream
SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
RAZOR: 6/8" Mastro Livi, Half hollow ground, Round Point (w/ Boxwood scales)
STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #60000
SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
AS: Acqua Di Parma Collezione After Shave Balm
COLOGNE: Acqua Di Parma Colonia Intensa
RESULT: One amazing shave!!!


Have a nice week,
Prep L'Occitane Vetyver Soap
Razor Thiers Issard 7/8 in Buckeyed Burl
Brush Simpson M7
Vito's Coconut & Almond
Alum & Witch Hazel
Neil's Yard Rose Moisturiser
Penhaligon's Castile EDT


Another superb shave from the Thiers Issard, two pass shave BBS.

This morning:

Prep: Face wash, Imperial Leather bath soap, cold
Razor: Kropp 6/8", restored by UKRob
Brush: Simpson Tulip T2 in two-band Super
Soap: L'Occitane Cade
Aftershave: Prof Blighty's Green Ginger
Scent: Creed Santal

A lovely shave. Not as sharp as the AC, of course, but sharp enough and so comfortable a result.

First impressions of the Creed are positive. Will report more later.

Off to Barton Aerodrome, where my car club are displaying our roadsters. It has only just occurred to me I should probably have washed the bastard. Hey ho.
Today's shave

Dove soap/Hot face cloth prep
1930s fat handle tech
Gillette Blue Blade( 2nd outing on that blade )
Palmolive shaving soap
Cold face cloth to finish

Result BSS

Bit of tugg and pull on the first pass, water not hot enough to soften the beard,so I pulled the plug,and ran the water untill it your own time boiler :mad:.
Second pass no tugg and pull, that's better !!!!!
Finial pass ATG yep the thick beard has done its worst to the vintage blade.

Not the end of for this blade twinplex blade stropper has had an outing (time to find out if I have a £45 pice o shite....or not) .........Well considering its age,and the fact that the gentleman who owned it before me gave it a dam good thrashing, and he would have spent a lot less on razor works,shame I have to crank the handle lots more than the recommended 20 turns..,,,, I lost count at 80 to be honest but it has stroped the blade and when put into a razor it shaves smoothly so looking forward to tomorrow to see how it shaves.
Aqueous cream
Progress on 2, 1 with Sputnik - 3rd shave
Professor Blighty's Universal Shaving Balsalm, sandalwood

Blade long passed its best. Finished the shave and binned. Result not bad after five passes.
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