SOTD Sat 15th Sept to Frid 21st Sept 2012

Proraso Pre/Post (Original formula)
Ikon S3S
Supermax Platinum (2)
Neep Jubilee
L'Occitane Cade shaving soap
Nivea Replenishing Aftershave Balm

A great visit from my good friend Cade (along with the national flag!!)


Gillette Aristocrat 58
Gillette Super Nacet (1)
Prep cream as pre-shave
Klar Kabinett (scuttle lathered)
New Forest 2221
Witch hazel
Castle Forges AS balm
Razor: Sheffield, Pitchford 6/8, 1/4 hollow grind.
Soap: Mitchels wool fat.
Aftershave: Professor Blighty's - Sandalwood
Brush: Edwin Jagger - Badger
Prep: Wash face twice with HOT water, Lather face, strop blade then shave.
After: HOT face cloth then COLD water - Witch Hazel - Aftershave.
Result: WOW

Usual prep
Proraso pre/post
Martin de Candre
M&B brush
Feather SS + GEM bullet-tip
My homemade aftershave splash
Floris Santal ASB

Not the best shave (don't oversaturate MdC, it's better when on a dry side), but BBS eventually. First test drive of the all-natural aftershave I'm making - went surprisingly well. I hoped for a bit of an alcohol kick, but I guess will have to add more of that Glenfiddich in there.. Otherwise great skincare, as intended. Propolis, pollen and shea butter with EOs work miracles.

Monday 17th September 2012
Prep: Shower
Razor GEM Micromatic OC
Blade: GEM Stainless Coated
Brush: Vie Long 13061M Horse
Cream: T.O.B.S. Sandlewood
Aftershave: Wikinson Sword Hydro Sensitive Balm

A really top notch shave this morning, the OCMM is a superb shaver I just need to go a little slower with a lighter touch when compared to my other SE's.


Proraso Sandalwood cream
Omega Silvertip
Gillette LC NEW/Weber bulldog
Gillette 7 o'clock Yellow (3)
TOBS Mr Taylors AS

Very nice, BBS results.
Progress on 5, 2.5, 1
Ying Ji Li blue and red
Trumpers almond cream
Wilkinson Sword shave stick
M and S Autograph balm

Very nice. The stick arrived just before the first pass so I answered the door to the postman with a santa beard!
Good Morning!

Semogue OC Boar
Muhle R89
Gillette Silver Blue (1)

I found this blade a little rougher than the Gillette Yellows and it left me a little red on the neck afterwards but my its left me smooth.
Gillette Fusion ProGlide razor
Gillette Fusion ProGlide gel

Take THAT, face!

Penhaligons Hammam Bouquet EDT
Prep Simple face wash gel
Razor Vintage Otto Busch Worldmaster 6/8
Brush Simpsons Chubby 1 in Super
Cream Simpsons
Alum & Witch Hazel
Clarins Moisturiser
L'Occitane Cedre L'Atlas Eau de parfum.


I woke to a bright clear lovely autumn day, so with that kind of start I couldn't fail with my SOTD, well I didn't a superb two pass BBS shave.