SOTD: Sat 10/11/12 to Fri 16/11/11

Pre Veleiro soap + Cyril R. Salter soap + Omega 31052/81052 boar + Weber Bulldog with Merkur head and Iridium Super #1 + TOBS Mr Taylor splash with Proraso balm

A superb and smooth shave gentlemen! This soap is really easy to lather even with this soft boar brush, and Weber handle does a perfect couple with bot Merkur head and Iridium blade.

And to finish, the elegant scent of Mr Taylor moisturized with Proraso balm.


Muhle 89
Gillette Thin Platinum
NF Silver tip
Prorasso cream
Forrest Fresh AS

3 Passes BBS shave.

First time in a while with the Prorasso, enjoyed it.

Thursday 11-15-12.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue 2000 - Feather vintage safety razor - Gillette Platinum #1 - Pre JASÖN - Cella shaving soap - Alum block - Thayers Original - ASB Institut de Karité - ASL Honeybee Gardens Bay Rum.
Todays shave

Dove soap face wash/hot water prep
gillette slim set on No5
feather blade
Kent BK4 brush
Fitjar Barberkrem shaving cream (wild man of the woods sent)

cold face cloth/geo.F.trumper sandalwood skin food to finish

Results BSS WTG.
Shower with Nivea Deep Cleansing Face Wash
Proraso White Pre-Shave
Proraso White Shave Cream
Vulfix Super Badger
Merkur Barber Pole 38C
Supermax Super Stainless Steel - on their second shave
Proraso White ASB - double application

1 x ATG
2 x WTG

Great shave this morning. Smooth and no burn whatsoever. Lovely
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Shavemac D01 knot
Razor: Hachiken
Soap: Castle Forbes, Limes
Strops: Neil Miller
Result: Very, very clean

This razor's a brutal shaver, very good, but if you use the slightest pressure you'll come to close ... This Shavemac was perfect for the Castle F cream and face lathering, very nice shave!
Hot shower
Proraso menthol pre-shave
TOBS Sandalwood Shaving Cream
EJ BB Medium Brush
EJDe89/Weber Bulldog
Gillette & O'Clock Green (1)
Cold splash and Alum Block
Clinique Post Shave Healer
Gaultier Le Male Cologne

First go with the 7 O'Clock Greens... always try out new blades in the De89 head. It was a mighty shave... only slightly spoiled because I got a bit cocky and ended up with a tiny nick on my neck... must try harder next time.
Thursday Morning

No work for a few days so a nice relaxed shave this morning before starting on the jobs SWMBO has lined up for me.

Trying out the TOBS Jermyn Street Pre Shave Oil for the first time, which worked well I think, this razor slices through anything with ease, but I do think there was a little more slip than usual.

Prep: Hot Shower then TOBS Jermyn Street Pre Shave Oil
Cream: TOBS Jermyn Street
Brush: Simpson Chubby 2
Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Personna Red
A/S: TOBS Jermyn Street.

TOBS unscented (supposed to be Shaving Shop - damn those cheap fleabay specials)
Slim Adjustable on 5, 3
Henk walnut silvertip
Permasharp Supreme

Very nice

Rev O, my vintage Permasharp Supremes say made in England on the dispensers but the sealed blades inside say Brit. Pat. whatever and made in Turkey!
Last day at work:

Hot shower
Proraso pre/ post
NF tubby 1
Dr Harris - Arlington soap
Gillette super adjustable - Polisilver
Proraso white ASB

Not sure I'm keen on the ASB but a lovely lather.

RazoRock XXX
Semogue SOC Boar
Gillette LC NEW/Weber Bulldog
Gillette 7 o'clock Sharp Edge
Witch Hazel
TOBS Mr Taylors AS
L'Occitane Baux EdT

Very nice shave, BBS results. I find the Mr Taylors and the Baux really compliment each other.