So, could you grow a decent beard?

I had a full unkempt beard for years , never trimmed it.
I was a student at the time.Why do students think its cool to grow beards ? Had a good friend who'd known me for years and got a shock when I shaved it off , he'd never seen me without it. SWMBO does'nt like beards , so a non-runner
Grow a beard? Why?

The longest period in which I abstained from shaving was twelve days, during a state of induced somnolence in the ICU during April / May 2008.

Truly the finest feeling in the world was that first shave (administered admirably by a male nurse) with a new disposable razor and some cheap gloop and piping hot water. Followed up with some FCUK AS I felt as though I'd won the Lottery. I was shaved every two days, on average, for the next seven weeks of my stay.

Shaving a man who sports an NG tube and a trachaeostomy is a skill he had obviously mastered superbly.

Sounds awful and it was but I wouldn't have missed the experience for the world.

The moral of the story is this; don't take your daily shaving for granted.

Blyth Spirit said:
Shaving a man who sports an NG tube and a trachaeostomy is a skill he had obviously mastered superbly.
It's my daily routine too, the hard part is not drowning your patients on the rince :D
Seriously, since I've started to hone my technique on myself, my patients all have DFS's everyday, I think I'm the only one on here that can say I shave 5-6 times a day ;)

I think it's important for someones self esteem, and for their family (especially in bad health) to "look good", so I take the time to do it right, but that's not the case for everyone I work with... :roll:

i have be to clean shaven at work, respirators BA etc

before that i had a goatee and big side boards
during the summer i had a 'tache for a while but like HM the colours don't lend themselves to awesome beardiness
blonde 'tache = me look gay :roll:
so it had to go

brown, ginge and these days a bit of white creeping in

so i guess the answer is no, but when i retire i'll have a go just for the hell of it
KRF1963 said:
I have tried - think Shaggy from Scooby Doo and you will appreciate why I remain clean-shaven.

Me too. Very thin and patchy. I'd blame my Norwegian genes but both my brothers are reet hairy buggers.

Like Esau & Jacob. Except there's three of us and I'm the eldest.

But with a shave and short hair I feel sharper and more focussed - clean and smooth and ready to roll.

Edit: I typed "Isaac & Jacob" not "Esau & Jacob" :oops:
"For Esau was an hairy man" ................ I doubt I'll ever forget that line from the late lamented Reverent I. M. Jolly portrayed by Rikki Fulton. Now, if Mr. Fulton had ever brought out a reader of Scripture stories I bet it woulda been a best seller.

JohnnyO. ;)
Some men suit a beard - they look manly, outdoorsy and patriarchal.
Others simply look like a vagrant.
I am one of the latter - particularly now that I am quite gray, I would never grow another beard.
I can but it looks like I am a down and out and like HM it comes in patchy in colour (but not as bad). I have never went beyond a week and that was murder, Mr itchy face, constantly annoying, suppose I would get used to it but not for me. I do have some respect for those who grow a proper one, trimming and edging a beard can be more work then shaving.

However the "let it grow like fisherman Sam" mob are just lazy arses who can't be bothered shaving (most of the time), bits of food stuck in there and and it just looks unkempt in my eyes. I do like going to a day and a half and then shaving, like waiting till Sat afternoon, I get a really nice clean shave I get from a well grown stubble.
I've never really tried. Longest I've gone without shaving in the last year was 8 days.

At that point my face was so itchy that when I shaved my face was all red from where I'd been scratching it. Certainly something Im not interested in doing again.

I doubt it would be possible for me though. While my facial hairs are very very thick, I have a few patches on my neck where hair doesn't grow so I'd look like more of a tool than I usually do.

I did think about growing a 'tache but SWMBO is having none of it.
I never gone more than about 10-14 days without shaving. By then it's getting there but not quickly enough to warrant the itching. It doesn't help that if I grew it my moustache is rather thin and looks a bit ridiculous. Kind of like Zorro. :oops:
Oh I don't know ... yeah, probably. It rather depends what you regard as decent - if it's nineteenth century Russian novelist then I'm definitely out. No idea what other colours would be in it besides the grey though.

Has anyone else come across the guy's website where he documents his attempts to grow every known style of beard? If nobody posts a link I'll try to find it again because the pictures are a hoot.
Arrowhead said:
Oh I don't know ... yeah, probably. It rather depends what you regard as decent - if it's nineteenth century Russian novelist then I'm definitely out. No idea what other colours would be in it besides the grey though.

Has anyone else come across the guy's website where he documents his attempts to grow every known style of beard? If nobody posts a link I'll try to find it again because the pictures are a hoot.

This the one?
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