Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 9th October 2010

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Tuesday Evening

Hot shower
EJ 89L
Connaught rosewood soap sample
404 Bodger
Boots' own
Speick A/S
RSC balm

After last night's near-disaster, I figured safer ground would be a 'really good thing'. Changing to the Connaught was good – far better and satisfying than yesterday. Blade felt better, not sure if that was because of the soap or the fact that it was the second time around. Speick good, but missed the tingle of Proraso – also in need of a bit of a change. I believe that you guys call it a rotation… Need some new toys to play with, otherwise it'll start feeling a little 'samey'. New soaps in the morning will help, but I reckon I need to have a word with Fido and start thinking about something new/old to scrape my face with...

Good shave, though – they are getting better and better.
Wednesday morning
Pre: Hot water wash
Razor: E A Berg
Brush: New Forest
Soap: Scheerzeep Dutch Moss

AS: OS Fresh Lime
Paddle: Neil MIller
Result: Uber clean

fozz77 said:
If you were any tougher, you'd rust.


No shave today

Lit a few scented candles and put on some Barry Manilow and had a long hot sparkly bubble-bath with peach and vanilla bath-bombs and plenty of coconut body butter to follow.

It was simply . . . divine.

You're not Buck Angel are you Vinny? (if you don't know who this is - don't do a search in polite company - ffs)

Anyway - Wednesday

MWF wash
Aristo & Astra (4)
Palmolive & EJ BB
Pinaud Bay Rum

Super - gonna spend most of the day mulling over what to shave with tomorrow :?

I believe all of that, apart from the Barry Manilow. I reckon it was Journey..


Trumper Razor
Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow*
New Forest 2201
Penhaligon's English Fern Soap
D.R. Harris Bay Rum a/s**

*These blades don't work very well with the Trumper. I may have to unload them.

**Used the last drops of my sample. Nice a/s, but scent does not hang around for long.

Wednesday 2010-10-13

Aristocrat Jr. > Wilkinson Sword Classic (#3) > Omega 31064 and Czech & Speake #88
> alum > Speick after shave and The Body Shop maca root razor burn relief balm.

Very nice indeed. The C&S puck lathers excellently. Point is what after shave can be combined with it (scent-wise).

Merkur 37c
Gillette Bleue Extra (1)
Semogue 1305
Tabac Soap

Brut AS
Nivea ASB

I'm trying another Bleue and I must say that the first shave with this one was much better than the previous blade.

This morning I used the Semogue (cheers AndyJR!) rather than the Wilkinson Pork Sword; I have not used the 1305 for a while and it is reassuring to know that I do have a few good Boar brushes for soap use in the Winter. A good old scrubber - that's the stuff!

A very enjoyable shave indeed.


White proraso pre/post
NF silvertip
Flare tip rocket +GST (4)
Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes, peppercorns

Could probably do another shave with the GST, but whats the point in pushing it..?
3 passes. WOW.. the Bay rum gives more than a warm feeling - felt like my face was in a furnace. It does leave the skin feeling amazing though.. worth the burn.

Overall: excellent shave. :shave
Good morning,


Simple face wash
Merkur HD and Feather blade
Frank Shaving Finest Pure Badger brush
Nanny's Eucalyptus shaving soap
Proraso AS splash
Hugo Boss Hugo EDT

Still rocking the silly soap. It's my 'go to' soap :shave .

Tuesday mid-morning.
Hot shower
1904 open comb
Personna red
Nanny's Lavender
Omega 10005 brush
Proraso pre-shave
Proraso A/S
Body shop macca root moisturiser.

The last week or 2 I have been on a mission to find the perfect shaving soap, so far MB and Col. Conk are the best.
That is until I recieved a tub of Nanny's lavender from Sharon, I think its perfect because its not quite a soap but not quite a cream, its easy to lather up, feels good on the skin and the scent is amazing. I had a lovely shave with no irritation and my face felt good afterwards. I was that impressed I ordered 7 more, all the different scents except the lime, so looking forward to tomorrow and sticking my nose in all pots to see what the smells are like.
Tuesday Evening.

After a Crap couple of days spent Re building the downstairs toilet, I decided to have a chill out. Hot shower and shave using the new NF2211 that arrived in the morning. Maca root was the choice of the day along with the Super speed and Keramic. Alum and proraso post finished off a nice de-stress shave.
Now i wake to return to the Joy of weeping water connections and slate tile layer.
Thank god for shaving. :lol:
Hot towel and watery lather
Trumpers' Rose cream (sample)
New Forest 2201
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
L'Oreal whatsit ASB
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cologne

After yesterday's somewhat scratchy effort which did actually produce a close enough shave, I used the same setup, with a different cream (still Trumpers) and a new blade - still a Derby.

Result? More comfortable, with a similar result. So I'm putting it down to a duff blade.

I'm finding that the razor, though perfectly adequate, isn't as pleasurable to use as either my Futur or particularly my Feather. I think that it's a case of having a Porsche 911 and a Honda NSX in the garage, and driving a diesel Focus. It gets you there every time, but it's not a thrill.

I may sell it.


Sunday - Last shave with no effort before a boomerang trip to the Smoke

1958 British TV Special
Simpsons Wee Scot
Astra Superior Stainless
Godrej Shaving Round
Proraso AS

Easy lather, great shave.

Monday - In the smoke

Feather Portable
Simpsons Wee Scot
Astra Superior Stainless
Godrej Shaving Round / RSC Shave2 cream
Proraso AS

Blergh! What's happened to my razor? Gleaming clean before the shave and coated in ming after it. Not happy. Godrej lather looked good, felt good but shaved like toffee, so on to the Shave2 for some relief.

Tuesday - in the smoke still

Feather Portable
Simpsons Wee Scot
Astra Superior Stainless
RSC Shave2 cream
Proraso AS

Test shave no.2

Allen & son 6/8
WS Boar
Xeryus AS

Re-honed the razor using a rolling X pattern, it was much sharper at the heal and toe the centre was about the same possibly less sharp :? Over all it was more consistent and a better shave was had. Still a way to go but encouraging, I'd give this effort a 'D' pass.

Merkur TRAC II
multifit Blade (2)
Nannys citrus zinger
Vufix 404 bodger
TOBS eton college AS
Body Shop Razor relief

I learnt today why pivots got put on razors either that or the cart is blunt after one day! First time with the nannys and it lathered very well not sure where the zing was though I just got hint of citrus.
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