Shave of the day w/c Saturday 8th May 2010

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Men-u Pure Bristle
Slant, 37c
Feather (1)
Boots WH/Tea Tree 'splash'
Nivea Sensitive AS Balm

Second attempt with the slant (first was with a 'swede'). I tried different angles, pressures but I cannot get a close shave from it. For my beard it seems to be a 'safe'/mild razor and very good for WTG passes. More experimenting required.

Loving the Cella though.

Used Nivea Balm for the first time in ages today. It's ok but I'll stick to my usuals.

Shave 1 - quick swill, Rocket & Astra (1), Musgo & 404 Mix, Old Spice AS

Meh! single pass, no better than i deserved before going down town with mrs m.

Shave 2 - MWF wash, Rocket & Astra (2),Musgo & 404 Mix, Alum, Old Spice AS

Shave 2 was a longer more drawn out affair while the 'Dorothys' were on. Having been a little underwhelmed on the lather front with this Musgo having used similar amounts to when i used Speick & CF, i really went mad with the stuff tonight and eventually got a good wad and had a decent shave. i asked the mrs what she thought of the scent of the lather left in the mug - she thought it smelled cheap. she also doesn't like Speick - but i do, so that's that settled!
Hey Mick,

In shave 2 , what did you mean nby "MWF Wash" ? As in you used the mwf shaving soap to wash your face? or the MWF BODY SOAP to wash your face?


moodymick said:

Shave 1 - quick swill, Rocket & Astra (1), Musgo & 404 Mix, Old Spice AS

Meh! single pass, no better than i deserved before going down town with mrs m.

Shave 2 - MWF wash, Rocket & Astra (2),Musgo & 404 Mix, Alum, Old Spice AS

Shave 2 was a longer more drawn out affair while the 'Dorothys' were on. Having been a little underwhelmed on the lather front with this Musgo having used similar amounts to when i used Speick & CF, i really went mad with the stuff tonight and eventually got a good wad and had a decent shave. i asked the mrs what she thought of the scent of the lather left in the mug - she thought it smelled cheap. she also doesn't like Speick - but i do, so that's that settled!

Gillette Tech
Wilkinson blade
TOBS Lemon & Lime cream
RSC Balm

Another two pass shave with decent if not amazing results. Starting to get rawness on my neck and I'm not sure why. The only thing that I've changed is the TOBS and I'm really hoping I'm not allergic to it. I'll stick at the same setup for a few days and see how I get on.

Two years or so into this lark and I think tonight may have been my most enjoyable shave yet. Shame the Trumpers and Speik aftershave sample are pretty much done.

Ever Ready 1912
GEM SE blade (lost count of how many uses it's had now - 7 perhaps?)
Arko stick
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Boots Witch Hazel
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
Body Shop Activist EDT
AJP said:
Slow Shaving said:
Saturday 05-08-10. Kells Original's day.

Soap from Aleppo - Pre Proraso - VULFIX 404 Boar & Badger mix - Gillette Super Speed 40's style - 7 O'clock yellow #2 - Kells Original Arabian Spice - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASB 444 + ASB Welleda.

How do you find the Kell's Original soap? I have received one of these after winning a competition. How do you find is the best way to get a decent lather with it?


I face lather with it but make sure you load the brush well. You will know when you get it right, the lather is very slick with good cushioning properties. I find that a "stiffer" brush works best.

Gillette Flair Tipped Rocket
RVC 2 Band
Godrej SC
Speick ASL

Great shave!

Leeds crawled over the line last night. I had me a couple of celebratary bevvies.
Saturday night

Kent BK4
Lindsay's Choice 6/8 spike

Taylor's sandalwood cream and a/s

Never mind Lindsay, this ugly duckling razor with the earlobe threatening point is getting to be Andy's Choice.
Razor: Dubl Duck #1
Brush: Vulfix 2273
Soap: Ginger's Garden Clove
AS: Pinaud Virgin Island Bayrum, AII Osage

sonny said:
Hey Mick,

In shave 2 , what did you mean nby "MWF Wash" ? As in you used the mwf shaving soap to wash your face? or the MWF BODY SOAP to wash your face?


moodymick said:

Shave 1 - quick swill, Rocket & Astra (1), Musgo & 404 Mix, Old Spice AS

Meh! single pass, no better than i deserved before going down town with mrs m.

Shave 2 - MWF wash, Rocket & Astra (2),Musgo & 404 Mix, Alum, Old Spice AS

Sorry Sonny, was being lazy, I meant MWF wash/bath soap. No scent and does a really good job with my skin :p

Shave 2 was a longer more drawn out affair while the 'Dorothys' were on. Having been a little underwhelmed on the lather front with this Musgo having used similar amounts to when i used Speick & CF, i really went mad with the stuff tonight and eventually got a good wad and had a decent shave. i asked the mrs what she thought of the scent of the lather left in the mug - she thought it smelled cheap. she also doesn't like Speick - but i do, so that's that settled!

MWF Bath Soap, bought off t'Bay

Trumper "Chatsworth" Razor
EJ Best Badger
Trumper Coconut Shaving Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Tried something complete different and potentially dangerous. Did 1 pass ATG, just to see how it was. Got a close shave, but a bit too close in some places, but it went better than I thought it would.

Cheers Fozz.


'59 Fatboy
Red Personna (5)
Neo Finest 2-band
SWK Scuttle
Trumper Limes cream
ToOBS Victorian Lime AS
Nivea ASB.

The ToOBS Lime AS gets a slating on other scent specific websites, but i'm not sure why, i really quite like it!
I think there may even be another shave in the Personna with the Fatboy, but not sure if i am going to give it a try.
Have a nice Sunday Gents,

Pre-grading test - Fitness.

Next Sunday I will be off to Coventry to take the fitness test part of my black belt grading, but today I have to complete the same test locally to be allowed to do so!

So as part of my mental preparation I cracked out my favourite tools for the shave today.

Edwin Jagger DE 89
Treet Carbon 'Black Beauty'
Edwin Jagger Sandalwood Cream (the last bit of a sample I got with the razor)
Vulfix 2235 super
Aquatonic AS

Used a cup to later rather than my customary face lathering and got a lovely slick lather from the EJ cream, I do wish there was an easy supply of these blades over here as they are my favourite find, but then again I guess that their scarcity means I'll never view them as "samey".

The test I shall be tackling involves a 1 mile run, 100 press ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squat thrusts. Then 10, 90 second rounds on punch bags with 30 seconds rest in between. 3 rounds being hand and elbow techniques, 3 rounds kicks and knees and 4 rounds of all techniques; although I fully expect my instructor (and the senior examiner next week) to change at least 1 round to jumping kicks to knacker us more. The run and exercises aren't nearly as hard as they sound, its the bag work that will be the hardest part 90 seconds is a lot longer than it seems and you have to keep a good work rate going throughout!
Good luck Nic

Takes me back to the days of being fit enough to finish 687th out of about 1200 10k runners in my 50s. I may make a return when I get to my 70s. I don't want to peak too early.

All things are relative.
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