Shave of the day w/c Saturday 8th May 2010

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Ever Ready 1912
GEM SE Blade (#3)
Omega cream
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Lloyds Chemists' Witch Hazel
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum
Jasper Conran Man AS Balm

Nice to go back to the Omega cream, which was the very first cream I used when I got my Merkur and began DE shaving back in Dec last year. I love the cool, tingling sensation it has on the skin - it's like having your face eating a Coolmint.

Gillette Tech
Wilkinson blade
TOBS Lemon & Lime cream
Simpsons Commodore X1
RSC Balm

A thoroughly enjoyable shave. I don't know why, but I seemed to get things right straight from the off. After the first pass I had a nice shave, then I went for an XTG and some touchup and got a good (not perfect) finish with zero irritation.
5/8 Square point 'Blue Fox' full hollow, German I assume
Kent H8
Ingrams Cream
D&G aftershave

Quick shave, didn't quite catch a patch in the lower left of my neck due to not paying attention to the direction of the stroke. Still, a great shave. The edge that Bart put on the razor, for free, is unbelievable. If you have a straight that needs to be honed, and is in decent condition, I urge you to send it to Bart. You can't beat the price, free, and the edge is amongst the best I've tried - bear in mind I've only tried five edges with Bart and Neil in joint top spot.

I think I'm where I wanted to be about two years ago when I got into shaving. I can now get shaves which give me a happy face from pretty much any decent razor - straight, de, se, cart etc. The only one I can't warm to is the fatboy, whilst it gives excellent shaves I find the head a little too bulky, B/S/T soon methinks. On the other end of the spectrum a straight with a spike/square point is heaven. With the fatboy I just scrape away around the bottom of my nose in the hope it will shave those awkward bits, with a nice point on a straight I can take out individual hairs in the most awkward of places.
Razor: George Wostenholm & Sons IXL
Brush: Vie-Long 12315
Cream: C.O. Bigelow
AS: C.O. Bigelow Blue Elixir 1704
Cologne: C.O. Bigelow Blue Elixir 1580


Croma Diamant
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
ToOBS Avocado SC
Witch Hazel (And styptic :shock: )
Brut Aquatonic
Nivea ASB.

Weird. The blade felt fine in the Futur, a comfy, painless shave....which left a number of weepers! (But no irritation) Compared to yesterday in the Chatsworth with an uncomfortable shave with no weepers or irritation! Really strange.
Avocado cream as good as usual with tons of lather from a really quick swirl in the tub!

Have a good day guys,

Edwin Jagger DE89
Treet Black Beauty (2)
Boots Shavebowl Soap
Vulfix 2235 Super
Gillette ASB
Envy EDT

Being carbon steel I checked that the black Beauty had not rusted since Sunday, I'd dried it and the razor by patting dry then waving under the fan heater. By the end of the shave the blade had started pulling a tad, so I binned it.

Wasn't aiming for a BBS but got pretty close, and a very comfortable shave all round.

Trumper Razor
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge
EJ Best Badger
ToOBS Lavender Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Same kit as yesterday and same 'tuggy' shave. Lather wetter today, so I am wondering in the 7 O'Clock yellows just don't work well with this razor.

Feather Artist Club RG (folding) razor
Feather Professional blade
Semogue 1305 brush
Tabac shaving soap
D R Harris Pink aftershave
Aramis 900 EDC

Shaved off the mutton chops - they were driving me mad, monkeying about shaving the odd bit of face here and there. I'm now sporting a 'Paul Snr' (the big fella from American Chopper) until the tache is at a waxable length again.
Hot towel
404 mix/MWF (very nice)
DE87/Laser( last shave with this (3) only just made it)
Nivea replenishing ASB
Not too bad but should have used a new blade

Pre: Shower
Soap: Citrus
Brush: Custom made 24 mm silvertip chubby
Razor: A 6/8 (I think) E A Karlsson from Eskilstuna + DE NEW
Post: Proraso
AS splash: Italian Floid

First time I used this straight and it shaved very well - BBF . And I used the DE for my head, since I got so much lather from the soap i thought I aswell could continue .

As for the soap, first time with that one aswell, good lather, not slick, but plenty of it (soaked too long, around 10 min). It felt a little sticky to my skin (that doesn´t happen often for me ), I´ll try it couple of times more, supposed to be a natural handcrafted shaving soap? Writing on the package is in Russian, Latvian and English (I bought it on the Bay from Irland) and it´s a guy with a fancy hat on the cover.

Shower ~ some Aussie shampoo went from my hair to my beard.
"The Colonel" X2L two-band super badger brush
Floris Elite shaving soap
1952 blacktip superspeed with Wilkinson Sword blade
Nivea Sensitive balm

AoS badger brush
R89 w/ Feather
Sante AS (that 'eco' German thing)

Dinner (Greek salad w/ bread)

Nivea Sensitive ASB (no, that was neither part of dinner nor a dessert)

Dammann black tea with lemon along with a 'touch' of Greek honey (guys, if you haven't tried their tea selections, you need to do so - you'll love'em...)

One of the reasons I like the R89 is because I can work with it faster; the Futur and Vision are more cumbersome to hold and use plus that they demand more attention during the shave.
48 hrs stubble, and I've said it before: 72+ hrs stubble always gives me much better shave.
The P.160 is very nice - had to work on it a bit but gave me very good lather at the end.
Sometimes I don't mention 'alum' but I actually use it every single time; it has become a permanent part of my shave routine.
Fulham lost the cup last night, oh well, I supported Hamburg anyway (childhood love along with coach Paisley's Liverpool FC in the early '80s...)

Apologies about the ISO 800 noise but it was handheld (no time to take out and set the tripod).

Merkur 23c
Erasmic stick
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Lloyds' Chemists Witch Hazel
Boots Essentials AS Balm
Tabac AS
Boots Essentials Moisturiser
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