Shave of the day w/c Saturday 8th May 2010

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Usual tried and tested combo for me

Mühle R89
Tesco Israeli (3)
GFT Coconut Cream
Pure Badger
Coral Skin Food
GFT Moisteriser

3 pass plus touch ups. A great BBS shave. Unless I need a really close shave I currently only do a 2 pass which I did the previous day.

Didn't shave after a shower today, so my pre shave routine was similar to a mantic routine on one of his clips.

hot flannel, followed by lather, than hold hot flannel over to really penetrate the beard. and wipe off ready for proper routine.

Mühle R89
Tesco Israeli (4)
Pure Badger
Nannys Citrus Zinger soft soap (used in above pre shave routine as well) *
GFT Coral skin food
GFT Moisteriser.

This was my second try with Nannys. The first go barely gave me enough lather for 2 passes. I'm used to dipping my brush in a pot of cream to get the cream on the tips of the brush then face lather. With this although a soft soap I had to treat it as a hard soap, which I have no experience of. Today was much better, I had enough for my pre shave routine and 2 passes plus touch up, which is all I was planning to do. Result was a comfortable DFS- with just 2 passes.

At the gym again. A pretty cold spring day.

Dovo badger brush
R89 / Feather
Floid blue
Nivea Sensitive ASB

A beautiful shave. The Cella is doing a good job, very slick, I like the almond scent.
T\Very happy with the R89 and Feather combo.
The Floid is nice, much better than any of the ToBS AS that I have, in my honest opinion.

Still working on my technique, XTG in the chin area (esp below the bottom lip) remains something far away from mastered.
As a result, straight shave attempts, honing and purchasing of more straight hardware are postponed indefinitely.

Merkur 34c
Lord SC (3)
404 Bodger
Erasmic Soap (Bowl)

For the sake of the 'old time' scent I have persevered manfully to make a success of Erasmic. The sticks are now awful, I think we may all agree on that, but I have long held a torch for the bowl. Today was make or break; it's now in the bin. I get a decent result but its very hard work and simply results in a lather (which I have previously referred to as jejune) which falls well below a satisfactory level of expectation.

I also intend to apply the same level of brutal choice to the Wilkinson (Blue) Bowl soap next weekend.

The Lord SC will be gone after only 3 shaves too; rather disappointing in the 34c.

Oddly enough I have had a decent shave today. :lol:
Blyth Spirit said:

I also intend to apply the same level of brutal choice to the Wilkinson (Blue) Bowl soap next weekend.

It may be worth retrieving from the bin if only to scoop the old soap out and keep the bowl to grate others into? I have an old Wilkinson blue bowl which i have a grated Irisch Moos stick in - ideal for throwing in a bag if you go away - and also fine in the bathroom - though admittedly it doesn't look as nice as a ceramic/wooden bowl, it does the job.

Bloody good point AJ, thanks. I can compress an ARKO into it (the Erasmic bowl) for travelling; it IS a perfect size and shape for a small bowl. How to get the label off? Nail varnish remover? All help and suggestions appreciated...
Fido said:
Good luck Nic

Takes me back to the days of being fit enough to finish 687th out of about 1200 10k runners in my 50s. I may make a return when I get to my 70s. I don't want to peak too early.

All things are relative.

Thanks Fido

I passed but true to form my instructor added 10% on to the exercises and bag work and made the run 1.5 miles :roll:. At least I know I can do more than is required on the day and after a 20 min recovery I managed to run almost the full half mile home, all up hill, but did have to walk the last couple of hundred yards

All done Tony, looking forward to tomorrow's scrape with real enthusiasm. Give Erasmic it's due it comes in a perfectly sized pot for a 75ml ARKO stick. I bedded it in with a practice swirl using a Wilkinson Sword, available everywhere, bristle brush and what a lather.

It may be worth retrieving from the bin if only to scoop the old soap out and keep the bowl to grate others into? I have an old Wilkinson blue bowl which i have a grated Irisch Moos stick in - ideal for throwing in a bag if you go away - and also fine in the bathroom - though admittedly it doesn't look as nice as a ceramic/wooden bowl, it does the job. [/quote]
All done Tony, looking forward to tomorrow's scrape with real enthusiasm. Give Erasmic it's due it comes in a perfectly sized pot for a 75ml ARKO stick. I bedded it in with a practice swirl using a Wilkinson Sword, available everywhere, bristle brush and what a lather.


Does the trick doesn't it. As i said, not as good as a nice wooden or ceramic bowl, but at least there is a good seal on the lid if you want to go away. Nice, cheap alternative. It is perfectly sized for a full Irisch Moos or Tabac stick too - fills it to the brim.

Ever Ready 1912
GEM SE blade (x8)
Cella soap
Kent BK4
Alum block
Witch Hazel (Lloyd's Chemist)
Jasper Conran Man AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

First use of the Cella soap that arrived yesterday. I have to admit that I'm a bit underwhelmed by it - I've read people singing its praises on here as being very slick, but it doesn't provide as thick & slick a lather as my Arko stick, which was a third of the price....

Gillette Tech
TOBS Lemon & Lime cream
Wilkinson sword blade

Had a cold water shave today to see what it was like, and I enjoyed it. Zero rushing, very little if any snagging but I could definitely felt the blade cutting the hair more which was quite a good feeling as it helped me play around with my angles. The results were just as good as a hot shave, although a little patchy overall as I only did two passes. Skin felt much nicer than usual afterwards.

MWF wash soap
Rocket & Astra (3)
Musgo Cream & 404 mix
Hackett PSB

well i went into super lather mode tonight by using all the Musgo sampler i had left, i almost hate say i think it has grown on me, especially after the caning i gave it initially. that said, still think that Speick gives just as good results (with a similar scent) for slightly less money, so that's that sorted. Next weekend i will mainly be shaving with either OS Lime or DR Harris Marlborough

:lol: :lol:
Interesting shave as i left myself go 4 days.

Ti 5/8" flying tudor rose
Eshave mandarin

No balm no witch hazel no irritation and one hell of a shave, i love cromox and i love sheffield steel.

She even gave me a kiss on the cheek when i wasn't paying attention. :lol:
Lush Shave the Planet cream

Still not quite figured out the Injector. It seems mild to the point I'm irritating my skin but still not getting things smooth. I need to work on my technique with this one.

Good on ya Jeltz
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