Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 4th September 2010

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Monday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: Henk 22 mm silvertip
Razor: Frederick´s
Soap: Nannys Eucalyptus
AS: OS Fresh lime
Strop: Neil Miller linen/buffallo 30/50
Result: Senor Limpio

What to say... everything was spot on in this setup, this morning. Two days of stubble and two passes + touch ups = very smooth and clean.

Hot Shower
Bic sensitive
Erasmic Tallow
Old Spice Whitewater

An in shower shave, but not a success. The Erasmic stick has been milled and compressed and since I can't get a stable lather its been relegated to a shower soap, however it does work well for that and creates a decent albeit short lived lather. The in shower shave was quite poor thought, not close and rather irritating. When I got out I did a cold splash and an alum rub which gave some harsh feed back and the aftershave also stung rather more than usual.

Pre hot shower/ trumpers skin food/ hot towel.
Soap ToBS Eton/ NF 2201
Razor 38R/ personna (1)
Post Block osma/ Proraso menthol / L'oreal moisturizer.

Not too bad a shave today, Still very close but a couple of areas still to work out. its been 3 days since my last. Had a couple of weepers that appeared after the last shave that i tried to be careful around. I used the Eton today instead of the Palmolive. Seamed to lather nicely but definitely drys faster than the Palmolive. Nice scent though.

Hot towel
Truefitt & Hill pre-shave oil
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort cream
New Forest 2201
Edwin Jagger DE87
Wilkinson Sword blade
Truefitt & Hill Ultimate Comfort balm

Still shaving in instalments, with a sit-down between passes, due to my back. However, a very comfortable shave, despite some claret under the nose. The end result was worth the effort.

Might not be best to assess a new blade on a new razor. Although I agree with you the Derby blades are crap and R89 is still the best I've used.

Merkur 37c Slant
feather (3)
GFT Pure Badger Brush
Bluebeards Revenge cream
Coral Skin food (pre and post). I use as a pre to keep my beard moistened while cleaning the shower.

BBS. I didn't shave Sunday, so I had extra growth to normal. This does mean the beard is softer than normal (I'm told), which could contribute to the BBS shave.
NatJag said:
BBS. I didn't shave Sunday, so I had extra growth to normal. This does mean the beard is softer than normal (I'm told), which could contribute to the BBS shave.

While I was away in Anglesey, I only shaved twice and used a 39C/Feather combo. The shaves were superbly smooth, like wiping off the whiskers with a squeegee!

Hot towel,
404 mix/GFT Rose - Hmmmm
Merkur 38C/Jewel - Good combination.
L'occitaine Cade ASB

I havent used the 38C for a while now and had almost forgotten what a joy it is to shave with.
I think the Gillettes will be taking a rest for awhile.
Sunday Evening

Merkur HD + Feather
404 Boardger
EJ Sandalwood soap
Proraso splash

Fancied a change of brush, so out with the 404. It did pretty well with the face-lathering, though I still prefer the overall feel of the NF 2201.

I totally agree with those who say the 404's handle is quality: very solid and affords a really comfortable grip. If I could combine the 2201's bristles with the 404's handle, I think I'd have a near-perfect brush.

Great shave from the HD.
Monday, 09- 06-10. Music: The Rolling Stones_LP Black & Blue.

Soap from Marseille - Semogue LE09 - Edwin Jagger DE89L - Astra blue #2 - Pre Proraso - Palmolive shaving stick in a puck - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Aqua Velva + ASB La Toja.

Monday Afternoon.

Hot shower
Proraso pre/post shave
mama bear's brute soap
Omega 10005 brush
Personna Red blade
Merkur 41 open comb (1904)
Proraso A/S
Body Shop macca root moisturiser.

Well,Well. Tried a shave today with quite an old personna blade (ive not been keeping track of how many shaves but its gotta be over 6), Put the blade in my new 1904 open comb razor and it was fantastic!
Razor felt really good in my hand and it was just willing me on. This Razor is the first which has aloud be to shave ATG on the lower part of my neck giving me the closest shave to date.
Same old set up with the mama bears soap which I cannot fault, dipped my mixing bowl in red hot water for a few minutes before making the lather resulting in nice warm foam .
The Merkur razor came with a pack of Treet Paltinum blades which I may well give a go tomorrow.
Result is very happy and glad I decided to try an OC razor.


Am i right in thinking the mama bears brute soap is intended to smell like the Brut AS? if so, is it close?

Its been a long time since ive smelt Brut AS, I only ever bought the deodrant when I was about 13. (1989)
I suppose it does smell a bit like Brute but better than I remember.
I can highly recommend it, JohnnyO gave it to me to sample and it is easily the best shaving soap I have.
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