Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 3rd July 2010

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6/8 Air Brand straight
Honeybee Sandalwood soap
Shaving Shack Value bristle brush
Alum block
Lloyds Chemist Witch Hazel
Jasper Conran Man AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Fourth straight shave - just one tiny nick tonight. Didn't even notice it until I was applying the balm. !! Same small rough spot on my chin, even though I thought I'd got it this time. Again, otherwise it's a BBS. Still need to suss out the directions I'm shaving in as I still feel very cack-handed trying to work them out.
Wednesday - evening

ABC Tea Tree wash
Slim & Super Thin (1)
Proraso & EJ BB
Proraso ASB

The original plan for first use of the R89 & a GFT sample went by the wayside as in the post today i got some Super Thins (& S T Platinums - are they same just different packaging?) as a pif from Damian (cheers matey!) and some Proraso ASB on a trade from Rik (cheers matey too!)

Blade was nice and smooth, the ASB was subtle and also very nice. But the star of the shave was the Proraso cream - this stuff is just so good
moodymick said:
Super Thins (& S T Platinums - are they same just different packaging?)

If they are different, the difference is not easily discernible (I feel that I can get an extra shave from a Thai (Red, Black & White packaging) compared to a Vietnamese (Red, White, Yellow & Blue)) but the Vietnamese ones are generally around 30% dearer...
Wednesday Evening

L'Oreal face wash in the shower
New Forest Superior 2201
Taylors Almond cream
Gillette Superspeed
Red Personna (2)
Old Spice Lime sample (on face)
Nivea ASB (on neck)

Similar formula to Tuesday's awesome shave, with the exception of Taylor's almond cream which lathered up fantastically with Fido's brush in my Old Spice mug, my first try with a cream and I was very impressed with how easy the lather formed. Great shave on my face, no irritation on my neck, just a little bit of roughness under my chin to work on.

One question, with multiple razors etc, how do you guys keep track of the number of uses your blades have had?
Wednesday Night:

Another hot and humid one here "the (formerly known as) City of Steel". The only thing cold is ... my cold.
... and that seems to be something of a misnomer as most of the day I've had the sweats.

On with the shaving-ness with new stuff aplenty!

  • - Thayers' Rose witch hazel as cleansing/pre-shave
    - Cobalt Blue Super, custom brush by beejay with
      • ToOBS Rose shaving cream (via Badber & Hone)[/list:u][/list:u]
        - 1960 Gillette Adjustable fatboy with
          • Super Iridium[/list:u][/list:u]
            - My Mighty Menthol AlumWater spritz
            - Thayers' Rose witch hazel
            - Alcolado Glacial AS[/list:u]

            Wow - so much wow about today's shave even with my beastly cold trying to make further inroads.

            beejay's custom Cobalt Blue super badger is super in more than grade of knot!
            • Fantastic heft and grip, soft yet sturdy knot that took a wee bit of cream and turned it into enough lather for four full passes and polishing off.[/list:u]

              Badger & Hone has come through with my ToOBS Creams (one Rose & one Lime) in two days tops.
              • The Rose was nicely fresh yet not over-powering and not cloying at all. Very compatible with the Thayers' Rose witch hazel, no competeing there. I hate when two makes of similar product vie for dominance, but these two got along together just fine.[/list:u]

                Getting to know the fatboy better each shave. We have so much in common, I guess - I'm a fatboy too - & I can adjust, even if SWMBA doesn't believe it much! setting was 3,4,4,3 for the passes today, and while I thought my cold had me pinked a few times, it turned out to be nothing of real note ... the post shaving set it to rights.

                ... and the Alcolado Glacial didn't even sting much - though that might be down to my superior insights as a coward who hates pain.
                • I made sure my hands were just slightly dripping cold tap water when I put the AS into my palm, rubbed my hands together but a couple of times and then slapped it gently on. That was the first time the lime scent wafted up free from the menthol and 74% percent alcohol.[/list:u]

                  All in all, a great big faboo fatboy fiesta and a shave LNBS*!

                  * Leaving Nothin' But Smooooooth!

                  ... and a really crap picture - camera batteries died and none are charged to take more, and my cold is slowoing me down again so I can't be arsed to worry too much about it tonight ...
quattrojames said:
One question, with multiple razors etc, how do you guys keep track of the number of uses your blades have had?

I don't, but few here do or easily manage to remember. Some also change blade every x days or specifically once a week, e.g. every Monday morning.

For me it's hard to keep track, don't really know why - especially if I have different blades in multiple razors at a time.
Good Evening Gentlemen!

Prep: Warm wash with Shield Deodorant soap.

Fusion Power( ) & accompanying cartridge
M&R Cream
EJ Med. S/Tip

Warm rinse followed by a cold one. Post Treatment: Alum/Henk's Bay Rum ASB with a twist/D.R.Harris Bay Rum A/S.

Yep! Fell a bit short on time this morn' and picked up the Fusion. Really weird, I momentarily forgot how to use it, and had to re-learn the technique, and so ended up not saving much time at all !! Also, my lather was much too thick for the cartridge- it just couldn't cope :lol: Had to thin it down quite a lot. Result was a DFS/BBS -nice.
Thursday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Thomas Turner
Brush: Ikon 24 mm silvertip
Soap/Cream: Palmolive/Edwin Jagger
ASB: Davidoff
AS: Alcolado Glacial

This island water is extremly hard, it´s almost at the point where it´s beginning to get funny. I used both soap and cream this morning, thanks for the tip a-dad, but I had to reload with more cream after two passes when I moved to the head. Now I´m clean on both head and face though, very satisfing feeling. Sorry for the crapy cell phone pic.
Razor: EJ DE87
Blade: Iridium Super
Brush: Tulip 2 (2-band) Super
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Cologne: D R Harris 'His'

Shaved my head with Baby Oil again - about 2ml of oil on my already wet head.

Fellas, tell 'er indoors to use it on her legs - seriously.

Schick Injector Type 'J'
Personna Blade
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Trumper Sandalwood Shaving Soap
Boots Witch Hazel
Nivea Sensitive asb

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