Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 2nd October 2010

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Gillette Sensor
New Forest 2201
Taylor's Rose Shaving Cream
Old Spice Whitewater a/s

Lovely, but gave me one of those "why do I need a DE?" moments.

Monday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Kanirck
Brush: Ikon chubby 24 mm silvertip
Soap: Nannys Eucalyptus
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Clean
Odd ball razor, I think it says "for sensible beard". Have to shave a cople of more times with it to decide, but it´s a fair enough blade, I think.

Hot towel
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cream
New Forest 2201
Feather AS DE
Feather blade
L'Oreal Hydra-Energetic Post-Shave balm
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cologne

Result? Clean and comfortable, with no irritation. Just as it should be.
Good Monday morning,

Simple face wash
Gillette Tech and Feather blade
Nanny's Eucalyptus shaving soap
Omega Boar brush
GFT Coral skin food ( Fini )
Hugo Boss Hugo cologne

It must be at least 2 and a half or 3 years since I last shaved with the Tech, and never with a Feather blade. I had dismissed it as being too mild and was thinking about giving it away.
However a sharp blade and a good lather made all the difference. Two passes with a little buffing touch up and I am smooth. A couple of weepers where I over buffed. That's the mildness of the razor for you, I wasn't sure if I was actually shaving.
All in all very satisfactory. I think that says more about how my technique has improved in the last couple of years than how good the razor is. So I will keep a hold of the Tech for a while longer and use it more often.

Monday - day 2 with the Tech

1950's Gillette Tech
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
Gold Dachs soap
Some old everything else

Decided that I needed a sharper blade than the Derby I uesed yesterday. So in went a fresh Gillette 7 o'clock yellow. Lathered up with some Gold Dachs, and yeah, this is more like it! Yet to try a feather, but I have a pack waiting...
EJDE89L + supermax (2)
Semogue boar + Body Shop original cream
Witch Hazel
Jovan Sex Appeal cologne

I've been staying away from women this morning because Jovan's Sex Appeal has serious powers of attraction according to the box..

bean said:
EJDE89L + supermax (2)
Semogue boar + Body Shop original cream
Witch Hazel
Jovan Sex Appeal cologne

I've been staying away from women this morning because Jovan's Sex Appeal has serious powers of attraction according to the box..


What does it say on the back of the box bean?
Sunday night:

40's style superspeed
Red ip
Kent h8
Palmolive soap, squished in a dish with a little rosewood soap
Avon blue rush aftershave

Excellent shave

Been giving the alum another shot recently, coming round to it a bit more these days.
Everready Gbar
DUKE 2 best
'Kistna' asb

This might be my favourite of the four or five SE's I've got. Handle is a lovely shape. Getting used to the 'drag' and noise of the SE blades. Another two pass dfs. Not sold of this pricey asb though; tbs's 'Maca Root' moisteriser was more to my liking.
Today was more a "necessity" shave than a "pleasure" shave, after 3 days sans shaving.. it had to be done ;) (feel like I got run over by a bus right now..)

Anyways, I went to my confort zone..
Gillette Flare tip Rocket
Gillette Superthin blade
Avene Sensitive shave cream
Simpson Beaufort B1
Alum + Nivea Sensitive ASB

It's a setup I can use without thinking, and gets me a DFS without hassle.

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