Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 2nd October 2010

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Saturday, 10.2.10

Aura Glow as a Pre Shave Oil
Mitchell's Wool Fat
Semogue SOC BigBoar
Hayashi Diamond 74 .. 13/16ths
SRD Premium I Strop .. 50 Linen/200 Leather .. I just can't stop!
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Nivea AS Balm
Spanish Floïd Suave

This H. Diamond 74 has been around for some time. It's NOS, and the original plan was for Pro honing as a benchmark to judge my efforts against, but I have a new addition on the way that will fill that niche, so I did this one myself.
As soon as this steel hit the stone, I became aware that I was dealing with a different animal. The "clink" of the spine on the stone, and the way the steel felt on the hone told me that this was a hard piece of steel. It also needed many more laps to accomplish the same results.
I had entered a new dimension...

A dimension not only of sight and sound... but of mind,
A journey into a wondrous land who's boundaries are that of imagination,
Your next stop... The Honing Zone


Saturday evening

Aristocrat Jr. > Feather > MWF > SOC > Speick as & cream mix


- First try on the Aristocrat Jr. (thanks Mark). At 72 grams, it feels a bit heavier than my '40s SS, my favorite razor so far, but not as good to shave. They look so similar at a first glance, anyway.
- Which brings us to the second disappointment of today, the blade. Thought that as my technique seems to have improved, I should give the Feathers a proper go after so many months. Not happy. Some irritation, though without the razor or blade giving the impression of being that aggressive. I don't know, perhaps my technique has not improved that much.
- The Speick after shave cream does not impress, though its natural ingredients and quality-for-money performance is appreciated.
- The SOC is a very good tool. No real need to have one, two or more of the other (roughly half priced) Semogues. Just this one is enough, it's a solid all round performer.
- Despite the hard water here, I'm easily getting the MWF to shine. This is an item that will always have a permanent place in my rotation.

It's been a terrible week, really. You do the prep, you are in the front line on hot issues doing your best, and then you get blamed in an inappropriate way at the end. It is remarkable what the incompetence of some people can cause. It is equally remarkable to observe how problematic a certain part of any society can become after so many decades of communism dictatorship.

Before arriving here, a year ago, a senior (close to retirement) colleague back home told me, among other things: "What you're going to go through up there will be way much more than any benefits or pay you will be receiving for it." How true he was.

I'm really looking forward to leave this place and finally be somewhere where I'll be much more happy working and living. Life is too short to be wasted in situations that do not complete us as they should.

Merkur 34C
Henk's Bay Rum with a Twist cream
Simpsons Commodore X1
Boots Distilled Witch Hazel
Simple for Men AS Balm
Blue Stratos AS

Hot shower
E&J 89l
Wilkinson Classic
C&E Nomad soap
Alum bar
RSC balm
Proraso AS

Switched a couple of days ago from Derbys (probably a bit impatient, but I wasn't impressed). Considered trying my new blades, but thought better of it – I think that I need to get a few more weeks in before I start mucking around too much, so I'll switch back to the Derbys the next shave or so. Definitely managed to get a better lather, but the hard water and my technique is preventing me from getting it 100%. Alum bar was a revelation, and the Proraso AS also felt pretty damn good on the mush.

Best shave of my short DE career. It feels good, but I still have a long way to go.

Happy days, mind. There's NO WAY I'm going back to my old shaving ways.
Razor: Rolls Razor Imperial 2
Brush: Simpsons Case
Cream: Prairie-Creation JDM Cherry Blossom
AS: Benjamins Bayrum Menthol


Wring 2x. 2min 35. 3 pass. Rework 1st only. Smooth post-shave.

Nice way to end the day. Dead-tired throughout whole day.
Sunday - first go with the Tech

Gillette Tech - from Erwin at a very good price, thanks Erwin!
Derby Extra - didn't like them much in the WS Classic, no better in the Tech...
Henk's soap - too much water today I think. My lathering technique needs work!

I'm guessing from studying the Mr Razor site that my new-to-me Tech is an early 50's model, and very nice it is too. I decided that I should start mild with a Derby and got a good close shave but can't help thinking that a sharper blade would make life a lot easier. The Derby is in the bin already!
Hot towel
Unknown bristle/Mon Savon
Gillette flare/ Personna
Ogallala Bay Rum :twisted: :twisted:

A very satisfying, close and smooth shave today, finished off with that killer Ogallala!!! :D
Now looking forward to Sunday dimsum lunch in Liverpool :hungrig :hungrig
regards, beejay

Plenty of time this morning, as the Ryder Cup has been put on hold. Look, it's October. The event is being held in Wales. Of course it's going to rain.



I decided on a new Feather blade, rather than try to eke a fourth shave out of the old one. Which would be a bit like putting remoulded tyres on a Ferrari.
I'm glad that I did, as the result was a superbly smooth shave, with no irritation or blood-letting. Sublime.



Gillette Super Thin (Vietnamese)
Semogue 2015
Valobra Stick (WOW!)

Thayers Superhazel
Aqua Velva

Very very nice indeed.
First time using Valobra and I can't believe it has taken me so long to get some. The smell not suit some (very old school soapy) and I believe different to their soft soap however the lather was second to none. IMO the lather out performs Tabac and GFT Eucris etc etc. I will definitely be getting more of this and might even get some of the soft soap if the latherability is the same.
Tried Blade Buffing for the first time on my difficult areas as opposed to multiple XTG passes and it worked however I may have pressed a bit too hard. The learning process continues.

Proraso pre/post sensitive cream
Gillette Slim adjustable
Gillette 7 o'clock sharp edge
Frank Shaving short loft silvertip
Sample of Nanny's sandalwood soap
Bodyshop Maca Razor Relief

First go with my newly acquired Slim and overall the shave was good.

However, I must have knocked the TTO mechanism at one point and then took the razor to my neck which resulted in quite a bit of irritation. It still feels a bit irritated now, but the red bits are starting to fade. I have learned a lesson though and that is to pay more attention.
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