Shave of the day w/c Saturday 29th May 2010

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Tuesday evening:

  • - almost a whole tapful of cold water for rinses & dunks
    - Pre-Shave: My homebrew: Urban Hermit's 'All Agrog' Bay Rum shave oil
    - Semogue 2000 with Colonel Conk's Bay Rum glycerin soap
    - 1940's (NDC) Gillette Tech and a (traitorous, sneaky and vile) SuperMax Stainless.
    - Thayer's Witch Hazel, Peach
    - Alum
    - Urban Hermit's own recipe Bay Rum Baba Balm ASL

    I was quite happy about the light touch and trying to resist excessive repetitive coverage (until a 'buffing' stage). Was doing pretty good and feeling pretty positive. Then I got the tremor in my arm (nerve's pinched due to degenerated vertebrae) and made a smallish slice to the 'above the upper lip, below the nose hole' area on my dominant side ... treachery and sedition!

    .. still, other than that, not too shabby tonight.
Palmolive Soap
Kent H8
Blue Rush aftershave.

Quite liking this Blue Rush stuff after a sunny day. Good thing too as the wife has just informed me there's another bottle of it in the cupboard that was gifted to me a few years ago. In saying that I'm beginning to think I could use vodka as an aftershave and still be happy with the results.

I'm finding the injector a bit fiddly. When I get the angle right it's great but keeping the angle right over all the terrain is tough. It's very mild and I find myself using too much pressure at the wrong angle. Fortunately I can get a decent shave with it and I do enjoy having a razor that forces my technique in my rotation. The blade is holding up well after three or four shaves but I can't wait to change it, the dispenser is fun!

EJ Chatsworth
Wilkinson Sword white label (1)
EJ Med Silvertip
SWK Scuttle
Tabac Cream
Witch Hazel
Old Spice Fresh Lime AS
Daniel Hechter ASB.

Not too sure about these blades. I have a DFS, with no nicks or weepers, but it did feel a touch "tuggy" whilst shaving.

Don't really understand why people have given less than positive reviews for the Tabac cream. It seemed no worse than many other creams this morning. It did seem a little thirsty, so i wonder whether they used enough water? Same scent as the soap, maybe not quite as nice a shave, but not drastically worse!
Have a good day gents,

EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Castle Forbes Lavender Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

I've been using the Trumper DE razor solidly for about a month, and I felt I needed a change. Great shave with the Futur - BBS from WTG and XTG passes, no ATG required.

Feather AC / Professional blade
Semogue 1305 brush
Palmolive shaving soap stick
Old Spice aftershave (Shulton)
Caron Pour Un Homme EDT

Astra SP (1)
Wilkinson Sword Brush
Boots Soap

Nivea ASB
Forest Fresh AS

The Wilkinson's brush still very good this morning, again with Boots' best bowl. Maybe it just takes a little bit of time to understand its strengths and weaknesses? It will never be my main brush but as a standby it'll do quite nicely.

A very good shave today.

MWF Wash
Slim (5) & Astra (3)
Tabac & 404 Mix
Tabac AS

That hurt, blood there was too it went ok till i got to the chin area where there seemed to be blade skip and i overshaved the area on the first pass. foolishly i went for a second pass and then there the damage was done. I think tomorrow will be a dial down to 4 and a fresh blade, if i wet shave at all depending on how the chin feels in the morning :|
Check out this thread, I asked the same thing .

Gillette Tech
Israeli (1)
Super Badger Travel Brush
Trumpers Coconut

3 pass shave with minor touch-ups on chin. DFS

Yuma Razor
Gillette Super Thin (2)
Omega Pro #49
Palmolive Soap
Adidas Dynamic Pulse AS (mentholated)

The cheap Yuma is a really aggressive little bugger and delivers a good shave.


Wednesday, 06- 02-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue 830 - Gillette Fat Boy - Astra #2 - Pre Proraso - Wilkinson stick in a puck - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Brummel.


Rolls Razor (Viscount model), finished off with the Merkur Futur (#5)
Feather (new, in the Futur)
Body Shop Maca Root cream
Kent BK4
Alum Block
Jasper Conran Man AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Received my Rolls razor today from eBay. Gave it a bit of a stropping, but it's obviously a bit blunt and in need of honing too. I had to abandon it part-way into the shave when it was dragging and tugging the tougher stubble around my chin, and I then realised it had barely touched the stuff on my cheeks. Ah well, I'll persevere and try it again when it's sharp!

The Merkur did the trick with a new Feather and cut through everything in an instant. In fact, I ordered 100 Feathers last night from dridiot as they're the blade for me, along with my Shaving Shack Israelis
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: George Butler & co
Brush: 23 mm badger
Cream: Cyril Slater Indian Sandalwood
Post: Proraso
AS: Old Spice Fresh Lime

Result: Hohum, I knew the blade wasn´t sharp enough, but I thought that maybe it´ll work anyway. Not the first time, when will I learn :roll:? Face lathering and pre was good though :lol:

Semogue 2009 LE
Aristocrat Jr.
Super Iridium (new)

Godrej cream (thanks Factormax)
Taylor's St James a/s

A rather rare DE shave, and very nice it was too. I was trying to assess whether the Godrej would be protective enough for use with a straight: not convinced, but I liked it a lot so I'll have a go in due course.
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