Shave of the day w/c Saturday 29th May 2010

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Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Body Shop Maca Root Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

(Lazin' on a ...)Monday Afternoon:

  • - plentiful exposure to cold water for rinses and dunks
    - Pre-Shave: King of Shaves Alpha Oil for Sensitive Skin
    - 1940's (NDC) Gillette Tech & a fresh Bhiwadi Wilki
    - Nanny's Citrus with Nutmeg & Vulfix/Shaving Shack No. 6 Old Original
    - OIl Pass: same as for Pre-Shave
    - Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel -- I had a spazz-o moment and splashed almost half the small bottle's contents into the sink
    • ... at least I didn't have my spasm whilst shaving blade-in-hand-proper[/list:u]
      - alum liberally applied
      - Urban Hermit's homemade Bay Rum Baba Balm ASL[/list:u]

      ... after just over a week of nothing but N to S pass shaving, today I may have had a minor stroke epiphany. Not an epiphany due to a minor stroke, but a minor epiphany about my use of the bladed razor. Where I thought I was using 'light-to-no' pressure in the past, I was really using moderate/medium pressure, I think. Today I clicked somehow (perhaps due to my sore shoulders and a few zit/bump/plute-y bits on my facial cheeks; not sure really), and lightened my razor pressure while still maintaining blade-to-skin contact -what a huge mammmy-jammin' difference that made!

      I still have a few areas where my non-grain hairs are playing silly-bugger-ninjas with my blades, but on the whole, a massively close shave. I also think that the skin that hasn't been shaved clean in almost 3 decades, must be getting a bit more used to its newfound exposure to the elements, though I still feel it truly is 'sensitive' skin, and not just 'unused to bladed attention'.

      Cheers, have a good afternoon/evening, and thanks again to those whose good advice has helped me along so far.

      A truly DFS, over a luxuriatingly long period, as SWMBA is often keen to pont out to me
Monday am

Red Personna (3)
Wilkinson Sword Brush
Proraso Soap

Proraso ASB
Proraso AS

After reading the post that Neo uses his Wilkinson's brush often prompted me to dig out mine. It actually was a revelation with Proraso and a bit of bowl lathering; I was amazed. I'll give it a go for the rest of the week simply to see if it was a fluke. I hope it wasn't because I think the handle is terrific...some reason, eh?

Great shave today. Very pleased.

Merkur 39C Sledgehammer
NOS 1970's Gillette Super Silver (1)
Omega Pro #49
Palmolive milled Soap in a bowl
Gillette AB
Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve

Nearly forgot how sharp these NOS blades are {nearly feather sharp], the slant really likes a sharp blade and the lather made by the Omega and Palmolive was plentiful and a nice shave was had after a very busy day at work, still day off tomorrow.



Gillette Slim Adjustable
Kai (#2)
Cella soap
Shaving Shack Value bristle brush
Alum block
Simple For Men AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Another go with the Kai, another weird skin reaction. Seems to bring it out in a bumpy, rash-like condition that stings but fades after 4 or 5 hours. Got a reasonably good shave, but left a few rough patches as I didn't want to do any touch-ups on skin that was already reacting. I'll need to think about flogging the rest of the supply I bought a few months back & ordering more Feathers instead.

TOBS Lemon & Lime cream
Commodore X1
Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow
RazorRock alum
RSC Balm

Shaved after a shower which I don't usually do but it made a big difference - the first pass was like the third on any other day - nearly silent. I just did two passes and it felt buttery smooth but judging from the state of my neck and right cheek this morning I reckon pushing the yellow to a fourth shave was a mistake. My stubble also seemed to grow back much quicker than usual. Weird.


Gillette Platinum
Commodore X1
RazorRock alum
RSC Balm

First go with a Platinum and I may be unfair to it as my face was in a bit of a state after yesterday, but I went very easy with it and it still tugged a bit. Settled down with use though and seems to have done a good job. Just a very light two passes today, give my visage a chance to recover.

Had a night shave, whilst kids in the bath. Having returned from holiday and rushed around all day I want a little longer in the bed tomorrow morning before heading off for work.

Palmolive stick - grated now I don't need a stick for travel
Semogue 2015HD
Feather Travel Razor
Feather blade (4)
Rose Water Toner

The grated Palmolive is lovely and slick - although the Feather on shave 4 did cause a few nicks, this could of course have been the kids driving me nuts and distracting me with a blade in my hand :lol:

Really loving the rose water thing - would recommend anyone who hasn't tried to give it a whirl, if you don't like it then it can always be a "gift" for SWMBO :D

MWF wash
Adj Slim & Astra (1)
404 mix & Tabac

was going for the DRH Marlborough sample today, but as i sat in the local cinema this afternoon with No 1 Son, watching Gemma Arterton and thinking - she'd get it, i decided on a hardware change instead ;)

I opened my razor box and ippy dippied an Adjustable Slim. I had a look around to see what setting to start off with and went for a 3, as the gap was comparable to a 34C. WTG pass no problems, slacked it off and went up to 4 for a XTG on the face and SN on the neck, again no problems. Probably try a 5 in the morning :)
Monday #2

Wanted to shave tonight rather than tomorrow AM and since the straight shave earlier wasn't close I had plenty to get rid of.

Gillette Twist
Super Iridium (1)
Wars Cream
Vulfix 2235
Old Spice Whitewater AS

Cue ball finish, nice. Just got the Whitewater today and like the fragrance. Fresh, clean, powdery, Mediterranean thicket with a hint of pretentious description.
Monday 05-31-10. I have changed the blade (7 O'clock yellow is not in the pic).

Soap from Aleppo - Kimson silvertip - Super Speed 40's style - 7 O'clock yellow #1 - Mitchell's Wool Fat - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Grey Flannel.

5/8 'The Palmer'
Kent H8
TOBS Shaving Shop cream
Blue Rush aftershave

The Blue Rush was given to me by Granny-in-law for Christmas. It's cheap and I get the feeling it doesn't moisturize or care for my skin too much but after a sunny day at Louden Castle, it's perfect.

First time I've used my alum block in a while, I don't really see the point to be honest. For getting some traction on my fingers it's great but as an aftershave product I find it rather useless on its own and rather pointless when I've got something else.

"The Palmer'' may be rather unsightly with its cracked scales and rough sandpapered finish but Larry Andro has put one hell of an edge on it that won't go away. He claims he can sell straights cheap as he skimps on most restoration work but always ensures that the shaving edge is good. After a good few shaves over a good few months I have to agree, his honing is up there with the best of them.


phone pic didn't really work but I'm gonna post it anyway:

Astra Platinum (4)
Mühle Pure
SWK Scuttle
Irisch Moos Soap
Witch Hazel
Irisch Moos AS

That was the last shave from this blade. (So that was 5 in the Fatboy and 4 in both the Chatsworth and Futur. Not sure why that would be...)

This was the first use of the Irisch Moos AS and wow! Absolutely lovely smell for a start, slightly different from the soap, but similar. I could feel it sorting my face out too, hence no requirement for additional ASB. Well worth buying.
I have grown to really like the "Big 3" German shaving bits - Tabac, Irisch Moos and Speick. I may have to try the Tabac cream tomorrow! (I also saw at the weekend an IM Cream).

Have a great day gents.
Tuesday Queen's Birthday, Gawd bless yer Ma'am.
Feather AC / Professional blade (#3)
Semogue 1305 brush
L'Occitane Cade shaving soap
L'Occitaine Cade aftersahve
Tam Dao EDT
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