Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 26th June 2010

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EJ DE89, Treet Durasharp Hitech #2
Vulfix 2235 C&E Nomad soap
Oldspice Whitewater.

Nice CCS, althought I like the Treet carbon steel blades and get a smooth comfortable shave from them they do blunt quickly, 2 shaves and they are pulling somewhat.

Mach 3
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Castle Forbes Lavender Shaving Cream
Boots Witch Hazel
L'Occitane Cade asb

BBS, no irritation.


I had a broad grin as I shaved today. I'm obviously delighted by the early feedback on my New Forest 2201. This is my 2202 fan shape version sample that I have now used several times. It's going to make a great partner. This is a softer brush but still has backbone enough for soaps. Today I used it with a sample of Trumpers GFT cream - wow, such lather! A lovely scent for a summer day. A luxurious shaving experience.

Good afternoon all.

St. Ives face scrub
RSC cream
Men-U pure bristle brush
Feather and Futur
Proraso AS splash

A closer shave with the Futur set on 2, doing same 2 pass shave as I had done previously with the HD.

The Proraso AS splash has a light quick fading scent, which doesn't interfere with any cologne.

spandexcodpiece said:
Sounds as if you have a fairly light beard growth, possibly fair hair, fair skin type! That's great, it will make ALL your shaving consumables stretch much further-if that's a desirable thing for you!

Dark hair, normal/dark skin type and I'd say normal beard growth. I need to shave every day and have stubble by tea time if I've shaved in the morning. If I'm going out in the evening I'll have a second shave. But it's not a thick five o'clock shadow.

I dare say Desperate Dan would say I had light beard growth. But I'd say Andy Murray has light beard growth (and definitely needs a good shave).

I've only tried a handful of blades so far and they are all highly rated by many. I expect to find some that are blunt after two or three shaves. Just haven't yet.

There's an easy solution - ditch the helmet.
You'll feel cooler and look cooler.

light blue touch paper 10, 9, 8, 7, run, run, hide, helmet debate alert!!! (1gear and lagaffe will understand if nobody else does :lol: )
Razor: EJ Chatsworth Sensor
Brush: Simpson Duke 2
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Aftershave: D R Harris Pink
Cologne: D R Harris 'His'

Razor: Gillette Fusion
Pre-shave Some girly FCUK shower scrub*
Soap: D R Harris Almond
Post shave: Something else girly by FCUK, whipped body cream or somesuch*

*Daughter got these at Yule, she didn't want them, gave them to my missus, I saw them and thought 'why not?'.

3rd headshave in a row, not done that for a while. I've never really taken much notice of what I shave my head with - as long as the blades are sharp and easy to rinse through. Going to concentrate a bit more on this now as my face-shaving gear is pretty much sorted and I like the idea of having a shiny dome all the time, not just at weekends.

I've got a list of stuff I'm looking to try;
GFT Skinfood
Baby Oil
L'Oreal range of products
Headblade range
Gillette Sensor 3 (again)
Gillette Mach 3 (again)
Gillette Pro Fusion (when it gets released here)

Hi bean!

I couldn't have got your beard/skin type more wrong could I ? How you manage to get a min. of 6 shaves from every blade you use therefore, is completely beyond me,(must be the water).

New Forest 2201
George Butler 5/8 round point

Mitchell's Wool Fat
Taylor's St James a/s

A more than creditable performance by the newcomer with the Wool Fat - more than enough lather for three passes.

Agreed. Once, I got 4-5 shaves out of a Feather, which was very surprising.

Daily shaving (WTG + XTG passe) means there's less hair to be cut than say, someone who cuts more growth by shaving every 2-3 days.
Re: Shave of the Canada Day. W/C Saturday 26th June 2010

Thursday (Canada) Night:

  • - Cleansed with Thayers' Rose witch hazel
    - J M Fraser's Oriental Spice shave cream (Canadian product, eh)
    - Semogue 2000 ... a hog with great spine is 'almost = to' Back Bacon
    - 1940s Gillette Tech kitted out with a Treet Platinum super stainless
    • - somewhat amazed at how much of a treat that Treet was[/list:u]
      - My Mighty Menthol AlumWater spritz
      - Thayers' Lavender witch hazel
      • ... didn't feel the need for any further post-shave tonight![/list:u][/list:u]

        I did a three pass shave* with a teeny bit of ATG polishing up and, quite seriously, had one of the best shaves, so far. Somewhere in tonight's session, I had another one of those inexplicable moments where something clicked, and it was like going up a level. Light of touch was just that much more light; blade angle was just that much more sweet. Woot.

        * NOTE:
        • - 1st pass from up to down, mostly perpendicular to the floor
          - 2nd pass was from ear-most edges to centre-line
          • strokes at angles represented by (roughly) NE to SW & NW to SE approximately,[/list:u]
            - 3rd pass was from centre-line of face to ear-most edges
            • strokes at angles represented by (roughly) NW to SE & NE to SW approximately,[/list:u]
              - clean-up ATG component strokes were entirely under the jaw line, in towards the 'point' of chin[/list:u]
Hot face wash and flannel
Proraso soap (new in today, struggled a bit for lather will try mixing in the tub next time)
WS boar brush
Red Persona (2nd use)
Hot followed by cold water rinse
Nivea ASB

A good shave, nice to try a different cream from the usual Palmolive. More work required on building lather, but an enjoyable return to the SS after a couple of days with the Fatboy.
Thursday, 07- 01-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Omega boar brush - Gillette Rocket flare tip - Personna IP #2 - Pre Proraso - La Toja shaving stick in a puck - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL La Toja + ASB La Toja.

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