Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 26th June 2010

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Art of Shaving sandalwood today - one of the few brands that don't mark names on their bowls. Seem to be using the Jagger Chatsworth a lot lately - today with a swede.


Merkur Futur (#3)
Feather (#4?)
Honeybee Sandalwood soap
Kent BK4
Alum Block
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
Floid Blue AS
Blyth Spirit said:
Phew, that's a relief. However is afr a purely Canadian term?

... er, yeah, definitely - well, certain portions of the population use it more than others, of course
  • ... fumble-fingered canucks who aren't morning people, type it many times when they mean to say 'far'.[/list:u]

  • :lol: Touche! :lol:
Monday midday, 06-28-10.

Soap from Aleppo - No name Best Badger brush - English Aristocrat #21 - Iridium Super #2 - Pre Proraso - TABAC - Alum block - Toner Thayers Original - ASL Aqua Velva + ASB Floïd.


  • I ain't wearin' a touche - this is my real butt hair!

Monday Night:

  • - I don't think I need mention the luxuriating face-soakings in cold water following cleansing with Thayers' Unscented Witch Hazel
    - bubblewater from tonight's shave cream as 'pre-shave'
    • - to keep the face moist and soften the beard after the dunkings[/list:u]
      - J M Fraser's Jake's "sports" shaving cream
      • - not that there was any sport on my part
        • - other than bobbing for ice cubes[/list:u][/list:u]
          - Tezimel Horsehair
          - 1940s Gillette Tech with Super-Max Stainless
          - My Mighty Menthol* AlumWater spritz
          - Thayers' Peach Witch Hazel[/list:u]

          What a day, what a day, what a day... and it started early even for one of my Mondays!

          Both pairs of work trews lost the button in the wash, which didn't get hauled from the machine until this morining so there was no time to repair it before work. Fortunately the home manager is reasonable and agreed that my office is bad enough that the shorts I was wearing were alright in such an islated situation.

          Now, I'm sure all your partners are as thoughtful and considerate as SWMBA is to me. Always there to go that little bit further; to make life a bit less stressful by scooping out destiny's turd from floating in your first cuppa of the day - metaphorically, that is. Well, my SWMBA new of the buttins so to ease my lot after the stress of hte day ... she left out a needle and a choice of thread for me to use when I sew one of them on for tomorrow ... which is what I'm off to do now.

          • * My Mild Menthol AlumWater spritz was very mildly menthol. I made some ... um, Mentho-hol(?) last night. I added some to the spritz and it became much mightier[/list:u]

The boy's Birthday tomorrow so no time to shave in the morning!

EJ DE89 with Treet Dura Sharp Hi-Tech
Vulfix 2235 super and RSC menthol cream
Aquatonic AS

CCS - I do prefer Treet's carbon steel blades to their stainless ones.
Tuesday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Brush: 20 mm silvertip with Olive wood handle, from our own Henk
Razor: Revisor Crown Jewel
Cream: Vulfix English Rose
Post: Proraso
AS: Floid, Italy
Result: Very nice

First time with both brush and razor, both preformed well, amazed of how well the brush lays in hand and how well it performed and blomed, being the first time. Thank you Henk! :shave Razor was very nice, but needs some honing, I did some touch up with balsa and it worked (HHT), but after the shave and 50/70 on Neil Millers linnen/buffalo strop it was sharp, but not sharp enough + it pulled some towards the end of the two passes. I´m very happy to have traded for this razor and it´s a very nice blade!

Merkur 34c
Derby Extra (1)
Simpson's 'Wee Scot'
Proraso Soap

Proraso ASB
Proraso AS

I'm amazed, a good shave from a Derby in a closed comb razor. They are brilliant in the Muhle R41 but this morning it came up trumps.

The Wee Scot was sensational again, with another soap! (Face lathering) Precise application and no surplus soap splatter or overload.

Minimal swirling means minimal soap useage means longer lasting stocks.


I was thinking the same thing this morning as I gazed down at my stubbornly full ramekin of Cella. Great stuff but I'm trying to use it up.
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