Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 25th September 2010

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Monday Night:

  • - Merkur 42 1904
    - Samah Sharp stainless steel
    - Old Spice Musk shave cream
    - Le Tuft Cobalt Blue
    - Thayers' Lavender Witch Hazel
    - New Dawn Russian Lavender AS[/list:u]

    Ended up with a few patches of the old crimson tonight - too tired, too pre-occupied, too full of cold ... probably a few other 'too's as well, but too wiped to think of them, or to give a rat's arse about them at this point ...
    • Could have been worse, as a bit of styptic pencil, a whole stream of very cold cold water and liberal splashing about with the Thayers' and New Dawn, and little sign remains that I'd pinked myself at all tonight.[/list:u]
Monday, 27-09-10.

Soap from Alepo - Omega 6236 silvertip - Gillette English Aristocrat #21 - Astra green #2 - Pre Proraso - Vitto's shving soap - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Osage Rub sample + ASB T&H.


Brut day today, love it!

Gillette fusion gamer
Gillette fusion proglide blade
MB Brute (thanks JohnnyO)
Brut AS

Love my smell today! Quick N-S pass because I've got irritation on the neck, I think the problem with the fusion is it's too good, very close cut but irritation appers when the hair grows, back to the sensor next week!

Trumper Razor
New Forest 2201
Taylor Lavender Shaving Cream
Floid Blue a/s

Got a sample of the Floid a/s to try. Very nice.

Tueday morning
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Dorko
Brush: Ikon 24 mm silvertip
Soap: Nannys Yushu LE
AS/ASB: La Coste Challenge + Davidoff Cool Water
Strop: Neil Miller
Result: Very clean
Fido said:
"Deep cuts" "patches of old crimson" Must be careful today. Things go in threes.

Well, mostly just stuff like 'trios', 'triplets' and ménages à trois.
      • ... though the latter will usually try to 'come in threes', rather than 'to go' in them...
              • ...YMMV...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                • ... or so I've read...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                  • anyway: meh - that's merely a superstition! Things happen "in threes", indeed!

                    *SFX: the sound of something not exactly a golf ball, being shot, at high velocity, through nnnot exactly a school-dinner-custard, into an absurdly taut nnnnnot exactly drum-skin, only to be catapulted into, and ricocheting off of, nnnnnnnot exactly two other golf balls ...*
                              • ... oop ...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
                                  • Oh my, I just grew a third testicle.
                                                • ...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: Simpsons Case
Cream: Prairie-Creation sample 3
AS: Pinaud Lilac Vegetal

Wring 2x. 2 min. 3 pass. Smooth post shave. Texturewise it's more like Sample 2 and not as slick as Sample 1. Nevertheless post-shave smooth. Lilac Vegetal is an acquired scent indeed. Some hate it some don't. It's mildy refreshing. Bite isn't as potent as other AII products but good nonetheless.
aberimp said:
Excellent shave, but disaster struck when drying the razor after. I managed to gouge a deep cut into my thumb (cutting through a thick towel in the process). About 5 minutes of profuse bleeding, then a plaster. Then off to work...

Today's multiple-choice Reply-post options are:

      • A: That is disastrous! Why must 'work' always get in the way of things, and foul up our lives?

        B: That is a disaster! I know SWMBA would kill me, if I cut through one of the bathroom towels!

        C: That, is a disastrous sounding owwie, imp; take care, wot.

        D: That is ... wahhhhhhhhh ... Blood! Blood!! Blood!!! hhhrrrnnnnk! gluhhb-buh-luhhh-grrrlaakkk[i]!![/i] *INSERT: other incredibly graphic and life-like sounds of vomiting HERE:*[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

As yesterday:

Hot towel and watery lather
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cream
New Forest 2201
Edwin Jagger DE87
Derby blade
Pecksniffs Citrus ASB
Truefitt and Hill West Indian Limes cologne

A satisfying, uneventful shave. With none of the graphic leakage of claret so eloquently outlined above, thankfully!


Tuesday, 09-28-10.

Soap from Alepo - Rooney 1/3 silvertip - Gillette Rocket HD 500 - Croma Diamant Stainless #1 - Pre Proraso - Lavanda shaving cream - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Physical + ASB La Toja.

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