Shave of the Day w/c Saturday 24th April 2010

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Wednesday August 12, 2009

Merkur 39C Slanthammer
Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge
EJ Best Badger
D.R. Harris Pink a/s
Penhaligon's English Fern edt

Off out to look at garden storage devices.

Have a good 'un

Merkur Futur (3.5)
Wilkinson Sword German (2)
Vulfix 2235 Super
Boots Shavebowl soap
Gillette ASB


Enjoy the sun gentlemen!

Ever-Ready 1912
Gem SE (1)
Omega 80056
Gillette Blue Bowl/RSC Cream [Uberlather :shave ]
Witch Hazel
One Planet AB
Denim AS

First foray into the world of SE shaving :oops: , my 99p 1912 arrived yesterday, the blades from Paul at Connaught Thursday [Damn quick delivery from Paul as always]. cleaned the 1912 when i got home from work and this morning loaded up the Gem blade, after reading about the aggressiveness of these razors I just went for it [I have used a Feather in my Slim on 9 :shock: ], this razor sings when mowing down the stubble, when cutting it reminded me of my slant [I thought my RAD was cured when I bought the Slant, now where can I get a micromatic :roll: ]. for anyone one that likes DE shaving they should try SE shaving, I'm a convert but will still be using my DE's in rotation. I got a really nice shave but will have to work on my technique with this as it uses a different angle, so guys go out and get one they're cheap on the Bay.

Have a jolly spiffing day Gents.



Back from Lymington Market - as fine a place as one could wish to be on a fine spring day in southern England.


I've been using creams, bowl and sivertips for over a week now. I often wondered why I bothered with soaps. Now I know why. I miss them! There's nothing like variety to maintain interest in what you do. So tomorrow it's back to a puck and brushes with more backbone. Before returning to silvertip softness. And so it goes on.......

Flare tip rocket
Gillette super thin viet (2)
Vulfix 404 bodger
nanny's juniper yushu soap
niveas sensitive asb / old spice fresh lime

The Rocket and super thin are working really well. First go with the soap , nice fresh smell softer than I'm used to ,worked a treat great lather 3 passes +. Then the old spice fresh lime with the nivea sensitive, lovely stuff . Got a BBS.

Gong 13/16 half hollow straight.
Fido 2 band prototype.
Penhaligon's EF Soap


First straight shave, ambulance on stand by but not required thankfully.
Feather Artist Club with Pro blade
Semogue 1305
Tabac soap
Old Spice aftershave

Kouros Fraicheur EDT

Off to watch Hucknall Town (Unibond League Premier Division) in our last game of a rather poor season.

Merkur 34C
Iridium (3)
404 Mix
Palmolive Soap
Old Spice

Decided as it was weekend and the sun was shining to try a little variation and went for a go at bowl lathering. Filled an Old Spice mug with hot water and placed it in sink also filled with hot water to just below the mug height. Loaded up the soap from the ramekin, emptied out the hot water from the mug and went to town. It actually worked quite well and the lather stayed warm for the 2 passes and touch up. Bit of a faff more than i would be prepared to do every morning, but a nice twist nevertheless. Next time though i will use my newly acquired (!?) :roll: grande sized Costa Coffee cup (the one with 2 handles) which i erm..... got :oops:
antdad said:
Gong 13/16 half hollow straight.
Fido 2 band prototype.
Penhaligon's EF Soap


First straight shave, ambulance on stand by but not required thankfully.
Hi antdad!

Congrats. on taking the plunge! All sounds good, any damage what so ever? How long did it take? You must feel elated! (I think it will be approx. a year before I have a go).

All the best, spandex.. :)
spandexcodpiece said:
Congrats. on taking the plunge! All sounds good, any damage what so ever? How long did it take? You must feel elated! (I think it will be approx. a year before I have a go).

All the best, spandex.. :)

Thanks... a couple of very small wipe away nicks but surprisingly little damage, I did three passes (if you can call them that) plus a D.E pass to tidy up. It took about 30 - 40 min's. Clearly lots to work on but I liked it.

Merkur 34c
Shark SS (4)
404 Bodger
Mr Taylor Cream

Tabac AS & Nivea ASB Mix.

A very good and leisurely shave!

Followed by a trip to a sun swathed Morpeth to watch the RRF (Northumberland) parade and take the salute; real men all and I'm glad they're all safe!! Oh yes Mrs Spirit and I enjoyed a nice lunch (at my expense :roll: ).

A rather nice day for it all...

Muhle R89 / Personna
Dovo shaving soap & badger
ToBS St. James AS
Florame ASB

OK - decided to finally try the R89 (loaded the right way this time!) Shaves well, no complaints. Now I understand how aggressive my Futur can actually be, if set on 2 and above.
Trying to get good lather from the Dovo soap; need to practice more as few pucks (other brands) are on their way from the UK. At the moment it is much easier for me to get good lather from cremes.

Have a great Saturday night, gents.


Semogue 2009
Dovo 1516

cold water

And that's it. Rehoned the Dovo today, nice to have it back in use.


Edit: pic added for those who appreciate such things. Why was PhotoBucket acting up last night I wonder?

Merkur Futur
Feather (2nd use)
Nanny's Yushu soap
Vulfix No.5 Pure Bristle
Boots Essentials AS Balm
Cella Classica cologne

Very quick, minimal face-lathering shave this morning - but with the Futur & Feather, it didn't matter. They clear 98% of my stubble in one pass! :D
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