Shave of the Day W/C Saturday 22nd May 2010

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EJ Chatsworth
Astra Platinum (4)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
VDH Deluxe soap
SWK Scuttle
Witch Hazel
Trimaran AS
Daniel Hechter ASB.

Issues with lather again today. Ended up very foamy after the 1st pass. Not too sure why so i will be posting a question elsewhere on this.

Have a good day gents.
Pre: Shower
Brush: Badger 23 mm
Razor: Johan Engström, one of my favourites
Cream: Top Secret
Post: Proraso
AS: Tabac

Result: Ok, just one pass this morning.

N_Architect: She´s a cute, but also a riot cat. She´s a liitle bit like the cat in Shrek :lol: Don´t give up on Cella, it´s soooo good. I´ve decided to go for Sharons soaps and Cella in the future, that´s it! ... If I don´t find something else :lol:

MWF wash soap
Rocket & Astra (3)
Tabac & 404 Mix
Hackett PSB
Tabac AS

although used the usual suspects this morning, as i shaved also last night i went for WTG / XTG on the face and an unusual for me NS & SN on the neck. No irritation or bumps, just a little message from Mr Alum saying 'not bad, not bad at all!' :D
Fido said:

First proper shave with my first New Forest Superior Badger. I'm delighted with it. Used it with old favourites and added a crystal platinum to the Merkur.


OOOH,, it looks quite sexy sitting there all moist and filled out :hungrig :hungrig
Cant wait to get my hands on one.
Fido's brushes look good, I'll be watching for the official on sale thread.

Merkur Slant 37c
feather (2)
Pure Badger
Nanny's Citrus soap
Coral Skin food

I used the slant yesterday and had a dfs- shave, today, while smooth to the touch, quite a lot of redness on the neck. I feel this razor will give me a great shave, I just need to get used to it, to get the best from it.
Thursday AM

Merkur 15c OC
Red Personna (2)
Vulfix 404 Bodger
BS Maca Root Cream

Nivea ASB
Tabac AS

Much better result than yesterday. Cracking, light little razor the 15c. Perhaps the 11c just does not like the Red Personna? I'll try it next week with either a Merkur or an Astra blade, both of which I know are good in that razor.

I'm almost at the end of the Maca Root tube so I'm hammering away at it until it's gone. Tough job but (as they say) someone has to do it.


1958 TV Special Superspeed
Shaving Shack Israeli blade
Kent BK4
Honeybee Sandalwood soap
Thayers Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
Body Shop White Musk For Men AS Balm


Merkur Futur (#5)
Feather (3rd & final use)
Kent BK4
TOBS Sandalwood cream
Thayers Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
Jasper Conran Man AS Balm

Going for a no-alum, no-aftershave few days - just for a wee change and to see if my face notices any difference! So far, my skin is less dry & tight afterwards (despite me washing the alum off when I use it), so perhaps the alum's responsible?
I think the alum will be responsible, I hadn't used any for a long time, then got one this week and my face is noticably 'tighter' than previously if not outright dry. I've taken to rinsing it off and then following it with some balm, which works quite nicely.


Trumpers Limes cream
Gillette 7 O'Clock yellow
RazorRock alum
RSC Balm

First shave with a yellow and it was lovely, three passes, very close finish and just a little tingling on my neck which I doubt will turn into a red patch. No nicks either, which makes a change from Derbys.

Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Body Shop Maca Root Cream
Clinique Post Shave Soother

Not used the TBS cream for ages and had forgotten just how good it is.

Gillette #66 Aristocrat razor
Semogue 1305 brush
Tabac shaving soap
Old Spice aftershave

Looking forward to a long weekend - including Tuesday off (the Queen's Birthday - Gawd Bless yer, thanking you kindly Ma'am)

EJ Chatsworth
Astra Platinum (5)
Neo Finest 2-band
SWK Scuttle
C&E Sienna Soap
Witch hazel
Addidas (red) AS
Daniel Hechter ASB

Nice comfortable and relaxing shave.

Have a nice day gents.

Something new today came as a free gift with a new Vie Long brush (not the brush in the picture) - Proraso Liquid Cream After Shave. I expected a menthol blast which I'm not too keen on. I was pleasantly surprised. A pleasing aroma left a nice cool feeling and soft skin. Martin de Candre helped too. A little tribute to Scottish golf in the foreground.

Nice Fido, I like the golf player :) .
Pre: Hot shower
Razor: Garantie Solingen for the Swedish market with Swedish steel
Brush: Semouge 2000
Soap: Tabac
Post: Proraso
AS: Dr Harris Sandalwood
A very lovely shave, this razor shaves me very good indeed . Brought out the big brush and did two passes on face and one on head, had to strop inbetween (heavy stubble on head).

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