Shave of the Day W/C Saturday 22nd May 2010

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antdad said:
I like that idea Mods...we need a "No Shave of the Day" thread.

EJ Bull Mastiff
Red IP (4)
Nannys Yushi Soap
Neo custom finest 2 band

This is what I would have used if I had managed to get out of bed on time! :lol:
..Some nice gear you have there Arrow! I really like your neocaligatio custom brush - classy! Chris is making me up a matching pair, one S/tip, and one "Full Boar". Will ask Chris to show them off for me when they are ready, because I don't have that facility at the moment!

:shock: :lol:
Iridium (2)
Duke 3 Best
Tabac Soap
Speick AS

Been awhile since I’ve used the Tabac, didn’t disappoint, still a damn fine soap.

Merkur 23c
Kent BK4
Nanny's Yushu soap
Alum Block
Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
Simple AS Balm
Cella Classica

A beautiful, slick lather - I think the heat and warmth had softened the soap up considerably which resulted in the best results I've ever had with it. Super-slippery & smelling gorgeous.

Gillette 1920s Ball-end Old Type
Shaving Shack Israeli blade
Kent BK4
Palmolive soap
Alum Block
Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
Simple AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Aftershave Lotion

Bloody hell that was an excellent shave - first time I'd used this razor since I got it a few months back. I'd forgotten I'd not given it a spin, so I did and was rewarded with a Merkur & Feather-style close shave. In fact, I'd label it as BBS. This one's going on a regular rotation

1951 Black Tip Super-Speed "W4"
Kai blade
Kent BK4
Cella soap
Alum Block
Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera
L'Oreal Men Expert 24hr Hydrating AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Aftershave Lotion

Finally managed to get the Cella a little slicker than I've managed so far - a mm or two of scalding hot water on top of the soap whilst I prepped & soaked the brush. Squeezed the brush dry then used it to soak up the water from the Cella whilst swirling it around to pick up more soap. Result - a much better lather than before which was much slicker than the wishy-washy lather I'd managed before. Hooray!!

Trumpers Limes cream
Wilkinsons blade
RazorRock alum
RSC Balm

New razor, decided to stick with known quantities for the rest of the kit and it was lovely. This razor is much heavier than the tech that I'd gotten used to, yet it's easier to get a close cut. One weeper and a couple of tingles off the alum but overall I'm impressed. I think this will be my new daily.

EJ Chatsworth
Astra Platinum (2)
Neo Finest 2-band
SWK Scuttle
Irisch Moos Soap
Witch Hazel
Canoe Cologne

Not a bad start to the day.

Have a good one gents.

Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Proraso Cream
Cinique Post Shave Soother

BBS. ATG with a Feather; not done that before.

Tuesday morning
Pre: Shower
Razor: Mappin and Webb (thank you Neil!!)
Brush: Custom 24 mm silvertip
Soap: Cella
Post: Proraso
AS: Old Spice fresh lime
I love this razor, did one pass on the head and two on the face and it never got dull or pulled


EJ DE89, German WS, Vulfix 2235, C&E Nomad soap, Alum, Aquatonic AS, Envy EDT.

I've been using several razors and leaving the blade in each, going for a clean up after a STR8 shave so I've lost track of the number of shaves with this blade. However, I think that I've probably well exceeded my 9 passes (3 day) change over point and I shouldn't just automatically change it. I'm finding that the sharper the blade the quicker it blunts I can get more uses from Red Personnas and Wilkinson Swords than I do Feathers and Yellow 7 o'clocks.

DFS by the way.
Good morning,

Men-U shave cream
Men-U Pure Bristle brush
Feather and Futur
Tabac AS spalsh

My face has settled in well to the new daily shaving routine, and skin condition is as good as ever.

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