Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 17th July 2010

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Thursday, 07-22-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Semogue 2000 - Guillette Aristocrat #58 Coronation set - 7 O'clock green Super Stainless #2 - Pre Proraso - Palmolive shaving soap - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Brummel + ASB 444.

Pre - Hot shower
Thayers Rose Witch hazel
Soap - Cella
Brush - Vulfix 404 Bodger
Razor - Merkur 38C
Blade - Red Personna (2)
ASB - Nivea
AS - Floid blue

My face was still feeling a bit raw after yesterdays shave with the 39C slant so I decided to use lovely lubricating Cella.

I loaded the brush uside down then for the first time I face lathered. After a couple of minutes of swirling around I felt that magical moment when thick creamy lather erupted from the brush and was spread all over my face. I managed enough for 2 passes then had to squeeze the brush slightly for my 3rd pass. This face lathering might catch on!
I don't think the slant will though
joe mcclaine said:
It isn't like anything else I've smelled. I'll get some over to you - in a nice empty Trumper's splash bottle - if you want.

Thanks for the reply and the offer, but I'm "off" splashes at the moment (possibly forever). I was just inquisitive as to what you made of the LV after reading descriptions like "Lilac Vegetal; fresh dog poo beside a pile of rotten garbage.". And yes, it was one of our USAian cousins.


Gillette Tech
Super-Max Stainless (1)
TBS Synthetic Brush
Culmak Soap
Gillette Series ASB
Denim AS

After yesterday's debacle with the carbon blade, I oppted for a mild setup today, reading about Sunbury's acquisitions of the Super-Max Stainless blade, I decided to have a shave with one of these, I quite like the blade, it gets the job done with no fuss same as the Tech a no fuss razor [not going to get BBS with this setup, but can get a nick/weeper free comfortable shave with it]. The Body Soap brush continues to excel a wonderful lather wipped up with the culmak [a truly underestimated soap]. So I'm a happy bunny again .


simmo3801 said:
This face lathering might catch on!
I don't think the slant will though

Shame you don't get on too well with it. I used mine fore the first time on three consecutive nights last weekend and it gave me a 'very' close shave and certainly no more irritation that my Superspeed. I've been using the SS all week for work, but am off for a couple of days now so am contemplating a return to the slant tonight.
Thursday Evening

Hot Shower
New Forest Brush
ToOBS Almond Cream
7 O'Clock Yellow (1)
Nivea ASB

Sorry for the hasty BlackBerry picture, I didn't fancy "Why are you taking the camera upstairs for a shower?" :shock:

Back to the 39C and a first try with a 7 O'Clock. I just did two passes, and this combination has given me such a close shave given such a light touch, and my skin feels untouched too. Happy days
EJDE89 + Iridium Super (5/6)
Semogue 1460 + BS maca root
witch hazel, blue stratos

Almost the same killer combination (for me) as yesterday after shower when I got home. Just switched the Body Shop original for maca root. Both lather superbly and smell great. DFS.
Thursday Night:

A shave down memory lane ... I revisited my first DER my Parker Knightsbridge (90R). I loaded in a new blade for me a Shark Super Chrome by the fine folk at Lord Group. Bearing in mind the numerous negative comments I've read against Parker TTOs (and the tarring of the 3 piece with that same brush quite often) since last shaving with the 90R, I checked to see if the blade was seated evenly, and, as I remember it usually being, it was.

What a freaking agressive combo! Wowee-owwwiee. It was not a particularly bloody or painful shave, but the 'afters' told a different tale of skin trauma. I'd recommend the combination for fans of agressive shaves, folks with tough beards and not overly sensitive skin, and ...
    • ... and folks who love when the AS splash really bites back.[/list:u][/list:u]

      I do not ever remember thinking of the Knightsbridge as an agressive bit if kit. This is what happens when you experience some of the other machines out there, I guess ... perspectives and such can change.

      So, anyway ... the SoTN:
      • - cleansed with Peach Thayers' witch hazel
        - beejay's Cobalt Blue SuperBadger custom and Nanny's Exotic soap
        - Parker Knightsbridge 90R and Shark Super Chrome classic 3 pass shave
        - Thayers' Rose Witch Hazel
        - Aloe vera gel
        - Alcolado Glacial AS
        - Yeni Cizgi Gul Suyu (Turkish rose water by Kartopu)
          • ... some small time after the Alcolado[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

Gillette New Regent
Lord Platinum
TOBS Sandalwood cream
Kent BK4
Alum block
Simple for Men AS Balm
Cella cologne
Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: New Forest Superior 2201
Cream: OLD Progress VULFIX Sandalwood
AS: Benjamins Bayrum, AII Osage

EJ DE87 with Feather blade
Simpson Duke 2 Best
Mitchell's Woolfat soap
Pinaud Lilac Vegetal aftershave

Same as yesterday.
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