Shave of the day w/c Saturday 15th May 2010

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Wednesday 05-19-10.

Soap from Aleppo - Restored brush TGN Grade A silvertip - Guillette Milord - 7 O'clock yellow #3 - Kells Original Arabian Spice shaving soap - Alum block - Toners Thayers Original Aloe Vera - ASL Pashana sample.

@Slow Shaving: Great razors those Milords - like Ranger Techs but with end caps.

Bic Sensitive razor
Semogue 1305 brush
Tabac shaving soap
Old Spice aftershave (Shulton)
Pre: Shower
Razor: Solingen Garantie made for the Swedish market
Brush: Custom 24 mm silvertip with jade handle (still breaking it in though)
Soap: Monsavone
Pre: Proraso
Strop: Vintage Roma no: 46

Very nice shave, not BBF, but good enough. WTG and ATG

Merkur 15c OC
Red Personna (1)
Semogue 1305
ToOBS (Mr Taylor) Cream

Nivea ASB & Forest Fresh AS Mix

Fabulous! The smoothest BBS for quite a while - and I've been in a decent run of form too.

The 15c is a razor I think is both undermentioned and overlooked; it has terrific balance and this morning I could feel and hear almost every whisker being cut. I dithered for about 10 minutes this morning whether to use the 15c or the 11c (yes, I am that sad!) and happily I'm glad I picked what turned out to be a good effortless shaver.

I haven't OCd for a while but, by yimminy, I've enjoyed it!


Trumper Razor
EJ Best Badger
Castle Forbes Pre-Shave
Castle Forbes Lavender Shaving Cream
D.R. Harris Pink a/s

Same as the rest of the week apart from the a/s


Merkur 39C Sledgehammer
Bic Chrome (1)
Vulfix 404 Boadger
Da Fat
Nivea Cool Kick AB
Tabac AS

Back to the slant for a while, and a jolly fine shave , its nice to be able to change from SE to DE and back again.

Have a nice and pleasant days Chaps.


Blyth Spirit said:
ThursdayMerkur 15c OC

I haven't OCd for a while but, by yimminy, I've enjoyed it!

I thought you'd abandoned the OC's I'd not seen them in your SOTD for a while.


Slant 37c
Feather (4)
Pure Badger
Nanny's Citrus Soap
Coral Skin Food

DFS with 2 passes, plus the odd touch up. I'm getting better with the slant now, I'd been getting a red neck and some weepers. I really eased up on pressure today and it seemed to have worked. I not yet, quite got the everyday consistency with Nanny's soap yet. Only just had enough for 2 passes.
Merkur HD
Gillette Swede
Kent BK2
TOBS sensitive skin S/C (unscented)
Zeoderm organic skin food

Just lovely! 2 passes, with a little buffing under the chin. A great start to the day!
Thursday 20/05/10

Prep: Warm/hot water / Dove soap (I know,I know!) / Warm flannel .

Gem 1912 SE / Gem blade(4)
Savile Row S/T 3120
Tabac stick
Alum / Thayers W.hazel / Dr Henks Bay rum ASB.

'Afternoon everyone!

In a bit of a rush this morning - looked long and hard at my old "Fusion" gear - decided not to do it! So therefore a rather hurried shave in the end. Two passes, one with, and one against, and a couple of touch ups on the chin.Not quite a DFS. Time to get more blades from Connaught I think! Not bad, 4 shaves so far from same blade, but I think BBS is going to be harder to attain with this set-up,have to see how it goes with a bit more practice. Comfort wise, really,really good, and absolutely no irritation or nicks - we'll have to see...

spandex.. Have a nice one y 'all (what there's left of it).

Merkur Slant, 37c
Cyril R Salter Rose Cream
Feather (2)
TOBS ebony Silvertip
WH/Tea Tree 'Splash'
Clinique Happy AS Balm

Used my 'regular' 38c yesterday. Had a good shave. Today came the big test for the slant. Could it beat the 38c? Decided to go with my best set up. Gone was the men-u pure bristle and out came the Big Daddy ebony silvertip. Gone were the various creams/soaps I used in previous testing rounds, and in came the Cyril Rose. The fancy AS balm (Clinique Happy; very fancy scent) made an appearance too. The Cyril Rose isn't the most protective of creams but it's still my favourite. A marvelous shave. I went AGT too, and surprisingly not a single nick or any sign of irritation, which is quite rare for me. I Couldn't feel any feedback from the Alum, which is always a good sign. At this rate, I won't need to use it daily as the Witch Hazel splash I use does a fine job as an astringent. The slant has also saved me from anymore 'testing' of blades as the Feather works in perfect harmony with it.

Of course, many razors are suitable if you get to 'know' them but the slant and I hit it off from the 2nd or 3rd shave. I just need to get use to the slanted edge for cutting my sideburns straight, and after that I am onto razor nirvana (with shaving nirvana to follow). Thanks again Gary for introducing me to the world of the 'Slant'.

Gillette Tech
Wilkinsons (3)
Trumpers Limes cream
RSC Balm

I'm getting a few bumps on both cheeks. I think I'll take it easy for a day or two.

Ever Ready 1912 head/aluminium handle
GEM SE blade
Cella soap
Kent BK4 / Vulfix bristle brush
Alum Block
Lloyds Chemists Witch Hazel
Gillette Series AS Balm
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum

Thought I'd give the Cella another go - tried some bowl lathering with the Kent and face lathering with the Vulfix. Still not getting the legendary slickness that everyone attributes to it. I used the Arko stick yesterday so I could get a close comparison and the Arko wins by thousands of miles. I'm now thinking of selling the Cella as I'm dreadfully underwhelmed by it....
Great googalie moogalie!

  • I have never,
    • ... never, ... ever,
      • ... never-ever-ever-never felt alum burn my skin before!
        • ... ouch.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]

          • -Simple "Kind to Skin" moisturiser a few times throughout the afternoon and evening after the clipping off of the beard.
            - Cold water in copious amounts.
            - Urban Hermit's 'All Agrog' shave oil pre-shave & oil pass stages
            - Mitchell's Wool Fat & Omega 49Pro
            - Merkur 39c aka 'LongSlant' with a fresh Gillette Bleue Extra (normally a fave of a blade & a heckuva razor - not sure about the combining the two, but it might also be my recent exposure of more jaw-skin.
            - after quite some time 'clenching' and 'swearing-through' my teeth: alum
            • ... ouch.[/list:u]
              - a few frosty water face-dunks aka "bobbing for numbness"
              - handfuls of Urban Hermit's "Bay Rum Baba Balm" ASL, not so much massaged in, as just soothingly smoothed over the skin, gently and lightly[/list:u]

              I'm pretty sure my next few shaves will be with one of my 'milder' razor & blade combos ...
              • ... maybe my red bakelite Minora.
                • ... or, perhaps my '71 Knack.
                  • ... or, maybe my 40's Tech, if I can 'borrow' my own razor back from SWMBA.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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