Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 14th Aug 2010

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Wednesday August 12, 2009

Trumper Razor
New Forest 2201
D.R. Harris Arlington Soap
Old Spice Whitewater a/s

Not used the Arlington soap, probably for months rather than weeks. Worked great.


Gillette Slim Twist
Gillette Superthin
Palmolive soap
Vulfix 2235
Envy EDT

SAS, in a rush picked up the slim twist and saw a Superthin blade still in it thought it'll be fine, but barely was. Its in the blade bin now.
Saturday morning
Pre: Shower
Razor: Revisor and Merkur 26c (for head)
Brush: Ikon 24 mm silvertip
Soap/Cream: Omega/Top Secret
Post: Prosraso
AS: Alcolado Glacial
Result: Mr Clean

Tons of super lather today. I did some laps on balsa and then a lot of laps on two different leather strops and the Revisor showed her best result so far. Actually I should send her off for honing, to Neil, but I like her so much that I don´t want to send her away, lol. Have a good day today All! Only free day this week and a lazy shave it was :D
Saturday 14/8, noon

Proraso sensite pre : Fat-handled Tech : Gillette Rubie (#2) : Omega 31064 : Castle Forbes Limes : Logona organic toner (menthol)


Futur (2)
Thai Superthin (2)
EJ Med Silvertip
Coates LE Cream
SWK Scuttle
CHH Tobacco AS

This is the 2nd time using the Coates. A little really does go a very long way! Lovely scent and a great protective lather. I really like this and will be keeping my eyes open for more of the Coates bits from Robert!

Have a good weekend gents.
Saturday, 08-14-10.

Soap from Marsella 72% Olive - Vie-Long horse hair "despuntada" - Guillette Sheraton - Feather #4 - Pre Proraso - TOBS Avocado - Alum block - Astringent Thayers Lemon - ASL Bowling Green + ASB Institut Karité.

Sensor razor
Simpson T2 brush
D R Harris Almond soap
Lilac Vegetal aftershave
The Hammam Bouquet EDT

Same old.

Have seen posts here (and SMF) about the launch of Eucris soap. A few months ago I'd be itching to get some but it didn't even make me think 'mmm'.

Perhaps I'll try their Almond soap as this Harris one is quite nice.

White proraso pre/post
Neo Custom 2 band + Proraso soap
Feather portable + red IP (1)
Thayers Lemon
Prosraso ASB

result: excellent :shave.

Red IP (2)
Vulfix #5
Arko SS
Polo Sport AS

The EJ today with the Red IP, same soap as yesterday and the EJ gave the better shave than the HD, nearly a BBS [and I wasn't going for it]. I would say both are excellent razors and really there isn't that much in it, both with give you exceptional shaves, I would say price would be the clincher. BTW who mentioned Flash Floods because my front path is now a small lake :shock: .



Gillette Rocket Flare Tip
Merkur blade
Nanny's Lavender soft soap
Boar brush
Nivea Aftershave cream

Results, a few nicks, but nothing I didn't stop with the alum. DFS!
I'm getting better results with the Merkur blades than with the Gillette Bleue.
Well, I put off shaving with my new DE setup until today. Wanted a weekend to recoup from all the cuts :D

Merkur 34C HD
Merkur Super Platinum
Palmolive shave cream
Vulfix 404
Styptic Pencil
Nivea Post Shave balm

I am quite pleased with my first DE shave experience. Only 3 nicks. 2 in the usual places and one b/c I wasn't paying attention :roll:

My face burned/itched for a bit but that went away in 30 mins. I'm guessing that goes away as well as getting a closer shave after a few days to weeks for my face to get accustomed? I actually look forward to shaving tomorrow :D
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