Shave of the Day. W/C Saturday 11th September 2010

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Re: Shave of the Day Start 17 Sept

Good morning, a day early but I'm sure we can forgive!

Looking at Roberts post has anyone any opinions on the nomad stuff?

Hot shower and hot towel
Vulfix 404 bodger
Sensor 3
Old spice AS

The sensor 3 blade has got better as the week has gone on! But fresh one on Monday and it's going to be the 2 bladed version. Off for the weekend so the merkur HD will be getting a run out on Saturday!

Have a good weekend.
Razor: EJ DE87
Blade: Feather
Brush: Simpson Tulip
Soap: Harris Almond
A/S: Pinaud Bay Rum
EDT: Aramis 900

Well, that was nice.
Razor: Rolls Razor
Brush: Simpsons Case
OLD Progress Vulfix Sandalwood
AS: Constanza Bayrum

Wring knot. 1min 50. 3 pass. Rework 1st. Thick 1st, thinned 2nd. Didn't wring out as much water. Got airy while working lather. Start out a little dry like prior and its golden.
Re: Shave of the Day Start 17 Sept

Ids said:
The sensor 3 blade has got better as the week has gone on! But fresh one on Monday and it's going to be the 2 bladed version.

That's been my experience with all DE blades, disposable razors and cartridges.

You just can't shave the same way on the 1st - 3rd shaves as you can from the 4th shave onwards.
Re: Shave of the Day Start 17 Sept

Shave last night.

Hot Hot towel
Shaving shack pure badger brush
Merkur 41 (1904) open comb razor
Proraso pre-shave cream
Body shop macca root cream
Personna blade
Proraso A/S
Body shop macca root moisturiser.

This was a very nice shave, very close and comfortable with no nicks.
Tried the badger brush today which is very nice, much much softer than the boar so needs a little more work to get the lather I want.
As for the razor, I love it! works really well for me.
Mixed the cream with a few drops of pre-shave oil (grooming lounge), seems to help the glide.
All in all, a very nice 2 pass shave. My next will be on Saturday lunchtime as trying to only shave every other day

Trumper Razor
New Forest 2201
Trumper's Rose Shaving Soap
Ogallala BR+L+P

Having recently changed some of my routine, and found that as a result of this I can now use a/s splashes, I decided that I might try alum again. I still have my old block so gave it a try this morning. So far so good.


I've had the Nomad since 2005 if I remember correctly, in my second tube at the moment.

Never used their soap but the cream is outstanding. Lathers richly, very moisturizing and a little goes a long way.
If you get the shaving cream they used to include a very nice (C&E engraved) small tool to squeeze the last contents of the tube out (don't know how this is called in English) as well.
Don't know for how much Robert gets it in the States but I was about to place an order last week from, they sell direct and the soap refill is 6 quid (soap and bowl is 11 quid) which is a very good deal for such a product.

Scent-wise is very subjective but personally the closest I can bring it to is my AoS Sandalwood, a very rich and pretty masculine scent. Don't take my word for it, though, as C&E do have a soap/sc sandalwood product and the Nomad may bear little or even no relationship to sandalwood despite of my perception.
Friday 17th September

New Forest 2201
St. James of London Soothing Cedarwood & Clarysage Shaving Cream
Gillette HD500 Rocket
Astra Superior Platinum (4)
Thayers Astringent WH
Aqua Velva AS
Proraso Post

Not such a good shave today, the lather from the cream seemed fine, so maybe I pushed the blade a bit far or was rushing. Ended up with a red irritated patch on my chin, the Proraso sorted it out though.
Day 2 of the "economy shaving" experiment:

Hot towel
Palmolive stick
Men-U synthetic brush
Edwin Jagger DE87
Zorrik blade

And none of this poncy ASB or cologne. This is what communism must feel like. When men were men and women looked like tractors. A close enough shave, but it's like driving an old Land Rover when there's a Lamborghini in the garage. I guess that I've been spoiled by Messrs Truefitt & Hill et al.

Right. I'm off to the market on the donkey cart to pick up some cabbage and scrag end that hasn't quite gone off yet to boil up for soup.
Back to the hedonistic delights of Ultimate Comfort tomorrow, methinks.


Friday, Day 21, going vintage.
Very old Ever-Ready SE razor bought as an unused antique in 1986(?) for 50p, I used it for the first time yesterday...
Gem Blade donated by JohnnyO
Palmolive Stick
Unbranded 'found in a drawer' brush

This razor is fantastic. An object of beauty and really easy to get a good close shave. I took it easy yesterday, thinking I might cut my face to ribbons, but a good 3 pass today gave close to a BBS as I've ever had. Thanks for the blades JohnnyO!
Thursday Evening

Futur + Gillette Bleue Extra (3)
Newfy 2201
Prairie Creations soap sample (thanks again, Fozz)

A very nice, smooth shave. And an opportuntiy to try a new soap.

Prairie Creations soap has a lovely lemony smell (I'm sure there was more to it, but I just got Lemon). Its lather is pretty slick, and after a quick rinse after the first and second passes, there was plenty of after-slip. One of the best things about this soap was its moisturising-ness: my face felt very soft after the shave. Will have to give this one another go.
Hot towel
Ever Ready 12a/Palmolive(to compare with MonSavon from yesterday,,Palmolive creamier)
Gillette slim/Tesco own blade (3)- still ok
Nivea replenishing ASB
No nonsense and comfortable.
regards, beejay
EJDE89L + Gillette Bleau (2)
Omega 10005 + Blue Stratos cream
Witch Hazel + Blue Stratos a/s
Blue Stratos EDT

I was tempted to open my shirt a few buttons and pop a medallion on as well
Of the cheap British classics, Blue Stratos is the clear winner. Better even than Old Spice. Yes, I said it!
First time with the cream and the lather was a bit disappointing. Smelled as it should (great) but it was a bit thin. I'll try a more generous dollop next time.

If you have an old Land Rover, why would want a Lamborghininininini?
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                    • *watches everyone recoil from the use of the sacred word of power*[/list:u]
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