Shave of the day, Saturday 8th- Friday 14th April 2017

Good morning... Good way to start a day - fantastic shaver like TheSingleEdge by supply plus wonderfull scent of rosemary and lavander of brutaltbrabarbersåpe. At the end my favorite as - Speick.

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image.jpg SOTD 9th April

Old Spice Sunday...Smell Like A Man!

Razor..Hone type 15
Blade..Polsilver Iridium Super #2
Soap..Old Spice..Shulton
Brush..SOC Two band badger
Post..Thayers lavender
A-S..Old Spice..Shulton

This combo of razor and blade gave me a fantastic finnish, the Old Spice soap was as slick and protective as it always was and the Old Spice aftershave bought back memories of yesteryear.....wonderful.

Have a great Sunday people.......:)
First shave for three days, just been so overwhelmed with what we have going on here not had time nor inclination.
Unfortunately I struggled getting a decent lather, and the blade was very tuggy, but after three passes with no mishaps I am silky smooth and feeling a little bit refreshed.
Sorry, no photos, I'm not that refreshed! :)
Exec pre shave oil,
Fatip grand,
Kent bk
Calini bay rum soap,
Voskhod #3
Thayers rose petal toner.
First shave for three days, just been so overwhelmed with what we have going on here not had time nor inclination.
Unfortunately I struggled getting a decent lather, and the blade was very tuggy, but after three passes with no mishaps I am silky smooth and feeling a little bit refreshed.
Sorry, no photos, I'm not that refreshed! :)
Exec pre shave oil,
Fatip grand,
Kent bk
Calini bay rum soap,
Voskhod #3
Thayers rose petal toner.
Don't over do it J. All work and no play and all that :)
SOTD:9th April 2017
Sun B.jpg
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Dove-Cool Fresh body & face wash / warm wet flannel to my face.


Wilkinson Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush:Chinese Synthetic.

Bowl Lather.

Cream: Groomed Shave Cream.

Blade: Gillette Wikinson Sword 'Saloon Pack'. (1)

Razor: Sharpy England HD.+ Shim

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Brut-Oceans A/S.

Groomed-Post Shave Balm.

Another experimental shave with my homemade shim..the verdict?..absolutely superb, the last month or so, i've had no shaving errors at all,.."i shouldn't have said that!... i've done nothing different to my shaving methods maybe my technique & skin are getting use to my method of shaving, or my confidence is vastly improving.i've trained my mind to think 'i control the pressure to the razor, not vice versa, adding to that, i respect all my razors either aggressive or non-aggressive, and never get complacent with them, if i do my ladies will bite me!
A easy effortless 3 pass silky smooth shave with no errors to report.
My face is feeling smooth fresh,and stinking to high heaven. Enjoy your sunday,ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
SOTD:9th April 2017
View attachment 24559
Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Dove-Cool Fresh body & face wash / warm wet flannel to my face.


Wilkinson Fruits: Rhubarb & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush:Chinese Synthetic.

Bowl Lather.

Cream: Groomed Shave Cream.

Blade: Gillette Wikinson Sword 'Saloon Pack'. (1)

Razor: Sharpy England HD.+ Shim

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Lavender oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Brut-Oceans A/S.

Groomed-Post Shave Balm.

Another experimental shave with my homemade shim..the verdict?..absolutely superb, the last month or so, i've had no shaving errors at all,.."i shouldn't have said that!... i've done nothing different to my shaving methods maybe my technique & skin are getting use to my method of shaving, or my confidence is vastly improving.i've trained my mind to think 'i control the pressure to the razor, not vice versa, adding to that, i respect all my razors either aggressive or non-aggressive, and never get complacent with them, if i do my ladies will bite me!
A easy effortless 3 pass silky smooth shave with no errors to report.
My face is feeling smooth fresh,and stinking to high heaven. Enjoy your sunday,ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
Great fat handle, windrose?
Great fat handle, windrose?
No,it actually came with the razor, passed on to me by a friend who started DE shaving the same time as me, but it wasn't for he gave me his shaving kit, this was one of the razors he gave me, amongst other items, it's a excellent handle, especially for me only having small hands..i may try it on some of my other razors..i may make a excellent frankenrazor.Regards.:)
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