SE razors are harder to find than dinosaurs

If you're lucky the rust is not from the razor, but from a rusty old blade that was in the razor. It looks to me as if there is no blade in the head, which is not what I'd like to see in an injector, but a sign that there might have been a rusty blade in there. Let us know how it works out for you.
As It looks as though no blade in the Razor.

Do not forget that the first blade you load may get damaged in the process, so eject it &reload with one for the shave.
I keep an old blade dispenser marked 'blanks' filled with used injector blades that have been cleaned, blunted and then disinfected. I mainly use this to inject a clean blade into pass around injectors before passing them on, but this could be used for injectors that don't have a blade in the head. If this is your first injector you might have to waste a blade I'm afraid. The cheap Personna blades are a good choice.
I keep an old blade dispenser marked 'blanks' filled with used injector blades that have been cleaned, blunted and then disinfected. I mainly use this to inject a clean blade into pass around injectors before passing them on, but this could be used for injectors that don't have a blade in the head. If this is your first injector you might have to waste a blade I'm afraid. The cheap Personna blades are a good choice.
I will do that. I see Connaught's sell the Schick injector blades.
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