Saturday 7st November to Friday 13th November 2020.

This made me laugh a lot more than I should have done!

Fine work, thanks for posting it.
I think Confucius also said: "You cannot laugh too much...unless it gives you a hernia"
Donnie...if you didn't get a hernia then you didn't laugh more than you should have.
In times like these, it's nice to make people smile and just as nice to hear that people are smiling! Thanks for your comment my friend (y)
Monday AM 2020-11-09
Carl Sagan Birthday

Rooney Polo 2 Ivory Finest (28/60)
Crabtree & Evelyn Lavender shaving cream (vintage)
Personna 74 Tungsten (5)
Yardley English Lavender aftershave (vintage)
PS-Turkish Bar Soap
Brush- Generic of some age.*
Soap- Bastard mix of various tin ends Harris, TOBS, Palmolive et al.
Razor- Razorock V3*
Blade-Feather ProGuard
AS-Raw lavender oil diluted

*Cant remember the brush origins probably Mammoth hair.

*First outing with this rig. I use a Cobra occasionally with the same blade so after some early excitement I got a good result. It seems very particular to angle.

Razor: RazoRock Hawk V3
Blade: Feather Pro Super (3)
Brush: Yaqi Purple Haze
Soap: Proraso Red (Super Formula)
Pre: Proraso Red
ASL: Proraso Red


I'm really impressed with this super formula. It provides a great lather. The scent brings back happy memories of when I first started this journey with my 34C and blade samples. The Proraso Red cream was my cream of choice for the first couple of months.

SOTD : 10th November 2020.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower /Cussons Imperial Leather ~ Arctic Ocean & Icelandic Moss Shower Gel.


Cold wet flannel to my face.

Simple ~ Sensitive Bar Soap + Nuage Menthol shaving Oil.

Brush : Omega 11047 Mixed Midget.

Face Lather.

Soap : Hampshire Wool Fat Lanolin Shaving Soap.

Blade: Rapira Swedish Supersteel. (1)

Razor: Kanzy K100.


Cold Water Face Rinse./Homemade peppermint Lavender, +eucalyptus, Tea Tree Oil Witch Hazel Mixture./ Benjamin's ~ Mentholated Bay Rum./L'0REAL ~ Barber Club Reinforcing ASB.


Early morning cold water shave,

The kanzy k100 has a nice weight to it, with a closed 'tech type head' it holds the blade rigidly with no blade over-hang which is very comfortable to shave with having no issues of catching my ear lobes or under my nose when shaving.

I Personally find 3 piece razors more assertive than TTO models, maybe it's just my imagination that said, it also depends on the blade choice and my shaving technique.

The Hampshire wool fat lanolin soap provided a excellent lather leaving a wonderful post shave feel.

A enjoyable 3 pass + pick ups near BBS shave with no errors to report...Another great example to myself that a simple inexpensive shave set up can provide a pleasurable error free shave.:)

Finishing to the shave off with a generous dollop of L'0REAL ~ Barber Club Reinforcing ASB.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling divine.;)

Stay safe, and enjoy your day ladies & gentlemen.:cool:
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