Saturday 6th November to Friday 12th of November of 2021.

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A pattern seems to be emerging… I’m now reaching for the Feather AS-D2 and Feather blades, far more than any other razor or blade combination. This is excellent, as they give me fantastic shaves, yet it also prompts dangerous thoughts, such as; “I could sell some of my other razors.”

That way madness lies!

However, having said that, if someone washed me up on a desert island and said you could only ever use the AS-D2, Feather blades, Mitchell’s and the Duke. I would not be unhappy.

Stay safe and enjoy your shaves.

Razor: Feather ASD2
Blade: Feather (1)
Soap: Mitchell’s Wool Fat
Brush: Simpson’s The Duke 3 BB
Pre-shave: Bloom water
Post-shave: None
Bowl: Face lather
Surprisingly, I am unable to read every post. I recommend a PM if you want to get in touch.

Being asked to clarify a post which might be misread (yes, that would someone else's fault) is not being 'trotted out'. I asked you to clarify. You did so admirably. No issue exists and further unpleasantness, such as occurred earlier, is avoided.

A good result all round!

Prep: Saponificio Varesino Monoï de Tahiti
Bowl: Fine
Brush: Morris & Forndran Heritage II L7
Soap: Saponificio Varesino 70th. Anniversary
Razor: Wolfman WR2 TI
Blade: Polsilver Super Iridium
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Saponificio Varesino 70th. Annyversary

Best Regards
Tuesday 9th November

Cream • Nivea Originals
Brush • Yaqi Mokka Express
Razor • Timeless 0.68 SS Scalloped
Blade • Gillette Silver Blue (1)
Post • 4711 Aftershave
Scent • Penhalligons Castile

Recent talk about Nivea shave cream prompted my choice of lather tonight. There's nothing not to like about this excellent and inexpensive product. A very small amount goes a very long way, and it lathers in no time at all.
It's been quite some time since I last used my SS Timeless. Of all my razors, this is my absolute favourite. On the dimpled handle it's perfectly weighted, and it does it's job with a particular precision,
4711 Aftershave & a few sprays of Penhalligons Castile, which to my nose compliment each other very well, finished the shave off very nicely.
Razor = Rockwell 6s ( 4 )
Blade = Gillette 7 O’clock Sharpedge. ( Yellow )
Brush = Wild West Brush Works 24mm Cashmere
Soap = May Chang Gentleman’s Groom Room
Splash = Myrsol Blue
Balm = Baxter’s Of California
Another Cracker for me tonight
The 6s is fast becoming my favourite razor
in fact rotation wise i’m using more & more to the fact where it’s going me thinking do i need all the rest.
The Soap for me was top drawer a lovely scent which i’m looking forward to using again.
Everything about the shave was class really but it’s got me thinking about the rest of the razors i have.
Onwards & Upwards Lads & Lassies
Stay Safe
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