Saturday 02th January to Friday 08th January 2021

Vintage Month Razor #05
Pre: Shower
Brush: Alpha Outlaw Titanium G4 Synth
Soap: Tabac
Razor: Schick B1 Repeating Razor 1927-32
Blade: Personna Injector (10)
Post shave: Cold water Rinse, TC's infused Witch Hazel
Balm: Tabac
Aftershave: Tabac

Not the greatest shave today with the Schick repeating razor, the blade went off during 2nd pass, i could feel it tugging a bit on the ATG pass, therefore it has been retired. Easy enough, pull, push and new blade fitted, very satisfying.
A great lather as expected from the soap and brush.
A DFS finish and smelling very 1970's
Stay safe and enjoy your day All.

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Semogue Owners Club LE 2012 Mixed Badger/Boar
Cream Musgo Real Oak Moss
Razor:Merkur Mergress (2.5)
Blade: Vintage NOS Gillette Spoiler (8)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel
Scent: Musgo Real Oak Moss EdC

Wow - what a shave! Three passes for an effortless BBS result.
Is Musgo Real Oak Moss the most masculine scent in wet shaving? Well, in my humble opinion, it is most certainly in the conversation.
5 January

Wickham 1912 Magnum
Semogue SOC boar (yesterday)
Semogue SOC 2 band (today)
Parker Variant (2.5ish)
Gillette Silver Blue
Nivea 2 Phase asl

Two days shaves in one picture. The only variable being the brush, both being Semogue Owner's Club, boar bristle yesterday, and badger today. Both were good close shaves. The Variant is a very good adjustable razor, the Wickham Magnum is a wonderful soap, and both brushes are good examples of their type. The boar just held enough lather for two passes, but it is still quite new, the badger held enough for three or four, and is quite a bit softer. I enjoyed both, variety...etc.
Straight shave #5

Ralf Aust 5/8 Square Point
Thater 4125/1
Barrister & Mann Waves
Proraso Green AS
GFT Skin Food (Lime)

A fine two pass shave. I am getting the hang of the hollows underneath my chin- certainly tricky areas that I need 2 passes to ‘hit' properly.

Some sting with the alum but we are getting there. I don't seem to have destroyed the edge yet and my stropping technique is coming back to me pretty well.

So far enjoying this journey of the ‘2021 year of the Straight'. A sharp blade to my throat takes my mind off of Lockdown anyway .

Tuesday 5th January

Wash with L'Oreal Hydra Energetic Face Wash
Lather up with ABW Scanlon w/Cashmere Synthetic 24mm & VITOS Super Extra
Single pass shave with RazoRock Game Changer 0.84 OC & PermaSharp Super (4)
Hot rinse, cold rinse, dab of Prep Creme & Brut Passion Aftershave​

Super! I'm finding my groove with the Game Changer ...

It's just fitting the blade that I find fiddly. It doesn't sorta feel right either way around; putting on the cap or on the baseplate. Once together, though, it's all good! It does put me in mind of how the Gillette Goodwill secures the blade. Actually, the Goodwill is particularly well engineered that once nipped up, the blade is very centered and very secure!

Tuesday AM 2021-01-05
National Screenwriter Day

Rooney 3/3 Ivory Finest (26/60)
Floris No. 89 shaving soap (tallow)
Wolfman WR2-SB/WRH3
Gillette Super Stainless 'Spoiler' (8)
Floris No. 89 aftershave (vintage)

The soap, one of the very best ever made and a favorite of mine, is almost gone. When it is, I'll just switch to the corresponding cream, which also is good. I have lots of the vintage aftershave to use up.
Tue 5th January

RR Syn 22mm
L'Occitane Cade soap
Occams Enoch
Schick Proline ( 5 )
Tuff Green A/S Lotion

Having now proved itself to be a superb Razor whilst shaving at Home, must try it out when travelling to see how it fares in different Shaving environments. When I will be able to do that is rather in the lap of the Gods.